A/E how to use it.
1467 3 2017-1-25
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Flight distance : 1110827 ft
United States

Im not sure what the A/E icon does.Im assuming it means auto exposure. When is the best time to lock or unlock it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

say u r filming or taking photos where say the sky is bright, but u want to set your exposure to buildings.. u lock AE on the buildings - then as you film the sky, it's overexposed, but all the pics/footage during that time would at least be uniform - not changing all the time, depending on where your camera is pointed. At least that is my take on that functionality.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

Phantomski Posted at 2017-1-26 12:49
say u r filming or taking photos where say the sky is bright, but u want to set your exposure to buildings.. u lock AE on the buildings - then as you film the sky, it's overexposed, but all the pics/footage during that time would at least be uniform - not changing all the time, depending on where your camera is pointed. At least that is my take on that functionality.

I agree, think you stated it perfectly. To the OP, you need to touch the screen on the POI you want, then lock it.
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Flight distance : 1110827 ft
United States

Phantomski Posted at 2017-1-26 12:49
say u r filming or taking photos where say the sky is bright, but u want to set your exposure to buildings.. u lock AE on the buildings - then as you film the sky, it's overexposed, but all the pics/footage during that time would at least be uniform - not changing all the time, depending on where your camera is pointed. At least that is my take on that functionality.

thank you all
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