F450 unstable problem...
3393 2 2017-1-16
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Flight distance : 410121 ft
South Korea

DJI F450 ARF KitDJI Naza-M Lite
2200mAh LIPO 3S Battery
Devention DEVO 7 TX
Devention RX701 RX

I have 2 problem...

1.Unstable takeoff (the aircraft don't takeoff to vertical direction.)
2.The aircraft tries to come back after release the stick. (elevator and aileron)

i think it seems not normal... help me plz

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Flight distance : 2067749 ft
United States

When you take off instantly put the throttle to 100% quickly.. Naza will do that if your to easy on the throttle. So quickly jam it to 100% when taking off and once a few meters in the air you can lower it to adjust your vertical speed..  If that doesn't help then do a Imu calibration when naza is cold.. After it's been sitting for 2 hrs, quickly plug it into your computer and do the imu calibration..  It can't be done after naza warms up so have the assistant program already open and ready to go..  This is how you do a advanced imu calibration...  2nd make sure your settings for the gps puck location are correct, and 3rd make sure the idle speed of your motors are correct. If the are to low or to high you will get stability issues.. So try playing with the different idle speeds too...  And lastly your gains...  If they are to low naza won't be able to react quickly enough to situations like your experiencing...  So try turning your gains up a little...  Stock gain settings plus 25 is what works good for me.. My yaw gains I needed pretty high in order to stop the yaw drift issue I was having while flying so if your has a yaw drift then try 180 for your yaw gain because that is what eliminated it on my f450...  If you need any more assistance let me know.. I have 3 naza v2 on a f450, f550, and on a tbs disco so I been thru quite a bit of issues with naza but I did get all 3 air frames flying nicely...  Also, run a 4 cell battery...  3 cell batteries with naza and flame wheel frames have never worked good for me at all...
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

I see that this is an older thread. Were you able to get it sorted?
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