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Automated Software
1182 4 2017-1-9
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 298094 ft
United States

I am new to automated software - Litchi, Autopilot, Ground Station.  My question is. Once you download a mission and start the mission does the bird complete the mission even if you loose connection. Just trying to see what happens if I get blocked by a structure and I don't receive a signal, does the bird RTH or continue on the mission?

Also, which app is more reliable in your opinion?  

Thanks in advanced!
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Flight distance : 143878 ft
United States

I haven't experienced it for myself, but Litchi's help section on their website says that if your drone loses connection during a mission, it will complete the mission on its own. However, the drone's speed when moving will remain fixed at whatever its speed was when it lost connection. --to see Litchi's exact words on the matter, go to "waypoints" section of this page and read the bit that says "Warning."
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 599416 ft
United States

In the case of Litchi, the waypoints are uploaded to the phantom or Mavic and the bird will autonomously attempt to complete the mission.
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Flight distance : 306640 ft
United Kingdom

No1much Posted at 2017-1-9 08:18
I haven't experienced it for myself, but Litchi's help section on their website says that if your drone loses connection during a mission, it will complete the mission on its own. However, the drone's speed when moving will remain fixed at whatever its speed was when it lost connection. --to see Litchi's exact words on the matter, go to "waypoints" section of this page and read the bit that says "Warning."

Exacty this ... you need to be careful when planning a mission that you consider it might loose connection and carry on running at the speed it was when it lost connection ... if this happens to be 2 miles away and you had set a slow speed before it lost connection .. you will have to wait till it progresses through each additional waypoint at that slower speed, untill you eventually regain connection (if ever !)

Litchi when in a waypoint mission wont RTH until the end of the mission (and only if you set it to RTH at the end)

Always put your last waypoints close to your take off point, that way it'll come back into range and allow control.
If your battery runs out to the point it reaches critical warning .. it will land wherever it is in the mission

As long as you understand the limitations, you'll be fine though.

AFAIK all apps run like this, they upload the mission to the drone, then run, but i have only ever used Litchi...
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Flight distance : 144478 ft
United States

Does smart rth still work in a litchi mission? Will it still rth automatically in an out of range waypoint mission? Or will it ignore and try to finish mission? I think this is very important
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