A3 Pro ESC Error | S1000+ with LB2
5414 21 2017-1-9
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Flight distance : 930161 ft

Since i upgraded my S1000+, LB2 from the A2 to the A3 Pro i have an issue with the ESCs.
The DJI Assistant is telling me that i need to contact DJI Support.

In the DJI Go App it´s telling me "ESC-Error".
When i do the motor test, only 3 Motors will rotate, when i do the calibration all Motors spin up and work. They get also initialised without errors. No beep, after boot.

Whats wrong here?

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SkySight Aerial
Flight distance : 3312018 ft
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United Kingdom

You need to set the S1000 ESC's as non DJI intelligent ESC now, it was different in the last version. For belt and braces, I calibrated the ESC's although I am not certain if that is necessary.
I suggest you set the 'brake' to 60 plus as otherwise it takes an age to stop in P mode.
I have tested mine and I have to say the results are very promising.
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Flight distance : 930161 ft

SkySight Aerial Posted at 2017-1-9 09:48
You need to set the S1000 ESC's as non DJI intelligent ESC now, it was different in the last version. For belt and braces, I calibrated the ESC's although I am not certain if that is necessary.
I suggest you set the 'brake' to 60 plus as otherwise it takes an age to stop in P mode.
I have tested mine and I have to say the results are very promising.

Still the same.
When doing the calibration there´s written that i need to unplug the ESC-Cable, i unplug it, it starts beeping, plug it back in - motor spinning - finish.

Motortest no reaction.
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Flight distance : 930161 ft

Update: I replaced the ESC-Cables with longer ones (around 60 cm), because of the mounting position of the A3 Flight Controller in the Tutorial Video, because the original ESC-Cables were way to short. Now i just turned the A3 Flight Controller 180 degrees against flight direction, so the original cables fit - and tadaaa: No ESC-Failure. All Motors start spinning one after another.

Maybe the longer ESC-Cables but some interferences on the BUS.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

vonganzoben.de Posted at 2017-1-10 03:27
Update: I replaced the ESC-Cables with longer ones (around 60 cm), because of the mounting position of the A3 Flight Controller in the Tutorial Video, because the original ESC-Cables were way to short. Now i just turned the A3 Flight Controller 180 degrees against flight direction, so the original cables fit - and tadaaa: No ESC-Failure. All Motors start spinning one after another.

Maybe the longer ESC-Cables but some interferences on the BUS.

Good to hear that you were able to get yourself up and running. What you're describing could have been the case, but let us know if the error comes back.
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Flight distance : 930161 ft

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-1-10 16:01
Good to hear that you were able to get yourself up and running. What you're describing could have been the case, but let us know if the error comes back.

Hi Jamie,

the longer ESC-Cables could  be part of the problem. They other problem was, that in the DJI Assistant there is a default power setting of 5% for the motor test.

That was the main problem. After increasing this to 15% everything started spinning fine. But the Assistant won´t save this value, so you need to enter it every time you run a motor test.

DJI Germany added this to their knowledgebase.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

vonganzoben.de Posted at 2017-1-19 01:02
Hi Jamie,

the longer ESC-Cables could  be part of the problem. They other problem was, that in the DJI Assistant there is a default power setting of 5% for the motor test.

Have you tried the latest v1.0.9-2 Assistant 2 software to see if the parameters saves properly? That's a pretty recent software update.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 62175 ft
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that's true, this assistant 2 its working perfect and very clearly arranged
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Flight distance : 379177 ft
South Africa

Same here. changing ESC to non DJI worked and changing to 15% also worked.
since its not DJI ESC setting are there any specific settings we need to set to ensure it all works correctly esc wise.

also latest assistant 2 software works well.
just one thing to note if you have older version and you do firmware update the old assistant software will not work. install the new one and all good (that was half a day of my life wasted to discover that)
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David G.

United States

I hate the fact that I need to spend hours searching the forum because the DJI industrial software and firmware is not setup to work. Even though it is marketed as the industrial standard, it is lacking. I just fried a motor connector on the S1000 following the screen prompts to unplug and re-plug the connector as part of the calibration process. Had I known to first try increasing the test power, I would have done that first.

There is nothing on the prompt to differentiate between the ESC signal connector or the ESC power connector.
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Flight distance : 379177 ft
South Africa

yeah DJI documentation is not the greatest and whats in the docs is not often correct either.
Support emails are usless too
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Flight distance : 38442 ft
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Thanks for the infos here. I spend a while trying to figure out, what the hell was wrong with the A3 on my S1000+ after building the octo. Only some motors were spinning in motor test. Having 30cm ESC cables due to the position.
Upping the value to 15% and they all spin correctly. I like the idea of turning the MC around though and using the original cables. Probably going to change it to that.


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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Marlow Posted at 2017-5-9 15:08
Thanks for the infos here. I spend a while trying to figure out, what the hell was wrong with the A3 on my S1000+ after building the octo. Only some motors were spinning in motor test. Having 30cm ESC cables due to the position.
Upping the value to 15% and they all spin correctly. I like the idea of turning the MC around though and using the original cables. Probably going to change it to that.

Good to hear you were able to sort things out. Let us know if you run into any additional issues or concerns.
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Flight distance : 380436 ft

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-5-9 15:40
Good to hear you were able to sort things out. Let us know if you run into any additional issues or concerns.

Hi - would I need to apply the same settings for the M600? I'm having problems trying to get the motors to start at all (even trying to test using dJI Assistant)
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

kelvinmorton Posted at 2017-5-11 10:53
Hi - would I need to apply the same settings for the M600? I'm having problems trying to get the motors to start at all (even trying to test using dJI Assistant)

Are you setting this up for the first time? Could you happen to provide a screenshot of the Basic Settings page in the Assistant 2 program? Do you see any error messages in the Go app?
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Flight distance : 380436 ft

Tip: The post by the administrator or moderators shield
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

kelvinmorton Posted at 2017-5-11 20:31
**** The posts are shielded ****

Just to clarify, is everything up to date firmware wise? Had you activated it as well?
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Flight distance : 380436 ft

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-5-11 21:04
Just to clarify, is everything up to date firmware wise? Had you activated it as well?

Hi - Yes, I logged into my DJI account and activated it and got the message that my warranty period had started. I went through a firmware update process on the M600 and the remote.
Do you need the serial number or anything else?
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Flight distance : 380436 ft

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-5-11 21:04
Just to clarify, is everything up to date firmware wise? Had you activated it as well?

Hi Jamie - I think it's sorted out now.  After reviewing all the connections on the M600 and the manual for the A3 Flight Controller, I discovered that the M9 plug was connected into the reserved M8 slot.  Once I moved the M9 plug over to the correct sIot was able to start up the motors.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

kelvinmorton Posted at 2017-5-12 19:42
Hi Jamie - I think it's sorted out now.  After reviewing all the connections on the M600 and the manual for the A3 Flight Controller, I discovered that the M9 plug was connected into the reserved M8 slot.  Once I moved the M9 plug over to the correct sIot was able to start up the motors.

Good to hear you were able to get it sorted, thanks for the update.
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Flight distance : 1250728 ft
United States

I have a similar question with a N3 / LB2 installed on a previously flying standard S900 / A2 / LB2 set up.   Reading through this thread, I learned that ESC setting should be set non DJI intelligent ESC's.  What is not clear is if the ESC calibration is needed in this instance or not.  If it is required, just how would you accomplish it with LB2 as the receiver?  
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United States


ESC Errors - and problems using Firmware for DJI Assistant 2 v.1.1.6 (2017-06-19)

1)        I own a DJI S1000 platform that I recently upgraded to an A3 FC and LB2. In the DJI Go App General Settings page displays ESC Errors for all ESCs continue to show up. I have looked through literature supplied with FC/LB2, forums, and online for tutorials for the A3 and Lightbridge 2 ESC calibration steps with no real luck, I am not 100% sure as to how to calibrate the ESCs, since it is stated that you have to supply power separate from FC and disconnect the ESC plug - but which ESC plug (Power or Signal/Grd). As well, the motor M8 will not spin or show working, even if I try to increase the % of power. I have spent hours trying to identify the issues and resolve the problem. What I did realize was when I loaded an older version of Assistant 2 firmware I was able to correct the errors with ESCs.

2)        As a matter of fact, the former version was able to upgrade the firmware for the aircraft where the latest version could not. The current version DJI Assistant 2 v.1.1.6 2017-06-19 continued to display "Connection Lost. Please ensure the flight controller is connected to your computer", never allowing me to get past. As soon as I uninstalled the current version and re-installed a previous version, I was able to upgrade the aircraft firmware.  

3)        Another problem I ran into was that the latest version of Assistant will not allow me to access the Intelligent flight modes as the manual and DJI promotes, Why is this?
A3/A3Pro User Manual 2016 DJI on page 23 states  "Lightbridge 2 not only allows you use the DJI GO app to operate the aircraft, but also use Intelligent Flight Modes, such as Course Lock, Home Lock, Point of Interest (POI) and Waypoints, to capture professional shots during flight."

** Why am I not able to access or enable these features in Assistant 2?

Thank you for any assistance. The last (#3) was mainly directed to DJI to clarify why no access to Intelligent Flight Modes.

Standing by.
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