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Opinons on inspections after a "crash"
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Flight distance : 270518 ft
United States

Hello everyone!

Had a really bad time today. I let a friend hold the remote and within about 30 seconds got my P3A stuck in a tree. I managed to hit the branch with a shoe and the drone fell about 15 feet into a blanket held up by my friends. It was really quite impressive. I wish I could've recorded to show you all.

But, after a thoroughly inspecting and poking and prodding at my drone, I found no cracks to the shell or landing gear, no play in the motors, and all systems seem to be functioning properly. I just need to replace props now.

I just wanted to know, what kind of things do y'all do when and if you crash your drone? I am still a pretty novice user, but I'm pretty advanced with circuitry and electronics.

All ideas welcome!
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Flight distance : 81545 ft

It sounds like you've done a pretty thorough external inspection, so in the absence of any obvious damage, I'd next test fly it. Remain in a low hover and check out control responsiveness, if you have full control try operating out a way and check again. Repeat as necessary for you to have full confidence in its operations.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Personally, I like to take the top off and inspect the board with a magnifying glass for any loose plugs, hairline cracks in the solder, etc.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-1-30 03:22
Personally, I like to take the top off and inspect the board with a magnifying glass for any loose plugs, hairline cracks in the solder, etc.

Myself, I wouldn't be talking the shell apart. Not trying to go against the previous post. It would be good insurance for sure, but it sounds like you took precautions when you caught it, and doesn't sound like it would have taken a very hard fall. You did a complete inspection and found nothing, so change the props and fire it up, but let it hover close to you. Don't send it way up into the sky right away. Let it hover 10' off the ground for 4-5 minutes then move the controls around gently to see if it responds accordingly. If no errors and all looks good, I think you should be fine. Good luck.
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Flight distance : 270518 ft
United States

Thanks everyone! I'm pretty sure it'll fly. I'm going to try it this evening!
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