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DJI Mavic OEM Sunshade
3207 18 2017-1-18
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Flight distance : 219770 ft

Has anyone tried the OEM DJI sunshade? I'm wondering if it is worth the purchase to work with the IPad Mini I have hooked up in the controller. Any feedback would be great!
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Chris Jude
Flight distance : 853 ft
United States

I've ordered one but haven't received it yet.  I'll try to find the thread and give you some feedback if nobody has already once I try it out.
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Flight distance : 219770 ft

Chris Jude Posted at 2017-1-18 07:10
I've ordered one but haven't received it yet.  I'll try to find the thread and give you some feedback if nobody has already once I try it out.

That would be great! What type of device are you currently using with the Mavic?
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Chris Jude
Flight distance : 853 ft
United States

I've only used my iPhone 6s so far but have access to an iPad mini (my daughter has one).
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Flight distance : 22877 ft
United States

got it  last week,  have not used it yet,,  made of a rubber type plastic with Velcro,  fits over antenna's,   looks good,,  not sure how it will work with my Mini 4,  but  I used my credit points from buying the Mavic, so it was not that bad,   If you move the antennas  out,  it pulls it off the screen,   but  I think a little Velcro, and a little added piece and it will be great for sunny conditions, with the Ipad Mini,   

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Flight distance : 22877 ft
United States

abab2.jpg   DJI sunscreen on controler with ipad mini 4,  will need a little mod to work well
on this,   the issue is thhe hood fits on the antenas  and if you set them as instructed,  it liffs the hood off your screen,,,
the picture shows it at the middle setting,  
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Flight distance : 200577 ft
United States

HWKIDD Posted at 2017-1-18 17:49
[view_image]  DJI sunscreen on controler with ipad mini 4,  will need a little mod to work well
on this,   the issue is thhe hood fits on the antenas  and if you set them as instructed,  it liffs the hood off your screen,,,
the picture shows it at the middle setting,

You tilt the control in the direction away from the sun. I'm using the Hood with the mini 4 as well. I just position myself to where the sun is on the backside of the hood and I tilt the controller forward.
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Flight distance : 22877 ft
United States

devGOD Posted at 2017-1-18 19:42
You tilt the control in the direction away from the sun. I'm using the Hood with the mini 4 as well. I just position myself to where the sun is on the backside of the hood and I tilt the controller forward.

THANKS,    made a little  add on part,   hope to try it next week,   but all in all, its a well made unit,  Have you seen any issues you would like to share?
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Flight distance : 219770 ft

HWKIDD Posted at 2017-1-18 17:49
[view_image]  DJI sunscreen on controler with ipad mini 4,  will need a little mod to work well
on this,   the issue is thhe hood fits on the antenas  and if you set them as instructed,  it liffs the hood off your screen,,,
the picture shows it at the middle setting,

Wow that's great! Do you find that it actually helps? Like does it make viewing the screen much better or pretty mediocre?
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Flight distance : 22877 ft
United States

BradC234 Posted at 2017-1-19 13:37
Wow that's great! Do you find that it actually helps? Like does it make viewing the screen much better or pretty mediocre?

I have not really had much of a chance to use it,  we have had more rain than sun,  I am  hoping it will work  when we get to the summer time,   Might get to take it on a trip south in a few weeks, and will check it out there,,,   its a good buy if you have any credit to spend at DJI
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Flight distance : 219770 ft

Well I went ahead and bought it! Sucks living in Canada because everything is that much more expensive... oh well! Hopefully it was a good choice!
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United States

HWKIDD Posted at 2017-1-19 07:38
THANKS,    made a little  add on part,   hope to try it next week,   but all in all, its a well made unit,  Have you seen any issues you would like to share?

Any chance of photos of the add on you made?
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Flight distance : 22877 ft
United States

FrequentFlyer Posted at 2017-1-20 10:26
Any chance of photos of the add on you made?

it's really nothing special,   see the Velcro on the top in the center of the hood, ,  I added that,  I have a small black pieces, the same size I cut from a  plastic binder,  that hooks on to that,  and  with a small bend in it,   covers more of the screen,   the big key,  is  to try to put the sun in front of you when your flying,  or where you hold the controller, so its blocked from hitting on the screen,  also,  make sure your screen is set as bright as you can,   
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United States

HWKIDD Posted at 2017-1-20 10:37
it's really nothing special,   see the Velcro on the top in the center of the hood, ,  I added that,  I have a small black pieces, the same size I cut from a  plastic binder,  that hooks on to that,  and  with a small bend in it,   covers more of the screen,   the big key,  is  to try to put the sun in front of you when your flying,  or where you hold the controller, so its blocked from hitting on the screen,  also,  make sure your screen is set as bright as you can,

Thanks, Ill try that out.
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Flight distance : 5928881 ft

Got, to be honest I think it's poor and far too expensive...a no no from me
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United States

BradC234 Posted at 2017-1-20 10:24
Well I went ahead and bought it! Sucks living in Canada because everything is that much more expensive... oh well! Hopefully it was a good choice!

Works perfect. Use it with my iPhone 6 Plus. No problems. Does a good job for $19.
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Flight distance : 134908 ft
United States

Cheaper than a large pizza.
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Flight distance : 105551 ft

Received the sunhood a few weeks ago, haven't had a chance to test it properly though
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Flight distance : 1207 ft
United Kingdom

I think there's only one way to cut out bright sunlight. I can't be alone in the drone frustration I have. In simple terms I take my drone on holiday/travelling and then want to take on a walk, car journey, etc. to whip out when the opportunity arrives. The basic problems are 1. Deploying the drone is a pain…Every method of carrying a drone means a frustrating  set up especially if  it's bright sunlight and I need a shade of some kind.  Even when I've got get good at unpacking, it can take 10 mins to set up and then 10 minutes to pack away.  In most of the places I go I want a quick 5-10 min video and be gone and so the 20 mins set up and pack away is fiddly, difficult (on the floor of a dirty track) and infuriating. 2. Bright sunlight is an absolute pain.  There are lots of  sunshades but frankly in bright sunlight they're next to useless not least because you need to be able to read the small text on the screen that might be saying something like "SD card full not recording".  Add to that they're difficult to carry around without damaging (in the drone backpack), fiddly to set up and easily broken. 3. Screen size is a problem.  It's all very  well using a small phone to view what the drone is filming but small screens mean even smaller text and again that can be a big problem  Sure I can use a tablet but that means lugging more weight, a much bigger more cumbersome sunshade, etc.    It's especially a problem for those of us who are long sighted and need glasses to read the close stuff.  It means juggling glasses on your head to see the screens and then moving to see the drone at longer range. 4. Transporting for plane travel, etc is difficult.   To take a drone on your travels/holidays means using up your onboard carry allowance with a dedicated drone bag.  There's no easy alternative to folding down the backpack (I need to carry the drone on a walk/bus, etc) into my carry-on. I can't be alone in these frustrations but despite looking through the forums I haven't seen anyone commenting on them as a whole. I have a solution though... it's taken me hours of trial and error, and I've had to refine skills in cardboard folding, sewing,  gluing and design.. but, for me, the result is awesome.   I'm absolutely thrilled with the (final) end result and am posting just in case others might benefit.  (NB this one is for Mavic Pro but principles apply to all drones and I've just finished a new and much improved version for Mini 3 Pro) I've made the first and only backpack, I know of, that easily, safely and securely carries the drone, controller, etc, is really quick to deploy, is a complete blackout sunshade, incorporates optics (glasses) and folds completely flat to pack in hand or hold luggage.   Consists of four parts...   1) Outer shell - ripstop nylon 2) Protective Frame - vinyl covered cardboard (possibly overkill?) 3) Carry Box / Backpack frame - cardboard frame 4) Sunshade - Cardboard box (usable without backpack or inside backpack) It's a bit difficult to explain in simple words and I've posted pictures to help Thoughts / comments?
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