Nicolas T
Flight distance : 45039 ft
Hello everybody,
Today, I had a really scary experience that some of you seemed to also experience in the past.
I was flying my P3 Pro around me, only a few meters away from me and around 30 meters high. Prior to departure, the home point was perfectly recorded at the took off location with maximum GPS Strengh (and 16 satellites). When I reached the maximum flying distance, I got a message on the app asking me to activate the Return to Home option which I validated. However, the drone suddenly went crazy and recorded instantly a new Home Point on a road 1.2 km away from my current position (despite having a perfect GPS signal). I tried to control it but I could only control the left stick. I admit I panicked a little as I didn't understand what happened and as the drone was flying toward a very busy highway.
But the point is, the P3 set an absolutely random home point really far from me in a zone where I've never ever flown. It was really stressfull as I lost visual on it and it was really close to a highway with a lot of traffic! The drone finished its flight into a tree, 10 meters above the ground and I had to shake the tree really hard to get the drone back with little damages to the plastic shell.
The situation is an absolute shame! I read some posts on this forum with people who had this issue last year. It appears you can still have this massive security issue on a P3 Pro bought in 2017. I'm talking about random home point near a highway! I just want to fly my drone in order to make beautiful 4K footages, not to create a massive accident on a very frequented road.
I must add this is my third Phantom 3 in a month. I first bought a Phantom 3 4K in a shop here in France but it had a camera issue so the shop sent it to your support a few days ago. But the thing is I absolutely need a drone for February so I bought a new Phantom 3 4K in the same shop. Guess what? It had the exact same camera issue. So I brought it back the day after my purchase to get my money back and swear not to buy another drone from this shop. Here is the post I wrote on this forum by the way :
So I bought a Phantom 3 Professional on Amazon France and this is what I got today, for my very first tests! So again, this is a real shame. I thought flying a DJI Phantom will be a magical experience but it turned out to be a stressfull and very unsatisfaying one.
I hope someone at DJI can check the fly log. I just synchronized these on the cloud. The associated log is the latest one.
I will also upload the log directly here if I'm able to retrieve it from my Android tablet to my computer.