The Mavic is worth it
3155 21 2016-12-19
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United States

As someone pointed out that there are lots of negatives about broke drones, because people come here for support in a lot of cases.  I'd like to echo another poster and say damn it's a good platform.  I sold my Phantom 2 which was great, but had some limitations that the Mavic overcomes.  The who not having props in the screen is great, the interface, options all of it are amazing when comparing to the Phantom 2.  While I think my phantom 2 was actually faster in ATTI mode - the Mavic seems waaaay more speedy - especailly when accelerating to speed in sport mode.  I suspect that's because of weight, but it flys like a dream, very buttery on the controls is the best way to describe it.

The time to setup and operate is so quick, although I will say, while I *could* carry it around in my pocket, I wouldn't its a bit on the bulkier side when thats concerned, so the little case that is padded is nice for holding all the accessories and it - and you can just throw that case into your backpack and go.
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United States

Agreed the Mavic is a great easy to use quad! @ a great price!
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United States

Agreed!  I find myself weaving in and out of trees almost with abandon.  It's so responsive to commands.  Of course, it will drift in turns like any quad will, but it's so predictable that you just plan for it.

Has anyone else noticed that the obstacle avoidance sensors trigger a slowing of the aircraft when you're passing close by an obstacle?  It won't sound a warning it it's not in the craft's direct path, but if it's close it will slow forward movement way down until it senses that it's past the danger and then it will speed right up again.  Someone put some real thought into the calibration of this thing!
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Incredible Aeri

United States

I agree. For the size and price, best drone on the market. My Inspire 1 has a better camera, but at what price? 3k and a huge drone to lug around with a large setup and break down time. I have the Mavic up in the air in under a minute and put it away in under a minute and it all fits in a small backpack.
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United Kingdom

Nice to read some positive feedback on the Mavic (i know forums are the go to for when you have troubles or some kind of beef) i can't wait till i finally get mine!
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Thanks for posting, indeed it is TOTALLY WORTH IT !
There is no other company out there that can offer this technology for the price, even if it was much larger.
Then the portability of this little gem, it's absolutely amazing.
I do a lot of motorcycle cruising and if I wanted a drone to take with my, I'v have to strap a Phantom on the luggage rack. The Mavic can easily fit in one of the saddle bags, I could probably fit 5 06 6 Mavics in there.
I really love the size of it.
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United States

Yep, personally I've had a slight glitch here or there but they are completely overwhelmed by the positives of the Mavic so far.  Newsgroups gave me the impression that there were more negatives than positives.  It's not that anyone's giving inaccurate accounts.  It's just that issues get posted more as people rightly look for comparable experiences and advice.

I thought the early YouTube reviews (which were typically by outfits that almost exclusively review DJI products) were maybe exaggerating when they described how stable the Mavic was at hover.  After my first weekend (which included some cold coastal winds) I'd say my Mavic is even more stable than those videos portrayed.  It's almost eerie how solid it is.  To think this is a first iteration... it's quite incredible!

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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I suppose for a while there ,  It was like getting a bicycle at christmas and not being able to ride it until Easter , lol . but the Mavic is a great piece of Kit, and getting better by the day..
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Drone Odyssey
Flight distance : 25430 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-12-19 16:36
Thanks for posting, indeed it is TOTALLY WORTH IT !
There is no other company out there that can offer this technology for the price, even if it was much larger.
Then the portability of this little gem, it's absolutely amazing.

Hi Ken...

My Mavic Pro has been working great until yesterday. I pressed the RTH and during the return flight a message appeared that said something like "forward sensors disabled." I immediately cancelled the RTH. When I looked my forward sensor was on.

When I fly my again I'll try RTH again and see if the message appears again. Otherwise it's been working great albeit I'm hesitant about flying the Mavic too far or over the ocean where I like to photograph and video the coastline which I've done with my P-4.

BTW...My son received his Mavic Pro but he sold it for a $500.00 profit.....He's got another on order though.
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Peter Galbavy
Flight distance : 545377 ft
United Kingdom

I agree that as a product it is great. Truly game changing in it's portability and it's features. I have taken thing slowly and the Mavic still feels more "fragile" than my P4 but I think that's purely the time I have been flying the two aircraft and the size of the remotes. I have taken things easy and careful and built up to more and more complex flying and I am just about up to speed on focusing at the right times :-) The compass issue is still scary but the clear explanation and the firmware update have made me less worried when flying.

There is still the bad taste of how the pre-orders were handled and I look forward to seeing how DJI have learnt from this. This has been the only negative so far.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Drone Odyssey Posted at 2016-12-19 14:58
Hi Ken...

My Mavic Pro has been working great until yesterday. I pressed the RTH and during the return flight a message appeared that said something like "forward sensors disabled." I immediately cancelled the RTH. When I looked my forward sensor was on.

I will check it out when I go flying again.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Peter Galbavy Posted at 2016-12-19 15:04
I agree that as a product it is great. Truly game changing in it's portability and it's features. I have taken thing slowly and the Mavic still feels more "fragile" than my P4 but I think that's purely the time I have been flying the two aircraft and the size of the remotes. I have taken things easy and careful and built up to more and more complex flying and I am just about up to speed on focusing at the right times :-) The compass issue is still scary but the clear explanation and the firmware update have made me less worried when flying.

There is still the bad taste of how the pre-orders were handled and I look forward to seeing how DJI have learnt from this. This has been the only negative so far.

I'm glad you are linking the Mavic, and that's great you are taking it slow and working up to more advanced flying.
And I'm sorry it took a while to receive yours.
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Droney McDronef
Flight distance : 31539 ft
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New Zealand

I have only flown mine a few times so far but i am super happy with the Mavic also.

It's a brilliant design and flies beautifully. I had it hovering in some fairly fierce winds that thwarted me from doing any serious flying, But the thing held position as well as my Inspire 1 does!
The footage was incredibly stabilized given how much it was being tossed around too!

Flight time seems great so far and the camera is amazing given its size. It's kind of hard switching back to 60mbs mp4 after using raw for a while.. but the size and convenience of the Mavic mean i'm probably going to end up using this thing allot more often.

Now if they could just double the data rate for the camera, this thing might be just about perfect!

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Flight distance : 5892 ft
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United States

Good to see more positive experiences, I'm still taking it easy because of issues I've read about but the first time I put it up and let it hover, then started flying around then brought it back to hover in front of me again I found myself just staring at it for a minute. I was really amazed at the level of stability also and how smooth it flys. I have the fly more combo and I'm glad I got it. The case is a little tight but it's starting to loosen a little and the controller I turn a little to fit the stems more in a corner so they're not so pushed over. Really liking this setup so far.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Totally worth it.   
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States


Happy Happy Happy with my Mavic!

Thanks for posting your good news.

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Drone Odyssey Posted at 2016-12-19 21:58
Hi Ken...

My Mavic Pro has been working great until yesterday. I pressed the RTH and during the return flight a message appeared that said something like "forward sensors disabled." I immediately cancelled the RTH. When I looked my forward sensor was on.

good for your son, a slap in the face for others. Profiting on the misery of others, I'm sure you're very proud
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After finally getting my Mavic last Monday, I know that I could never go back to the form factor of the current Phantom line. It's way too bulky and and the Mavic is more fun to fly. Hopefully the Phantom 5 will be much more Mavic-like. If you're buying the P4P, you're buying a design that is obsolete and unnecessarily inconvenient to transport and use. The Mavic is well worth the wait.
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United States

I think there is still a place for the Phantom for more serious aerial photographers.  For me it's more about the fun of flying and convenience with the ability to take some really good shots, so the Mavic wins over, say, the P4 or P4 Pro.  However...

I think the lack of weight/heft in the gimbal assembly that's required for the Mavic, while making it perfect for many, will still leave room for a heavier craft with a more substantial gimbal setup.

Actually at the lower end of the market getting the Mavic has made me consider purchasing a P3 Standard as well, as the idea of something capable but cheap might be good for some riskier shots (e.g. capturing low, panning shots of frozen lakes).  The Phantom can probably go upmarket because of the heft, but can also probably hit the lower end of the market too in a way that the Mavic couldn't.

Horses for courses...  Many great options.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

golden_blunder Posted at 2016-12-20 03:21
good for your son, a slap in the face for others. Profiting on the misery of others, I'm sure you're very proud

It's capitalism man.   Good for him!

What I don't agree with is resellers posting drones on auction sites for huge markups.   That isn't right.
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Flight distance : 348540 ft
United Kingdom

Hi Guys,

I want in on this positivity train!

The Mavic is Amazing FULLSTOP. The amount of people I have shown this thing to follows this exact formula of reactions..

"Ohhhh its waaay smaller than I was expecting and lighter too..." -  "How much was this thing....." -  "How much????? That's a lot of money for a toy" - **I then proceed to show them what it can do** - "holy cow! that's totally worth it, I want one!"

This is my first pro quad after using Hubsan quads for practice and the skills transfer is like Day and Night, absolutely love the Mavic, I have taken it every day to work to fly in my lunch time and I think I will take it everywhere with me just in case!

I am now looking into doing the course in the UK to be do commercial jobs and look into it a possible career!   
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Flight distance : 3419 ft

golden_blunder Posted at 2016-12-20 17:21
good for your son, a slap in the face for others. Profiting on the misery of others, I'm sure you're very proud

AMEN! Weak mind and greedy palms.
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