Jason Lane
Flight distance : 260144 ft
"If you read the Manual this is not in the RTH section"
I know it's not the RTH section. But it's the section that describes the capabilities and limitations of the Forward and Downward Vision System, which also can be used during RTH, as well as several other modes of flight not specifically mentioned in that section.
"I haven't tried it and I don't know what modes it works in."
I have tried it, and I'm happy to try it again tomorrow and post my results.
“But the point your trying to get across in your thread is turning off downward vision sensors so you can fly under trees”
That wasn’t really the main point of my thread at all. I just mentioned some of situations I could think of where I think disabling downward OA (not the downward vision sensors) would be beneficial. We saw the post in the past few days where the pilot’s Mavic rose up into the roof over a picnic table, apparently because the sensors mistakenly thought it was at or near 0ft from the ground. Had Landing Protection been disabled, that crash most likely would not have happened.
I can think of another situation where disabling Landing Protection can can be useful, and it has nothing to do with overhangs or trees; You might want to get a shot where the Mavic flies towards and then over something, clearing it by just 0.5m or less. With Landing Protection enabled, the Mavic will rise and ruin the shot.
“Also the removal of downward OA may also cause many more hard landings on an aircraft that wasn't built for hard landings, with such short legs”
Thankfully, even with Landing Protection switched off, the Mavic slows its descent drastically as it gets closer to the ground. I was testing this just today in Sport mode. The normal max descent rate seems to be about 3m/s, but the Mavic starts to slow its descent from aout 10m above the ground. By the time it’s touching down, the descent rate is about 0.2m/s. To be honest, with Landing Protection disabled I can land the Mavic more gently than the Mavic lands itself in auto-landing.
“And lastly aircraft descending quickly can cause what's known as Vortex ring or Propwash causing an outcome of aircraft flipping on landing.”
My understanding is that DJI has limited the max descent speed to ensure there’s no possibility of this happening, and as mentioned above, it’s especially slow when close to the ground. I’ve also applied full down stick many times at various heights in both normal and Sport mode, and I’ve never seen a hint of instability.
“For me and considering so many new pilots turning of Downward OB will cause more problems both indoor and outdoor.
For the best indoor flights with the least amount of problems it's best to fly in a suitable environment, once you try to cut back on this as a given , then no matter what you do your taking a risk.”
Yes, we should always try to take all factors into account when planning a flight. Part of good planning is knowing what tools and features are available, and having a full understanding about how they work. That was the main point of my thread; having the ability to switch on or off downward OA (Landing Protection) gives me control over yet another one of those features.