First crash after YEARS of flying DJI products. Help appreciated!
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8337 156 2017-1-15
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Hey guys!

I need some help.

I want to know what happened here.

This is a place that I fly all the time with this exact bird (it's one of my two Phantom 4s) and my favorite.

The quick of it is that I set a waypoint mission on the first run which you can see in the video that I will embed here.  The first video is when I was setting the WPs.

Then rather quickly it gave me a "Warning: Altitidude Limit Mode Entered" which is a warning I have never heard of or recieved.  I was flying from a road that had a deep valley on either side of it which I don't know if it helped this error along but it was the first time I've seen it.  

I have run the logs through HealthDrones but I will not post them here as I will wait to see what DJI has to say about things before I do or don't.  I am using the trees that I go through as a point of where I realized that the WPs were off their mark and it was only abot a minute before the crash to the very tip of the tree.  Obviously it was off course as it was still in WP  mode until the crash and I swithched it to other modes to try and escape the tree.

The tree was not on my property and the people who lived on this property (and it's a high profile area).  By the time I was able to retrieve the P4, it was no longer in the tree.  I still don't know if the people on the property got it, or if it fell to the ground from a very high tree but the real problem is HOW did it get to the tree on a WP mission that was already verified by flying it while settign the points, then flying it once more, and the third time was where the crash happened.

By the way, the gimbal now does a funky dance and shakes around at the end.  I have included it at the end of the video.
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Here is the last frame of the 3 rounds as described above (The arrow was it's final resting place after the crash):

The rest are images of the bird:

^^^^^ All the main damage happened to this part of the bird and nowhere else really which leads me to believe it did fall out of the tree based on the art and the fact that the gimbal is messed up.  I think it MAYBE would have been okay if I could have got the scissor lift to it when it was found immediately but thats just a guess.  It might have been caused on impact of the tree. ???

This was right before it hit and it was trying not to:

The saved image right before this one:

Screen grab from the tree after the crash.  It was still recording BTW.

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Flight distance : 1064780 ft
United Kingdom

Sad to see, I'm unsure what happened but there are people on here that will help, hope it gets sorted out
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Sorry to hear of your crash, I do think it would be better if you put up your logs here and it would make it a lot easier to figure out what happened, I think that you are only going to get much different scenarios and not to sure how that is going to help you.

If you are looking for two different opinions then you need to supply the same information to both parties, i.e. Dji and members on the forum here. Buts that's your prerogative. Good luck..
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-1-15 13:34
Sorry to hear of your crash, I do think it would be better if you put up your logs here and it would make it a lot easier to figure out what happened, I think that you are only going to get much different scenarios and not to sure how that is going to help you.

If you are looking for two different opinions then you need to supply the same information to both parties, i.e. Dji and members on the forum here. Buts that's your prerogative. Good luck..

Fair enough. Good logic.

I will post them in a bit.

There is nothing really controversial about the logs other than an error that says "Warning: Altitude Limited Mode Entered" right before the crash but the waypoints were already off course for reasons I don't know.

Once I get the detailed logs, I will post them.

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ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-15 18:10
Fair enough. Good logic.

I will post them in a bit.

It occurs to me that you appeared to be flying in a form of 'urban canyon' area, so it would be good to see how many satellites it was reporting. This may be the reason for the waypoint error, as there may not have been sufficient satellites to get an accurate position fix during the flight.
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

You flew it into a branch!  What did you expect?  Its a parts bin drone now anyway!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 13058 ft
United Kingdom

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-15 18:54
You flew it into a branch!  What did you expect?  Its a parts bin drone now anyway!

Bit harsh your comments He had what seems to be a waypoints program go wrong .ArtistFirst is looking for answers not negativity.
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

I'm not negative, realistic  Sometimes we all rely way too much on the automation these drones have instead of using common sense and not allowing computers to fly these things. We ALL know that flying anywhere near trees is a no-no. Period
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-15 19:49
I'm not negative, realistic  Sometimes we all rely way too much on the automation these drones have instead of using common sense and not allowing computers to fly these things. We ALL know that flying anywhere near trees is a no-no. Period

I have been flying, around and near trees for years and not have once have ever crashed into one.

I also tried to get out of automation mode for the 39 seconds that I had before I noticed that I was heading for this tree.

Not really sure what you're angle is but I have not only flown around trees but I have also done orbitals around skydivers, surfers, and much more.

I am an expert pilot and have been flying model aircraft before you ever knew what one was and this was my first real crash.

There were errors that you don't even know about because you are not looking at my logs.

I appreciate what you are trying to say but that is good for you.

I have never once had a crash and this one should not have been so before you go offering goofy opinions like "don't fly near trees" maybe you should know a little more about what you're saying.

Thanks anyway.
Wow, to this response.  SMH
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

AlecW Posted at 2017-1-15 19:52
I have a feeling we will never see any logs for this thread.  Just a hunch.

Why do you say that?  

Not only will I post the logs but I will post the detailed logs.  Why is everyone around here so negative?  I am just trying to find out what the heck happened here.  I have never had a WP mission go off course and this is the first time I have seen this warning and it would not let me gain control back and by the time i was realizing I was heading for the tree, if you look at these basic logs you will see that I had about 46 seconds.  I still stayed cool.  In fact, I wasn't able to retrieve the bird until the next day where the damage probably happened after it fell out of the tree. I MIGHT have made it with no damage if the people that owned the property didn't make me wait and who knows when it fell from the tree (assuming it did).

Anyhow, copy and pasted from another place:

Here is the logs from HealthyDrones. It looks a little sloppy to follow but just for the record, there are essentially a couple missions happening here. The time the mission that crashed began and ended, it started at R and ends on X (everything after that are warnings of me trying to get it once it hit the tree). I had apparently longer than I thought when I got the first "entering altitude limit mode" or whatever that error was and all I was doing was paying attention that it was off course from the set waypoints but I didn't realize that it was off course, FOR SURE, until I saw it heading to the tip of the tree. I should have realized when (if you watch the video) you can see on the part of the mission where I am setting the waypoints as shown on the video I uploaded in this thread, but on the final running mission, I had had to do a quick maneuver to have it avoid the two trees I had if fly between just maybe 30 seconds before the turn that headed toward the tree it hit. I figured it was wind or something, I had flown around here many times and have never had it give me any of these errors and maybe was flying with too much confidence?

The "enter altitude limit mode" is something I have never seen in all my years of flying and I didn't know what it meant or what it was doing when I got that warning. I am wondering if the board was confused by the valley? I really have no idea and any input would be greatly appreciated and any rude comments please post elsewhere.

Again, for all intents and purposes, the WP mission began at R (that was when it was near me and I began the just recorded WP mission for the second time on this flight), before that I sometimes switch to S or Atti mode to get it back to my original location once I see the WP mission is generally what I want. So at R the mission is initiated and it begins at S, it flies without warning (but I can tell from the video that it's off course although I didn't really notice it by video at the time until again the two trees which was right before the error at T). At T I start to pay attention but still think it's flying a safe WP mission and than that warning was nothing more than a warning. So at that point I'm paying even more attention than normal. At about U and V it makes the rather sharp turn to come home and I'm thinking "something is not right, let's get the bird home and check out everything) but between W and X (46 seconds) is when it I see it heading to the tree (I have to check my video and flight summary to verify this) but at that point I see it heading to the tree and it won't respond to anything and stupid me, I'm still thinking it's following the WP mission as I often do fly-bys of tree tops and building tops but I didn't  set one there but by the time I realize it's going to hit the VERY tip of the tree, it was too late and I could not save it. X marks the spot of the tree hit and that was it's resting place until I received it the next day. The motor and gimbal errors were all after the collision. The property owners wouldn't let me on the property until the next morning when I had a city scissor lift ready to go get it for me but it had fallen to the ground by that point (is what they tell me)

Look pretty cut and dry if I only understood why it was a) off course from the WPs and b) why it entered this "altitude limited mode". As you can see, the altitude was plenty high and that was from where I took off, it was actually much higher if you consider the valley. Help?

By the way, I am rendering out the video that I uploaded earlier again so you can see with better context as it goes through the two trees what happened and then of course the crash. I will upload it as soon as it's done processing on YT right now. Thanks in advance.
For summary, there are esentially 3 flights on this one mission. First, marked the points. Second, flew one round.  Third, the collision and that at R) MODE "Chaned to NaviGo" which means Waypoint.  S) Begins WP mission.  Two minutes later T (9:39) the odd warnings start coming in and then collision at X (10:46) is when there was the collision.  The 46 seconds  between W and X is the time where the turn happened and I realized I was headed for a possible collision.  The video makes sense with these preliminary logs.  More detailed logs to follow.

Any other hunches?
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-1-15 18:28
It occurs to me that you appeared to be flying in a form of 'urban canyon' area, so it would be good to see how many satellites it was reporting. This may be the reason for the waypoint error, as there may not have been sufficient satellites to get an accurate position fix during the flight.

Thanks for the thought but no, I had actually a ton of sats.

Even in the tree post, you can see it had 17.  I had 20+ before take off.

I am a very safe pilot and always do my checks before taking off. Not to mention, I have flown in and around this area many times.  

It may have something to do with the valley although I've flown the valley so many times that I have trouble believing it's that.  However, I have never seen this error before. Essentially on either side of the road it is immediately over a deep valley and I flow below my initial take off point but this is something I do all the time and from Mulholland where this took place.  All areas of Mulholland are great places to get back plates for comps for various projects which is all I was trying to do here.

This was supposed to be in and out. It was acting a little funky and I should have cancelled the whole mission the second I felt something was off but I didn't know what it was so it felt okay and never having crashed before probably gave me a false sense of security.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-15 22:55
Thanks for the thought but no, I had actually a ton of sats.

Even in the tree post, you can see it had 17.  I had 20+ before take off.

I don't think that anybody here is trying to patronize you or question your expertise in flying an UAV, but - perhaps - you're trying to find the answer for un-explainable? Try to look at this unfortunate accident with a bit of distance, considering the enormous complexity of technology involved. Have you ever seen the guts of this bird? Hundreds of soldering points, plugged ribbon cables, exposed to vibrations and often brutal accelerations. One element may fail to perform - even temporally - resulting in software glitch or other bizarre behavior ...

Said that, did you actually find what went wrong?  
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Dobmatt Posted at 2017-1-16 00:06
I don't think that anybody here is trying to patronize you or question your expertise in flying an UAV, but - perhaps - you're trying to find the answer for un-explainable? Try to look at this unfortunate accident with a bit of distance, considering the enormous complexity of technology involved. Have you ever seen the guts of this bird? Hundreds of soldering points, plugged ribbon cables, exposed to vibrations and often brutal accelerations. One element may fail to perform - even temporally - resulting in software glitch or other bizarre behavior ...

Said that, did you actually find what went wrong?

My best friend works at Drone's Plus.

I've put them together and taken them apart. I've built my own before it was a popular thing to do.

I know all about the gear and how it works.  These P4s are actually assembled quite well and I maintain mine pristinely.

I'll figure out what happened.  I am not quite sure what that error is that seems to be the culprit.

I am certainly not trying to bump heads with anyone. I am only trying to figure out what happened and maybe I, and others can learn in the process.
I am not freaked out over it or anything, just playing the game.

I am not sure why I am getting a couple negative nellies on this thread to be honest.

My first ever real crash on a photography bird.  One that was sort of catastrophic anyway.  Don't think it would have been if I could have got it out of the tree.

Of course my 250s and racers I've crashed a million times but things like the P4 and the middle grade enthusiast UASs, this is my first one and I now feel bad for everyone that has had it happen to them.  Always had, just you get sort of an emotional attachment to your birds, and this was my favorite one bar none and I have ones that cost lots more.'
I have not yet figured out what went wrong yet but my initial theory is that the valley somehow tricked the bird into thinking it was in some sort of altitude that it wasn't. As you can see from the basic logs I posted, I never went anything crazy but maybe it was confused and went into that alert altitude mode that I've neve seen when I was nowhere near in danger of altitude?  That's the best I can come up with at this point.  I really am not sure but I'll have it looked at and find out and will report when I do.  Thanks.

Thanks for the kind comments.

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Airwolf13 Posted at 2017-1-15 18:54
You flew it into a branch!  What did you expect?  Its a parts bin drone now anyway!

And you know this how?

Parts bin for you maybe but the motors run.  The camera still sends a picture.

New casing costs about $20-$40 and if I or DJI wanted to repair it for me the cost of moving it from one case to the other is a pretty simple process.

It would suck if the gimbal was permanently broken which I believe it is but am not sure of but the motors work, the camera is getting a signal and I am sure there is nothing wrong with the flight board (unless there was initially which is what I am afraid of). I honestly have no idea but cheer up man, life is short.  Also, this is my fun bird and if I had to sell all the parts, I have enoough to sell the parts and get a Mavic Pro which I wanted anyway and I have a few hundred in affiliate money from DJI so it wouldn't cost me much or any if it was indeed a "parts bin" drone now anyway.  The only sucky part about that all is that I have 6 bats for it, a multi charger, backpack, several filters and I absolutely love this bird and would be unhappy if it's dead.  I am upset it's sick.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

I have not yet experienced catastrophe failure in 10 years of flying but as the old saying goes " it's not a matter of if, it's when" sorry for your loss...
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Flight distance : 36995 ft
United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-16 00:32
And you know this how?

Parts bin for you maybe but the motors run.  The camera still sends a picture.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-15 22:42
Why do you say that?  

Not only will I post the logs but I will post the detailed logs.  Why is everyone around here so negative?  I am just trying to find out what the heck happened here.  I have never had a WP mission go off course and this is the first time I have seen this warning and it would not let me gain control back and by the time i was realizing I was heading for the tree, if you look at these basic logs you will see that I had about 46 seconds.  I still stayed cool.  In fact, I wasn't able to retrieve the bird until the next day where the damage probably happened after it fell out of the tree. I MIGHT have made it with no damage if the people that owned the property didn't make me wait and who knows when it fell from the tree (assuming it did).

It looks from those logs which are very basic, that you may well have had time to recover, so from what I see there is an element of pilot error, you still had the use of RTH, or cancel the mission, what caused the AC to start to change direction is not clear and maybe with more comprehensive logs , i.e., might help understand,

whether your crash was caused by pilot, app, malfunction , should not be the main thing people here should be interested in, but rather finding out the cause of these sort of mishaps, so that others can learn and try to avoid.

I thank you for posting, and hope you continue to find out the cause of this crash, and continue to report it here, so others can learn .

I hope the diagnosis is not to severe and you get your AC repaired asap, and back flying. Good luck
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-1-16 07:41
It looks from those logs which are very basic, that you may well have had time to recover, so from what I see there is an element of pilot error, you still had the use of RTH, or cancel the mission, what caused the AC to start to change direction is not clear and maybe with more comprehensive logs , i.e., might help understand,

whether your crash was caused by pilot, app, malfunction , should not be the main thing people here should be interested in, but rather finding out the cause of these sort of mishaps, so that others can learn and try to avoid.

Cheers bud.

No, the purpose is not to try and figure out if there it is pilot error or not.

I'm a member of the AMA, and a couple other flying groups and am very much into community learning and discovery as I also have a YouTube channel of which I have uploaded many tutorials including one I am just finishing up, reviews and just flying and mostly photography lessons as it pertains to both aerial and stills and have given much more than taken from the community.

I am feeling a little defensive for whatever reason from really I guess just one or two posts that were either outright rude or other people questioning my motives.  We are talking about an item that costs brand new about $850. I am not trying to form an angle here.

I will be getting the Phantomhelp logs from Michael's site as soon as I have a moment to do it and then look at it and digest it.  I have been workign like crazy this weekend and haven't had the time to really check them out yet.

As for whether or not it was pilot error, unless the motors stop and it just falls out of the sky, there is almost always an element of pilot error but as I have been flying for nearly a decade, planes, hellis, quads, hexes, and octos, and this is my first catastrophic crash (which I still contend wasn't catastrophic  until it fell from the tree), I am just trying to figure out why.

The amount of pilot error is another question. I posted the video so you guys could see exactly what I saw (albeit on a bright monitor in a well lit room) while I was looking at my iPad on a very sunny day and the first point where I really thought "oh no, I am definitely off course", I thought to myself "that warning that I didn't understand, maybe that warning was worse than I thought" and then it made that turn and as it was heading to the tree I had 46 seconds but I still didn't think it was going to hit a tree and that the way point mission was still going to do what it had just done twice, a third time probably right up until I saw it was going to hit the tree.

It was after all, running the same mission as two times prior and neither of those times did it hit anything or come close.  So I am just trying to figure out why.  I was watching, as I always do the whole time and I often when running a WP mission, keep my eyes on the bird mostly.

Of course, if I thought I was going to come close even to hitting something such as the top of a tree, I would take over (and if my memory serves, I was trying to).  I am a calm pilot and not at any point was I in a freaked out mode, I just did not have the time once I realized I was on course to hit that tree to have the wherewithal to get out of its way.  I, like you, will be interested to see what my moves were on the stick at that point.

I honestly don't even remember exactly how it happened.  All I know is that all of a sudden, I was like "Oh man, I'm gonna hit that tree" and seconds went by and I did.  I think if it wasn't for my actions, I probably would have hit it much lower.  Something was happening that was causing the bird to drop altitude and be on a different course than before.  Why I don't know yet.  

Thanks for the well wishes in my figuring it out.  I hope I do.

Any DJI reps want to take a gander?
MODS: I just noticed this thread is in the P4P forum, can it please be moved to the Phantom 4 forum please.  Thanks.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Interesting conversation on the issue of that warning.  I got the logs from PhantomHelp but I could only figure out how to export a PDF from Numbers in from one of the files. I'll figure it out later when I'm not on a phone.
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United Kingdom

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-15 22:27
I have been flying, around and near trees for years and not have once have ever crashed into one.

I also tried to get out of automation mode for the 39 seconds that I had before I noticed that I was heading for this tree.

"I am an expert pilot and have been flying model aircraft before you ever knew what one was and this was my first real crash."

- the only problem with that statement is that you weren't actually flying the thing were you?It was in an automated mode?
Also in the video just behind where it crashed were some power lines, could have been a far more serious outcome eh?
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ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-16 10:49
Interesting conversation on the issue of that warning.  I got the logs from PhantomHelp but I could only figure out how to export a PDF from Numbers in from one of the files. I'll figure it out later when I'm not on a phone.

Can you upload the flight log to Phantomhelp, it provides a much more detailed view of the flight. I must say I don't expect it to show anythying though, the cause seemed to me to be one of positioning accuracy, not pilot error or anything like that, and I doubt it will show up in the log.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-16 09:34
Cheers bud.

No, the purpose is not to try and figure out if there it is pilot error or not.

can you do as a few are suggesting.

upload you logs from your device to

all the info you need will be there on what and how to upload this file.

that file is far more detailed than HD and will actuall detail exactly what happened.

please upload so folks can help

until YOU do that everyone is just guessing including you!

good luck and have fun flying!
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Kirk2579 Posted at 2017-1-17 15:38
can you do as a few are suggesting.

upload you logs from your device to

I have been trying.

I have uploaded a 30 page document that I took in from PhantomHelp.

I've been working like crazy today and am on a crunch so haven't had time to dive in but I brought in the file to Numbes and exported it as a PDF.

I am trying to upload that PDF but it's 4MB and the limit here is 2MB.

I will try and figure it out shortly.

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ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-17 15:43
I have been trying.

I have uploaded a 30 page document that I took in from PhantomHelp.

You don't need to upload anything from Phantomhelp, all you do is follow their instructions to upload your flight log to them, then post a link here to the result.
Use props
Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-1-17 16:14
You don't need to upload anything from Phantomhelp, all you do is follow their instructions to upload your flight log to them, then post a link here to the result.

Ok, I'll go do it again and look for said link but I am so furious right now.

Called DJI hours ago.

I waited on intercom as there were 32 people ahead of me for 2:39 minutes while I worked and then when someone finally answered at 5:38 (they close at 5PST), undoubtedly someone that understandably wanted to go home but they probably have a "serve the cue policy' and he kept saying "Thanks for calling DJI can I help you", and repeated it like 5x, I looked at my mute button, it was not pressed.

I hit mute and un-mute just in case and they kept repeating it.  This was absolute BS and now I am just FURIOUS.

I have heard that DJI support has gotten better.  TBH, if I knew the call was going to be answered after 5, I wouldn't have called for this very reason but by the time I realized it was going to be close there was only like 8 people ahead of me after something like 32 I think.

Come on DJI. The amount of money I have made and spent for you guys is astronomical and if this is what I am going to get in return, I will post it all over my pretty populated YT channel and I will never buy another product again including returning the Inspire V2 I just purchased.  

Why haven't I even heard a response from someone here?

That BS "please call back I can't hear you" was the last straw.
So after hours of waiting, I get the boot.  I took a picture of the phone with the amount of time I waited and that it wasn't muted.  UGGGHHHH!

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-17 15:43
I have been trying.

I have uploaded a 30 page document that I took in from PhantomHelp.

simple and quick

I understand your frustration but you spend so much time typing long notes that are meaningless in the end.

just post the logs......

Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-17 17:44
Ok, I'll go do it again and look for said link but I am so furious right now.

Called DJI hours ago.

BTW this not tech support for DJI

you ask why you not hear from anyone... yet

folks KEEP asking you to do a simple thing.

you keep typing massive long posts.

you don't do as many ask of you yet keep doing the sam e thing over and over.
If DJI rep was here they would ask for the same FILE to be uploaded  as many here have.

Please help yourself by doing the little thing you are asked to do
asked for help ,
folks will help.
but you are not helping.

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Flight distance : 195016 ft

United States

Some pretty interesting responses, I'm sure someone will be able to help you figure out the cause. Sorry about the crash and hope for a speedy fix!
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Visalia Califor
United States

If you are crashing try to cut the engines. They will cause much more damage once they hit the ground and try to burrow back to China.
Use props
Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Kirk2579 Posted at 2017-1-18 08:00
BTW this not tech support for DJI

you ask why you not hear from anyone... yet

I wasn't sure what it was exactly that I was supposed to get from PhantomHelp is all.

I uploaded the cues from HealthyDrones and now I have uploaded the PhantomHelp .txt file to  PhantomPilots where one of their guys has really been quite helpful and we have pretty much figured out what happened but don't know why.   I will attach that .txt file to this post.

Apparently, I ran 2 not 3 WP missions on this run.

To be clear, this is what we have come up with based one of their very good analyzers and the information I have given him.

It looks like this was 2 WP missions with the first one aborted (as I usually do when I am done with the part of the mission that I want to record) and returned to the general are of the first WP (above where I am).

The second mission seems to have gone farther than the first one by his analyzation and in that route I hit the tree which happens rather quickly.  

As it makes the turn that if you watch the video did not go through the 2 trees that it did when I recorded the WP mission (before the turn) and during the first run it ran the WP properly so why on the second run (all on this one flight) did it go off course and I had to maneuver to make it miss one of those two trees, which I just chalked up to wind or something which in hindsight was dumb. I should have aborted at that point and brought her home but as I was watching, even on the video it's hard to tell that the tree is about to be hit until it's rather late and much harder while looking at an iPad in the VERY bright SoCal sun.

So my question is was it the "altitude limit mode" warning which I have never seen EVER and didn't really know it meant.  It wasn't near my hight limit that I set and it successfully let me add the points, run one mission and then hit the tree on the second mission.

So this is what I know (sorry if it's a bit convoluted), I suffer from pretty bad ADD which leads to long posts that are often non-sensical but I am trying. Lol.

I will try and add the .txt file that I now know is what people want from the PhantomHelp site.
EDIT: Ok, I am trying to upload the .txt file from PhantomHelp but it wont let me send the PDF because it's huge and the .txt file is 4MB and it is also too big as it will only let me do a 2MB file.

I don't know the rules about linking to other sites here so forgive me mods if this link is not okay but I uploaded the file here succesfully there and can't here.  I also can't get DJI support on the phone to try and figure out what I should do to repair it.  I'll be bringing it to my friend at Drone's Plus this weekend to see how bad the damage is.  There is definitely something wrong with the gimbal but I dont know if it's repairable or not.  I am getting a picture from it and it moves but it moves crazy (watch the video).

So here is a link to PhantomPilots and post 53 is where the .txt file that I can't seem to uplaod here is.

POST 53 has the link to the file.  (to be clear, it's not the PDF in post 41 which is the first you see. Scroll down to post 53 unless you want to download the PDF which I exported out of numbers). ... eeded.102611/page-3

This is the file it wont let me upload here.

THANK YOU GUYS!  I appreciate any concern at all.
EDIT: If you guys want the record from the actual flight records, its small enough but when I try to upload it says "this type of file is not permitted" or somethng.  It will not let me upload a txt file.  I am pretty computer savy but I don't know why I can't get it done here.

This is what I am seeing trying to upload the straight flight record which is within the size limit (17 minute flight as it was a couple passes around with the final being the fatal). ... 0PM_zps8b7zatqh.jpg

Screen Shot 2017-01-18 at 12.58.43 PM.jpg
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Visalia Califor Posted at 2017-1-18 11:40
If you are crashing try to cut the engines. They will cause much more damage once they hit the ground and try to burrow back to China.

Yeah, you are right.  I guess I wasn't as calm as I thought.  I tried to and in my mind felt calm even when I saw the hit was almost for sure but of course I should have done a CSC there.  Dumb. :-X

It was pretty high up and I am wondering how much damage was caused by the tree and how much was done by the wind which eventually knocked it out of the tree.  It was a pretty freaking high tree and if you watch the video, were talking inches to have missed it. It was a near hit.  Right?  According to George Carlin he doesn't know why a collision is called a near miss, "Look! He nearly missed, but not quite". LOL.

Anyhow, agreed. Should have cut the engines but it did rest in the tree and the motors shut down themselves and the motors still work by the way.  

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You seem to be confusing Phantomhelp with PhantomPilots. The latter is a forum, the former is similar to Healthydrones, you upload your flight record to Phantomhelp and it provides you with a link to the decoded record. You copy that link and come back here and post the link. You do not need to upload any large text files or any files at all. And we don't want the DJIFlightrecord uploaded either.
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Flight distance : 3348051 ft
United Kingdom

The cynical part of me asks were you trying to obtain photographs of GEORGE CLOONEY?
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Microchips Posted at 2017-1-18 13:48
The cynical part of me asks were you trying to obtain photographs of GEORGE CLOONEY?

Man, why did I say that part. It has been such a distraction.

The cynical side of you should know that

A) it's almost impossible to spy on someone with a drone.  You would use a gigapixel camera for that.

B) I was only told that the guest was Clooney by the homeowners assistant AFTER the crash and I am still not sure about it, nor do I care. I work in VFX in LA and am not a star F---er. (When I oriignally posted it, I thought she was saying he lived there and I was wrong and he may or may not have been the guest but I REALLY DON'T care, just thought it was interesting).

C) Don't be cynical.  
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-1-18 13:44
You seem to be confusing Phantomhelp with PhantomPilots. The latter is a forum, the former is similar to Healthydrones, you upload your flight record to Phantomhelp and it provides you with a link to the decoded record. You copy that link and come back here and post the link. You do not need to upload any large text files or any files at all. And we don't want the DJIFlightrecord uploaded either.

No, I am not confusing either with either.

I am a very active member of PhantomPilots and Michael Singer, msinger at PP owns it and to say he is very active memeber would be understated.

I know what the difference is between the logs I can get and have posted in this thread from HealthyDrones and I successfully already uploaded the .txt file from PhantomHelp to the same type of thread I created at PhantomPilots and have had a very detailed review by one of the resident experts there who broke it down quite well.  

Not sure why you thought I was confused on either but thanks for the help.

The only thing I am confused by is why I can't upload the .txt file to here.
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


Microchips Posted at 2017-1-18 13:48
The cynical part of me asks were you trying to obtain photographs of GEORGE CLOONEY?

Who is George Clooney?
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ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-18 14:36
No, I am not confusing either with either.

I am a very active member of PhantomPilots and Michael Singer, msinger at PP owns it and to say he is very active memeber would be understated.

Why do you want to upload the text file to here? We are not interested in it, only the decoded version displayed on Phantomhelp. And the reason you can't upload is shown in the image you posted, they don't allow text files. There are some very experienced people on here as well who can analyse flight data, but if you are not interested in their opinion, then simply say so. After all you came on here saying: 'Hey guys! I need some help.'
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Flight distance : 3348051 ft
United Kingdom

Have you thought that the video footage from your drone may have already been viewed and that is why you have had your drone handed back ? Just the cynical part of me again.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Microchips Posted at 2017-1-18 14:56
Have you thought that the video footage from your drone may have already been viewed and that is why you have had your drone handed back ? Just the cynical part of me again.

No offense, but I am not interested in talking to the cynical side of you.

But if you must know, as it turns out, I've worked for the girl that owns the house before. She owns a VFX company that my company has worked with many times and that is when she knew I wasn't trying to spy on her and we figured that out right away.

There was never non-civility here.  They were quite nice.  Now, if you have anymore cynical questions, please ask the rain.  

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-1-18 14:47
Why do you want to upload the text file to here? We are not interested in it, only the decoded version displayed on Phantomhelp. And the reason you can't upload is shown in the image you posted, they don't allow text files. There are some very experienced people on here as well who can analyse flight data, but if you are not interested in their opinion, then simply say so. After all you came on here saying: 'Hey guys! I need some help.'

I don't know how to get to the GUI part from PhantomHelp but here is someone that does.  Start from the first post on page 4 from right here. ... eeded.102611/page-4

And if you want the HealthyDrones link, I would be happy to share that.

On the other hand, if a mod wants to delete this thread, that might be best for the universe.
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