Henry M.Y.
 Second Officer
Flight distance : 11548839 ft
Hong Kong
Thank you, Richard.
These Boeing jetfoils servicing HK to Macau were built during the years from 1974 till 1981, so they are 36 to 43 years old now! They handle rough sea quite well because their hulls virtually fly over the waves. They also left almost no trace of bow wave behind them.
My first time onboard of a jetfoil when I was small was an exceptional experience - the jetfoil struggled slowly and rocked in waves before it took off, but was extremely fast and stable after it took off from water. They are engineering masterpieces!
Due to high built and maintenance costs when comparing with turbojet catamarans, these jetfoils are slowly phased out from service in HK.
Wish you a Happy New Year 2017!