Flight distance : 165105 ft
BluWolf Posted at 2017-1-23 13:44
Other end of the city - Castle downs area and yes, it might be a fear of flying that is stopping me more than anything - i flew model aircraft for some time, and played with RC cars / trucks. With all the safe guards built in to the P3 I would have thought i would be out every day - but other priorites keep coming up.
I have two batteries so far - how many are most people running?
Oh, your this side of St.Albert then? Haha
Ah, well, when you get some time, take it out and have some fun. Yes, the latest Phantoms are very easy to fly. Just go slow and keep it close to home for the first while. It will become easier every time...
Extra flight batteries, are good, I have four in total, and want to acquire a couple more of them. ;-)
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