United States
Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-2-7 06:25
It bugs me when members speak with authorty about subjects they know little about.
Short explanation: We can't fly within 15 miles. We can fly 15-30 miles. The boundaries you see in the map in post #5 above show both areas.
Agree with all your points. I'm still confused as to why the part of Reston I'm wanting to fly is coming up NFZ. As the crow flies, I'm just under 15 NM from DCA. However, I'm still outside of the FRZ because, as you note, the Western-most boundary of the FRZ is not actually circular, but rather runs along an obvious longitude adjacent to (but not covering) the greater-Reston area. Flying a Mavic running Go App 4, btw.
Having DJI use klicks instead of NM actually helps me as that should put the geofence well away from Reston (as it shows on their website) and definitely shouldn't cover the area in question. Even accounting for a sphere vs ellipse and a slightly off-centered, mis-placed and/or overly-large geofence, my spot should be flyable. Curious.
I've entered an Advance Unlock for the adjacent Authorization Zone (which also falls outside where I want to fly according to DJI's map) and I'll see if that does anything, but I was never prompted to request authorization by the app, so not sure it'll help.
Also, FWIW, I've seen video on YouTube of P4's flying the exact same area dated as recently as May 2016, so it seems previous versions of the app and pre-Mavic birds were not having this issue. I know living in this area means extra restriction, as it should, but it stinks that an otherwise-flyable area is possibly being cut off due to some overly-aggressive programming in the new app.