DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States
MD_Icarus Posted at 2016-12-12 13:24
I did not press the button for about 7 days.
Upon plugging them in the P4 today, they both showed 97% charge. So I discharged them a little bit by leaving them in the P4 for a few minutes. I also changed the discharge time to 1 day for both of them. I will check again in a few days...I am not going to be flying any time soon, as we are having a Polar Vortex forming!
Just to clarify, were they at 97% when you initially left them, or was it closer to 100%? If everything is up to date and you are running the latest app, the discharge function should work. Please let me know if it still does not discharge on its own. |