Flight distance : 117077 ft
Ok, I wasn't going to mention this online as I'm likely to be ridiculed. However, I now think it's worth bringing up as a warning to other newbies.
I went to buy spare blades from the shop I bought the I1. I asked about carbon fibre and they said they wouldn't sell them as they can cause a lot more damage.
A couple of days later I tried "indoor" mode (P-Opti) for the first time. The I1 took off, hovered at about 1.2m for a while and then quite suddenly veered towards me. As a novice I did not want to use the stick... the craft was at 90 degrees to me and I was worried if I pushed the wrong way it would go towards my wife who was watching. Inexperience.
I thought I would just push the craft by the bottom of the battery to get it away from me. Stupid. My fingers went through a blade. Blade shattered, I1 flipped upside down, stopped. Blood everywhere and I whizzed to hospital in shock. 11 stitches in two fingers, third heavily bandaged.
My own fault completely. But I couldn't help wondering what state my fingers would have been in if I hadn't taken the shop's advice and bought CF blades.... would I still have them???
Lesson 1... do not operate this indoors in a confined space until you are 100% experienced with the controls.
Lesson 2... do some research on CF blades.... I don't know for sure if what the shop told me was right, but I'm glad I didn't find out the hard way.
Hunkering down..... |