Mavic Pro will NOT descend unless VPS turned off.
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

JegerLars Posted at 2017-2-3 13:38
I RMAd mine, just got it back. Havent gotten around to do any flight testing, but now it registers clearance well when I hold it in my hand.

However, what stings is that they aknowledged the problem was a hardware problem in the drone, from purchase. I still had to fork out 100 USD (!) to send it for repairs to the Netherlands - no refund......

Did they specify what the hardware fault was?
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Flight distance : 3773 ft
  • >>>

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-3 14:01
Did they specify what the hardware fault was?

No, its kind of hilarious, they just copied what I wrote I thought the error was when I sent it in and gave me a brand new drone.

....DJI service
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Flight distance : 20390 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-1-25 18:09
They are working on it. And yes I'm a full time DJI employee.
If you have a trip planned then contact support and start an RMA and send it in.
That is probably the quickest resolution as it's the Chinese New Year now.

DJI Case# CAS-374846-L0S0Q5
UPS Tracking 1ZE80E409098852393

I appreciate anything you can do to expedite the return.

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Carey-L Posted at 2017-2-3 15:54
DJI Case# CAS-374846-L0S0Q5
UPS Tracking 1ZE80E409098852393

Got it, thanks.
As I said earlier, I'll talk to the repair shop manager about your case and make sure it's processed quickly and repaired of a replacement sent back to you.
Have a great weekend.
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Flight distance : 536768 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-4 09:00
Got it, thanks.
As I said earlier, I'll talk to the repair shop manager about your case and make sure it's processed quickly and repaired of a replacement sent back to you.
Have a great weekend.

Have the engineers figured out anything relating to this fault yet? DJI has been rather quiet about it.
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Dragonfly Photo
Flight distance : 5409711 ft
  • >>>
United States

Jit Posted at 2017-2-4 23:54
Have the engineers figured out anything relating to this fault yet? DJI has been rather quiet about it.

Over a month now and still no definitive word on what they are doing about this. Makes me think that perhaps they either do not know what is causing it or do know what is causing it but are unable to fix it.

Either way some transparency to the progress would be greatly appreciated albeit uncommon considering DJI's past communications.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
  • >>>
United States

Dragonfly Photo Posted at 2017-2-5 07:50
Over a month now and still no definitive word on what they are doing about this. Makes me think that perhaps they either do not know what is causing it or do know what is causing it but are unable to fix it.

Either way some transparency to the progress would be greatly appreciated albeit uncommon considering DJI's past communications.

I've been dealing with DJI since 2008 and I can tell you they take the Chinese New Year very seriously. There's a few things including the VPS issues we are having that are in limbo right know and I'm almost positive that we will see a fix this coming week.
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Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

Dragonfly Photo Posted at 2017-2-5 07:50
Over a month now and still no definitive word on what they are doing about this. Makes me think that perhaps they either do not know what is causing it or do know what is causing it but are unable to fix it.

Either way some transparency to the progress would be greatly appreciated albeit uncommon considering DJI's past communications.

I have a suspicion of whats going on.... This evening, after updating DJI GO 4 I now see a "vision system error" Never seen before but I guess now it's there due to the update. So I chceked and un chaecked everything in the sensor part of the app and this warning didn't disapear....
So whilst I'm doing this I pick up the Mavic to move it and my fingers grab the heat sink on the bottom and it's so hot, not quite but nearly to the point of burning my fingers, but also definitely to the point of damaging PCB's and other hardware.... Guess whats poking through the heat sink?? Thats right the downward vision cameras and sonar. The fan within the Mavic does come on, which also cools the heat sink, but I reckon it's coming on far too late and because of that I suspect the heat is damaging the hardware within.

Also, after the app update, and disableing the VPS, the vision system error dosen't go whcih I reckon means just one thing..... It' a hardware issue

dji go 4 2.jpg
dji go4 1.jpg
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Flight distance : 4096877 ft
United States

I would like to mention for all who haven't initiated RMA yet -- think twice before you do that. I read about a lot of other problems with Mavic like blurry image on one side, jelly effect, but I was so happy I didn't have it. Not after I've sent my Mavic for repairing VPS sensors though. I was hoping they would simply fix it. Unfortunately, they decided to send back a completely new unit and now I don't have VPS issue, but instead I see a lot of picture shaking in my videos and plus left side of the image is always blurry.
I guess I'm moving to another thread to get it solved...
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Flight distance : 536768 ft

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-5 11:12
I have a suspicion of whats going on.... This evening, after updating DJI GO 4 I now see a "vision system error" Never seen before but I guess now it's there due to the update. So I chceked and un chaecked everything in the sensor part of the app and this warning didn't disapear....
So whilst I'm doing this I pick up the Mavic to move it and my fingers grab the heat sink on the bottom and it's so hot, not quite but nearly to the point of burning my fingers, but also definitely to the point of damaging PCB's and other hardware.... Guess whats poking through the heat sink?? Thats right the downward vision cameras and sonar. The fan within the Mavic does come on, which also cools the heat sink, but I reckon it's coming on far too late and because of that I suspect the heat is damaging the hardware within.

This was an issue I suspected even before the app update.. I noticed my Mavic would fly perfectly fine during my first flight of the day, up till about the the 60% battery mark and the VPS issue would kick in after that, then progressively get worse.

On swapping out batteries, the VPS issue would then be there regardless of remaining battery power, so I really think heat buildup could be the issue here.
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Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

Jit Posted at 2017-2-5 16:42
This was an issue I suspected even before the app update.. I noticed my Mavic would fly perfectly fine during my first flight of the day, up till about the the 60% battery mark and the VPS issue would kick in after that, then progressively get worse.

On swapping out batteries, the VPS issue would then be there regardless of remaining battery power, so I really think heat buildup could be the issue here.

Well, this morning, I sent the email to begin an RMA, I just don't reckon this is a software fix, I may well be proved wrong but if I'm not I'll at least be a little closer to having a fully working Mavic, which is what I paid for and expected in the first place
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iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-3 14:01
Did they specify what the hardware fault was?

Core Board        1        273.55        273.55
Service Charge        1        50.00        50.00
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Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

sukoshi Posted at 2017-2-6 03:30
Core Board        1        273.55        273.55
Service Charge        1        50.00        50.00

As suspected, Thanks for sharing.....

The core board is what is replaced in Mavics that have overheated. Although, I'm not sure why, I've never seen an error within the app to tell me the Mavic is too hot.

This thread is worth a read >> OVER HEATING MAVIC
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Flight distance : 545948 ft

Guys, my case reached the moment where DJI analyzed the flights logs and are now calling in my Mavic for RMA (need to pay shipment myself which is kind of weird...).

Anyway, I was actually wondering if I really want to send it in. What functionality am I missing with disabling downward VPS?

I recall that Active Track didn't work, but that might have occurred when I was getting to nervous about the failing downward VPS, that I simply shut down the entire VPS (downward and front facing).

Any views from ppl here with similar problems? Send it for RMA or not to send it... that's the question ;-)
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Teesquar 3

United States

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-6 04:04
As suspected, Thanks for sharing.....

The core board is what is replaced in Mavics that have overheated. Although, I'm not sure why, I've never seen an error within the app to tell me the Mavic is too hot.

I have a Mav on order so I'm just in "sponge mode" right now soaking up as much info as possible.

This makes me wonder if the issues are over-heat related, similar to the old XBox RRoD (as previously referenced in this thread). XBox had a bad batch of boards due to inferior solder that eventually allowed for broken connections on the board due to the heat degrading the solder. This would kind of align with some saying their Mav worked fine for "X" amount of weeks then got fidgety. Would not bode well for a software fix.

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Flight distance : 536768 ft

JoostBoZ Posted at 2017-2-6 05:00
Guys, my case reached the moment where DJI analyzed the flights logs and are now calling in my Mavic for RMA (need to pay shipment myself which is kind of weird...).

Anyway, I was actually wondering if I really want to send it in. What functionality am I missing with disabling downward VPS?

You indeed lose activetrack, as well as the auto landing function. The drone also won't be able to hover precisely when a few metres of the ground.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
  • >>>
United States

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-6 04:04
As suspected, Thanks for sharing.....

The core board is what is replaced in Mavics that have overheated. Although, I'm not sure why, I've never seen an error within the app to tell me the Mavic is too hot.

What i find odd about these boards being replaced because of overheating but there now mention of why they overheated? I think there would be fan replacement or something on the work order??
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Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2017-2-6 06:09
What i find odd about these boards being replaced because of overheating but there now mention of why they overheated? I think there would be fan replacement or something on the work order??

I've discovered through some research that on the second firmware update DJI reduced the time it took for the fan to come on. I guess even if the fan works, if it takes to long to come on then the damage is already done regardless. Also, it might not just be the fan, the time it takes to be activated is irrelevant because I assume it's controlled by a thermostat and if the thermostat isn't working properly that too will result in excessive heat.

I would assume the thermostat is on the core board, Also worth noting, if you read the thread I linked the Mavic which overheated, the fan spun freely which might suggest, but dosen't rule out, that the fan was working fine and the thermostat is at fault.

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Jit Posted at 2017-2-4 23:54
Have the engineers figured out anything relating to this fault yet? DJI has been rather quiet about it.

I stated before that the next firmware should should resolve it.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Dragonfly Photo Posted at 2017-2-5 07:50
Over a month now and still no definitive word on what they are doing about this. Makes me think that perhaps they either do not know what is causing it or do know what is causing it but are unable to fix it.

Either way some transparency to the progress would be greatly appreciated albeit uncommon considering DJI's past communications.

It's being worked on and firmware should resolve it.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-6 01:05
Well, this morning, I sent the email to begin an RMA, I just don't reckon this is a software fix, I may well be proved wrong but if I'm not I'll at least be a little closer to having a fully working Mavic, which is what I paid for and expected in the first place

In some cases it could be hardware, if your heatsink was so hot that it almost burned you then yes, I would send yours in.
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Richard Mavic p
Flight distance : 44797 ft
United States

I got the same issue yesterday after 2 months normal fly. VPS = 0.1m when I flying above 100m height. pull all way down the stick gonna trigger Auto-land, descending at 0.2-0.3 m/s only. Have to shut down VPS from APP to get my mavic down. Tested 3 times in different locations, same issue. Tested again this morning, back to normal, everything looks fine. I believe it's a Ultrasonic issue. Should I send it back to DJI for repair or wait for new software update? The shipping cost on us? I purchased the care by the way.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Richard Mavic p Posted at 2017-2-6 06:59
I got the same issue yesterday after 2 months normal fly. VPS = 0.1m when I flying above 100m height. pull all way down the stick gonna trigger Auto-land, descending at 0.2-0.3 m/s only. Have to shut down VPS from APP to get my mavic down. Tested 3 times in different locations, same issue. Tested again this morning, back to normal, everything looks fine. I believe it's a Ultrasonic issue. Should I send it back to DJI for repair or wait for new software update? The shipping cost on us? I purchased the care by the way.

You can send it in or wait for a firmware update. You're in the US, there is no shipping cost, they will email you a shipping label.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-5 11:12
I have a suspicion of whats going on.... This evening, after updating DJI GO 4 I now see a "vision system error" Never seen before but I guess now it's there due to the update. So I chceked and un chaecked everything in the sensor part of the app and this warning didn't disapear....
So whilst I'm doing this I pick up the Mavic to move it and my fingers grab the heat sink on the bottom and it's so hot, not quite but nearly to the point of burning my fingers, but also definitely to the point of damaging PCB's and other hardware.... Guess whats poking through the heat sink?? Thats right the downward vision cameras and sonar. The fan within the Mavic does come on, which also cools the heat sink, but I reckon it's coming on far too late and because of that I suspect the heat is damaging the hardware within.

Hmmm.... The heat problem brings up memory of an error message I get  in my Honda on very hot days,  telling me that the external cameras are hot (and not functional).  They seem to work fine after driving a bit and cooling down.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-6 06:58
In some cases it could be hardware, if your heatsink was so hot that it almost burned you then yes, I would send yours in.

I agree with this.   I've been having the problems and my heatsink has NEVER gotten that hot.  I can always comfortably handle it.
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Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

NomadRT Posted at 2017-2-6 07:22
I agree with this.   I've been having the problems and my heatsink has NEVER gotten that hot.  I can always comfortably handle it.

Ok, Just as a small experiment, turn your mavic on and leave it till the fan turns on, literally the minute the fans turns on have a feel of the heat sink and report back
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Flight distance : 536768 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-6 06:56
I stated before that the next firmware should should resolve it.

Thanks DJI-Ken. I've actually just initiated an RMA with support just today, and your update is actually making me wonder if I should even bother at all. If it can indeed be fixed by firmware, I'll probably just wait it out and see how it goes. Any idea when the next firmware is releasing?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

NomadRT Posted at 2017-2-6 07:22
I agree with this.   I've been having the problems and my heatsink has NEVER gotten that hot.  I can always comfortably handle it.

Yes, I can leave it powered up fro 30 minutes and it gets warm after  few minutes then stays the same from then on.
Use props
Flight distance : 536768 ft

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-6 07:42
Ok, Just as a small experiment, turn your mavic on and leave it till the fan turns on, literally the minute the fans turns on have a feel of the heat sink and report back

I've just tried this. Well the heat sink is hot, but not hot to the point that I can't leave my fingers on it, and definitely not anywhere close to burning my finger. I too have just gotten in touch with support today to initiate an RMA, but DJI-Ken's update has kind of given me new hope that it may after all be fixed by firmware. I'll probably just wait and see what happens. If the next firmware update doesn't fix it, then it's straight back to the workshop.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-6 07:42
Ok, Just as a small experiment, turn your mavic on and leave it till the fan turns on, literally the minute the fans turns on have a feel of the heat sink and report back

I just did this and from inside the house it took 3:20 seconds until the fan came on and the heatsink was just a little warm.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

Jit Posted at 2017-2-6 08:04
Thanks DJI-Ken. I've actually just initiated an RMA with support just today, and your update is actually making me wonder if I should even bother at all. If it can indeed be fixed by firmware, I'll probably just wait it out and see how it goes. Any idea when the next firmware is releasing?

It's being worked on, I'm not sure exactly when it will be but I believe it would be this month.
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Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-6 08:14
Yes, I can leave it powered up fro 30 minutes and it gets warm after  few minutes then stays the same from then on.

I have a question DJI-Ken,

If the engineers are aware of this VPS fault and your suggestion that the next firmware will resolve the issue why then does DJI ask for the Mavic to be sent in for an RMA. Because as you've said, DJI are aware of the VPS issue and are saying, as you've stated, that the firmware will be a fix. Why do they want it in?

In my case I've not mentioned to support about the heating issue so they are not aware of my concern about that, they only know about my concern about the VPS problem.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-6 08:26
I have a question DJI-Ken,

If the engineers are aware of this VPS fault and your suggestion that the next firmware will resolve the issue why then does DJI ask for the Mavic to be sent in for an RMA. Because as you've said, DJI are aware of the VPS issue and are saying, as you've stated, that the firmware will be a fix. Why do they want it in?

If you have a heating issue, that has nothing to do with the VPS, so if your heatsink is burning you then send it is.
As far as the VPS, when the VPS errors first started, I'm guessing they needed to have samples to work on to see why it was happening. Now I think it's been resolved so you can send it in or wait for firmware.
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Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-6 08:44
If you have a heating issue, that has nothing to do with the VPS, so if your heatsink is burning you then send it is.
As far as the VPS, when the VPS errors first started, I'm guessing they needed to have samples to work on to see why it was happening. Now I think it's been resolved so you can send it in or wait for firmware.

Ok, So they've had thier samples, the VPS problem has been noted as far back as late November. I raised a case this morning, only about the VPS, I didn't mention the heat, (i can link the emails to prove this) Support asked for the Mavic in for an RMA.

You're saying the firmware is a fix

Why do they want mine and other peoples Mavics in for repair if they know what the problem is and have firmware to fix it. Remembering that DJI have already had thier "samples"

I'm sorry I know this is a difficult question and I'm not purposefully being difficult, I would like some clarity as I'm sure others would too
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-6 08:50
Ok, So they've had thier samples, the VPS problem has been noted as far back as late November. I raised a case this morning, only about the VPS, I didn't mention the heat, (i can link the emails to prove this) Support asked for the Mavic in for an RMA.

You're saying the firmware is a fix

You said your Mavic is getting hot and burning you.
You need to contact support and send it in.
And my post said I was guessing what they have their samples.
Here's the link, please contact support.
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Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-6 09:12
You said your Mavic is getting hot and burning you.
You need to contact support and send it in.
And my post said I was guessing what they have their samples.

What I said is that I suspected there maybe a link between the mavic heating up and the VPS.

I've already contacted support, did you not read my post? I said twice that I've contacted support, I also said that I did not mention any heat issues, as I don't believe the issue I have is about heat but about the VPS issue. Because, the Mavic flying off into space is my problem and not the thing heating up....

What you have said is that you believe there is a fix for the VPS in the new firmware.

What I have asked is why are DJI asking for Mavics to be RMA'd if there is a fix in a forth coming firmware. I've asked three times now.... Will you avoid the question for a third time?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>
United States

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-6 10:03
What I said is that I suspected there maybe a link between the mavic heating up and the VPS.

I've already contacted support, did you not read my post? I said twice that I've contacted support, I also said that I did not mention any heat issues, as I don't believe the issue I have is about heat but about the VPS issue. Because, the Mavic flying off into space is my problem and not the thing heating up....

The heatsink getting burning hot has nothing to do with the VPS.
There is firmware coming, I don't know when. So for others besides you, they can send them in or wait for firmware.
For you, you need to send it in as there's a cooling issue with your.
Again, the heatsink getting hot has noting to do with the VPS error.
Use props
R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
  • >>>
United States

iPurvis Posted at 2017-2-6 07:42
Ok, Just as a small experiment, turn your mavic on and leave it till the fan turns on, literally the minute the fans turns on have a feel of the heat sink and report back

I just did the heat sink/ fan test. Here are my results, fan took 4 minutes 10 seconds to turn on and the heat sink was 110 degree Fahrenheit. After the fan turned on temperature started dropping. I could feel warm air coming out the back, so the fan is working good so I'm going to wait for firmware fix. ( I use an IR temperature gun)
Use props
Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2017-2-6 10:16
The heatsink getting burning hot has nothing to do with the VPS.
There is firmware coming, I don;t know when. So for others besides you, they can send them in or wait for firmware.
For you, you need to send it in as there's a cooling issue with your.

Avoid the question again....

Don't worry I won't ask it again as I understand your silence on the subject speaks volumes
Use props
Flight distance : 13750 ft
United Kingdom

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2017-2-6 10:21
I just did the heat sink/ fan test. Here are my results, fan took 4 minutes 10 seconds to turn on and the heat sink was 110 degree Fahrenheit. After the fan turned on temperature started dropping. I could feel warm air coming out the back, so the fan is working good so I'm going to wait for firmware fix. ( I use an IR temperature gun)

Thank you, I've just performed the same, my fan came on at 3 mins 18 seconds. with a 42 degree centigrade, basically the same results as you
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