RTH Setting
1237 2 2016-12-26
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United States

Hi to all
When setting up the RTH, Is it best to put a # (Ex. 150Ft) or (appropriate RTH altitude). I don't have my Mavic yet to see if there is a chouce for "appropriate RTH altitude" or that means to put a Safe altitude # (Ex. 150Ft)
This option is in a post somwhere, Just trying to confirm.
Thanks for all thegood help from this forum.

Note: for thows how are qureus, I ordered the Mavic on Oct 5 2016. Ben told it should ship be the end of Dec. Not holding my breth LOL

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Flight distance : 2155883 ft
United States

Yes you certainly can I would recommend that you set it's higher than the highest object around you where you intend to fly I think you can find this option on the home screen if you push the little quadricopter icon
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

You should always set the RTH altitude for each flight environment you fly in.
If you are in the middle of the desert with noting around for miles, you can set it to a low altitude. If you fly downtown in a large city with skyscrapers, you should set it to higher than the tallest building.
But you can just leave it at the default setting and just remember to change it if there are tall structures where you fly.
Also, there's an additional setting to set what the aircraft will do. The default is RTH, but there's also hover, and land.
If you are flying under a canopy, you don't want to use the RTH setting (unless RTH altitude is set lower than the roof. If I am flying under something I set the RTH to Hover.
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