United States
I have been experiencing compass errors for what ever reason now out of the blue. I have flown my last 6 battery packs without issue. Nothing has changed and now I am getting compass errors. I was out with my wife and kids having a picnic at the lake. They went swimming, I went flying. I flew 17 minutes with 1st battery without issue. I landed and then let the bird sit for 10 minutes and then put a fully charged pack in and took off again. Keeping an eye on the battery life, at 35% I started coming home from about 1700 feet away at 55 feet over the lake. For no reason, I started getting the red compass error warning and the bird switched to ATTI mode. It did start to lose altitude and I brought it up to 100 feet and started flying home as fast as she would go. All the way getting compass error. I was able to bring it home in ATTI mode and land safely. I was scared I wouldn't get it home and it would end up in the lake. I am always nervous flying over water. But I am starting to get upset that I have been flying for a long time without issue and now lately I am getting compass errors even after calibrating. I have the latest firmware available and upgraded the same day it was released. I was getting these errors before the June released firmware. I have also flown over this same lake before without issue. But now out of the blue I am receiving these compass errors. I really makes me doubt the machine, it makes me upset that I spent so much money on this and I don't feel like I can trust it. I have an annual camping trip coming up and I want to use it. But I am afraid that I cannot trust it. I love the bird, but I am losing faith. |