 First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
DJI-Jamie, I'm curious - how would an IMU issue affect the gimbal?
I ask, as I had a similar problem myself two days ago. When I first started the P4 craft up, the app reported that there was an IMU calibration error (IMU #2?) and I needed to recalibrate. I checked out a few other parameters, and then checked sensors to note that both IMUs and Compass' were all green. Main screen showed GPS acquired and good to go. Umm, OK I thought ...
A few minutes into flight I lost sight of it and decided to hit RTH. I saw the P4 approaching with the gimbal limp (hanging down and to the side). Manually landed it, power cycled the P4, and all good again. Swapped batteries and next flight had no issues. I haven't seen either issue (IMU error and limp gimbal) before.
Took the P4 out again yesterday and didn't have either problem. I did, however, lose connection 600m out with perfect line of sight, and in between multiple connect/disconnects managed to get a RTH in...