Mark II Newbie questions
1634 2 2017-2-1
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United States

I'm looking at getting the Mark 2 iOSD but had a couple questions I haven't been able to find answers to yet. These are probably laughable but I really don't know. We bought our dji s900 without and IOSD because we are doing 360 video shoots and didn't think we would need the FPV camera. Well...when we discovered we couldn't get telemetry to our Futaba 14SG that left me in a bind. So questions are:
Do I need an additional unit (like lightbridge) or can I just plug a GoPro straight into the Mark 2?
Assuming that will give me video and the telemetry correct?
I'm still figuring out what pieces do what. The Mark 2 is a transmitter as I understand it.

Now assuming I don't want to fork over another 500 bucks for lightbridge:
What ground recievers are people using? What can talk to the Mark 2?
I've been reading the Mark 2 manual but it isn't very specific.

My ideal setup would be this:
DJI A2 + Mark 2 iOSD
Ground video from a static gopro on the drone with telemetry overlay on an ipad mini.

Last question: I was reading that the Mark 2 operates on 2.4ghz. This is the same frequency as my RC wouldn't it cause interference?

Thanks for the help!
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United States

So after searching and reading for the past 5 hours I've figured a few things out I think. Now as I understand it:
Mark2 iOSD is just for overlaying telemetry on video, it isn't transmitting anything.
A separate video transmitter is needed (lightbridge, or other?)
A ground receiver is needed.
The video transmitters work on 5.8ghz so shouldn't have interference problems.

So assuming I went with the Mark 2 is there any other video transmitter besides lightbridge that people are using successfully? I'm just trying to not break the bank here...and explore all options.
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United States

Ok, so I'm assuming I'm not getting a response because everyone is just using Lightbridge here
So let me ask some lightbridge questions then. I'd love to hear from anyone with this system that can give me some tips.

As before here is what I want to accomplish:
a single GoPro camera attached to lightbridge + Mark 2 + A2 ----> gives me telemetry on screen and a video feed on an ipad mini

Having never set this up can someone confirm to me that all I need to buy is this:
Lightbridge transmitter/reciever: ... om=related_products
Mark 2 OSD:

I'm also looking for any good videos or tutorials on getting it all set up. Thanks for any help.
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