Mark Weiss
Second Officer
United States
DanMan32 Posted at 2017-1-25 06:56
Speaking of cracks, the arms tend to develop cracks, particularly in the screw wells behind the motor screws. That could cause the arms to start flexing more.
The first few times that I flew my P4p v2.0, it was in rather strong winds. The drone was completely stable. Even while descending straight down from a high altitude. Totally smooth footage.
Fast forward to today. The first 'calm' day of no wind. I took her up to get some views of the downtown area and I noted that on a couple of descents, even slow ones, there was side to side wobble of the camera. And while aloft and flying in a southerly direction, a couple of times I noticed the camera 'twitch' --it lasted 3 frames--in an otherwise smooth flight.
When I got home, I cleaned off the propellers. Some dead insect parts stuck to the blades and did an IMU calibration, twice, to make sure I did it correctly, then did a gimbal calibration. I'll probably take it up tomorrow and see if the vibration has cleared.
My hunch is that without the strong winds blowing away the vortex beneath the rotors, VRS was making the drone vibrate more than usual on descent in the calm air. |