United Kingdom
Not sure why DJI would be so pleased with such Flakey Firmwares and softwares, and poor mapping, the hardware appears to be mostly ok, but then its added to some really poor software/firmware, i have no idea why its so poorly written as to be so unstable, after all this is a flying machine, so it needs to be stable above all else ! Even experimental Firmwares like Betaflight are super stable and repeatable for race drones with goodness knows how many variations of hardware linked together, also APM is pretty stable, but again with all sorts of hardware possibilities ? so this is a mistery, as in this case its made very easy by the flight Hardware that doesnt change at all ! its made even easier by the fact that the communication/control transmitter system is also locked to its own, so maybe they just need to make their own dedicated screen, and then they would do away with all firmware upgrades, firmwares and softwares, issues. giving one solid craft doing what it should |