Loving my Inspire!
853 2 2015-2-19
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South Africa

In my participation in these threads even in the frustrating times, I have always strived to give a balanced view, so I think its just fair that inbetween the doubts and sometimes negative feedback one sees daily on the forum, I mention that I'm thouroughly enjoying my Inspire

To those who are still on the sidelines, and thinking about buying one, and gets nervous reading the fourms, please be aware that for every problem, hundreds if not thousands of flights are happining daily that is an absolute joy.

I've been flying mine daily, and after many, many flights, its been a rock solid, superb flying machine.
From low flying, close in action, to 1500 feet middle of the night flying, I've let the Inspire fly and trust it will do it's thing

Coming from a Phantom, the Inspire is just a mean, solid machine, it feels far more solid, I flies like a true aircraft, and cannot be compared to any other drone realistically in my view.

I'm not regretting buying it for one second!

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United States

nice pic. im guessing you live in a country with no laws on uavs.  this high altitude night flight is very much prohibited in the US. it could also be dangerous to small manned aircraft. sorry to be a pooper, but safety should be priority.
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South Africa

Hi John

I believe our laws are much the same as the US.
Civil aviation laws state that no VFR flights may take place for manned light aircraft between sunset and sunrise.
Any IFR flights logged in the area where I live, must be under 500 knots IAS , and above 4500 foot.
I'm not in the flightpath of commercial aircraft, (I know cause I did a PPL in this area), and the risk of a strike at 500m, is limited to an unauthorised, illegal or emergency decent by a highly irregular abnormal event.
It was a clear crisp evening, with no wind and vis at 30km plus, so if there was to be an event of such a nature, the chances are extremely good I would have seen the aircraft lights well in advance, and get out the way in a hurry.

I believe in responsable flying, and since out UAV's have not been classed yet in the right of way guideline, I treat it as bottom of the pile.  We should give way for any other flying vehicle, and be extra vigilant when flying.
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