Flight distance : 1231280 ft
Well, yes just as the title reads. I am very worried and confused at what just happened now.
As I type this im exporting the logs form my Mavic, it just dropped from the sky.
I was taking a safe and even a bit boring flight around 7pm today. There was good visibility and decided to fly in a nearby Golf course.
I was just flying on around the area and decided to just land as normal. I took off from a 'Green' of one of the holes.
As I was returning to land everything looked normal, open area , flat non obstructed, I had about 80% batttery left. I was about to land hovering about 1 metter from the ground, I pull the joystick down to land and it suddently dropped to the ground just like that.
It hit the grass violently, I reacted when I saw it falling and push the stick up to prevent the fall but it just regain altituted after it bounced from the ground. I heared the props hitting the body of the mavic when it hit the ground, then I hover it for a couple of seconds in disbelief on what just happened!
Then again I tried landing, exactly on the same spot without issues. After the crash I inspected the props and both the rear ones got damaged.
The blades also left some scars on the back of the Mavic's body, just above the exhaust vents.
Im really really dissapointed on what just happend and trashed my confidence on my Mavic. Tomorrow I was supposed to get some shots and yes I do have some spare props but Im worried of this happening again.
Mindy and Ken, can you please help me look after this case please? and help me understand what happened??
Iphone 6,
DJI Go 4 app, latest update.
Firmware : 1.03.0200 (Mavic and Batteries)
Controller as well updated with latest firmware.
As soon as the logs and flight record are downloaded will upload.
Crash Pics:
Notice the one that shows the "two holes" that the front arms did on the green. :/
Healthy Drones upload: