So i got my Phantom 4 a couple months ago and i am loving it. No proplems whatsoever. But then something very annoying started happening to it. Last month the Phantom decided to stop reading the SD card and displaying messages "No SD Card." But there is one in. I have restarted the drone, remote, and my phone many many many times and nothing is working. I cannot record or take photos, i dont know what it is:/
Anybody else have this proplem?? Any thoughts?
I am using a Sandisk ultra 32gb card. This isnt a cheap SD card.
The Sandisk Ultra card is a borderline card, it is only barely able to record fast enough, because it is not specified for a fast enough sustained recording rate. Try a Sandisk Extreme Pro or Sandisk Extreme.
Also, it may stop working if you keep simply copying off the files or cutting and pasting, so each time you copy your files off, put it back in the aircraft and re-format it.
I managed to do that on a new cellphone. It can be done, and I got a bill for $150 to fix it along with a note of "Customer abuse and warranty voided" but I knew I did it too.
Too bad DJI doesn't put a little symbol on the slot with some gold markings for the pins pointing up or something as it does seem backwards as it is.
Most likely, the unit's SD card port has become corrupted. Have you already gotten in contact with the North American Support team in order to look into a repair service?