Jim H.
Flight distance : 12228 ft
United States
I had a close call this weekend.
I took off in an unobstructed cul-de-sac in front of my house.
Receiving a Low Battery Warning, I piloted it over my driveway towards my house.
Half way there, under a canopy of trees, I received the Critically Low Battery Warning.
The remote control says "Low Battery, Returning home in 10 seconds".
I immediately tried to land, but it would not; instead hovering at about 5 feet.
It seemed confused, not ascending to RTH, and not landing, and moving about.
To prevent a crash into the trees above, I was able to grab the Mavic body. It then put full power to the props trying to escape, I wasn't sure if I would be able to hold on.
While holding it in one hand, I moved the sticks inward and down to power it off. Would not work !
I then pressed the pause button, which allowed me to gain control of the Mavic and power it down.
Lesson learned:
Don't fly in obstructed areas with a low battery.
I believe that while in RTH mode, pressing the RTH button will cancel the RTH.
Does the ESC button have multiple functions?
Anything I could have done to allow the Mavic to land?