Inspire 2 Poor Responsiveness to Forward and Pitch in P Mode
784690 784690 2017-2-4
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Hello All,
     I know I'm missing something here, so I hope it's a simple fix.  Keep in mind that I've only made minor setting changes to the go app such as distance restrictions, return to home height, imperial, 8Gb video cache, low and critical battlery, and free camera mode.  Whenever I accelerate forward in P mode, I have to use full stick to get a moderat speed.  However, when I elevate, i get great speed.  This is also true for pitch speed, which causes me to use full stick to get moderate speed.   It seems very slow and sluggish in response.  When I switch to S mode, everything is better, but it still feels a tad slow and sluggish.  I don't have any special modes setup, and I know that tripod mode can produce similar results.  I don't get what's slowing it down.  When I try my inspire 1, is quicker and more aggressive.  Suggestions please????

What have I done so far?
1.  Reset the aircraft back to default.
2.  Completely refreshed the aircraft.
3.  Reset the RC and re-linked.
4.  Calibrated the RC.
5.  Calibrated the Obstacle avoidance.
6.  Calibrated the IMU.
7.  Re-setup all my Go App settings (just minor ones like limitations so as not to flaw anything).
8.  Tested in two open fields with no obstructions as well as a drive way.
9.  Tested with an ipad 4 and a iPhone 7 plus
10.  Reinstalled and updated Go App 4
11.  Tried with and without attitude set to 100% (makes absolutely no difference)
12.  Stood in front of obstacle avoidance to confirm proper tracking.
13.  Put my hand under the aircraft to confirm proper vision positioning
14.  Put my hand over the top to confirm proper roof tracking.

15. Prayed to the Drone Gods to please let this Inspire 2 perform half as good as the Inspire 1.

]Inspire 2 P Mode

Inspire 2 S Mode

I2 Settings Compared to I1 Settings
I2 Exp.png
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

In the GO 4 APP with the I2 connected and all ready to fly. select the ... in the top right corner of the APP. then select the I2 icon, scroll down until you find "advanced" then select EXP, depending on what version of software you have you can change the values of the "sticks" to give a different response. if you move the "stick" you will see it responds showing a yellow "dot" as the stick moves. a straight line is a fast response. But for me i like them to be a sloppy as possible which i find its best when taking videos.   

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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Dr Jon Posted at 2017-2-4 20:14
In the GO 4 APP with the I2 connected and all ready to fly. select the ... in the top right corner of the APP. then select the I2 icon, scroll down until you find "advanced" then select EXP, depending on what version of software you have you can change the values of the "sticks" to give a different response. if you move the "stick" you will see it responds showing a yellow "dot" as the stick moves. a straight line is a fast response. But for me i like them to be a sloppy as possible which i find its best when taking videos.

I figured it was something simple.  There's a lot of travel in the sticks before it accelerates.  Comparatively speaking, and knowing how your Inspire 1 felt, did you experience the same?
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

Yes but when i first got the GO 4 app there was a option in the  EXP setting saying "slow, normal, Fast" but i updated the GO 4 last night and its gone...
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Flight distance : 3316614 ft

Hello GabeZ,

I had exactly the same problem with my I2. But after releasing the sticks the craft continued with the yaw mouvement for about 200° before stopping. In my case the only solution was to switch to ATTI mode. All changes to the EXP settings changed nothing in the behaviour of the I2.
I grounded the craft and did a refresh of the firmware with the Assistant App but couldn't test it further since the weather is to bad now.

Software glitch? Because for the first flights i didn't have this behaviour.

I hope that this will be resolved with a future firmware update

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Flight distance : 3316614 ft

Dr Jon Posted at 2017-2-4 20:14
In the GO 4 APP with the I2 connected and all ready to fly. select the ... in the top right corner of the APP. then select the I2 icon, scroll down until you find "advanced" then select EXP, depending on what version of software you have you can change the values of the "sticks" to give a different response. if you move the "stick" you will see it responds showing a yellow "dot" as the stick moves. a straight line is a fast response. But for me i like them to be a sloppy as possible which i find its best when taking videos.

Hello Dr Jon,

FYI i had the same problem as GabeZ but the EXP settings in the Advanced section changes nothing to the behaviour of the I2 in this specific case...

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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

GabeZ Posted at 2017-2-4 22:15
I figured it was something simple.  There's a lot of travel in the sticks before it accelerates.  Comparatively speaking, and knowing how your Inspire 1 felt, did you experience the same?

Just an FYI the EXPO function will be linear at ( This would eliminate any benefit of exponential )50 for the setting, anything above 50 will make the stick near neutral  MORE AND MORE SENSITIVE , what you get below 50 the stick at neutral gets a bit mushy .  I like mine at 35 for throttle 25 for yaw and 30 for pitch and roll.  Be sure to set these with the system fully turned on . The values below 50 help to give a smoother feel to the sticks and don't react to small system inputs .  Also be sure to check your Gains , the default is 100 ) Gains are how the aircraft functions from external forces, like wind and pressure , not from stick movement.  Sensitivity is how aggressive the Aircraft will resond  , like braking and altitude .  I stick with  about the midpoint or a bit higher on these. If you put the brake at setting 130 it will stop on a dime from forward flight , if you have it set 70, the aircraft will take a long time and skid to a stop , you can play with these and see what I mean.  Same with Attitude and Yaw, ( sensitivity )

These are for my Inspire 1 , I would assume the 2 has the same basic features.

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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

patou72 Posted at 2017-2-5 02:58
Hello GabeZ,

I had exactly the same problem with my I2. But after releasing the sticks the craft continued with the yaw mouvement for about 200° before stopping. In my case the only solution was to switch to ATTI mode. All changes to the EXP settings changed nothing in the behaviour of the I2.

I am not sure on the Inspire 2 but the Inspire 1 has a " Sensitivity  " setting   that is on the same page as the Gain and Expo settings.  I would  make sure that you have the Sensitivity settings not set to low where the aircraft does not stop when quickly when coming out of a Yaw.  Just make sure they are not set to low.  I know for example the brake function if set to low will take a long time and skid to a stop, were as if it is set to high , it will stop on a dime.

I would just make sure that all of your Expo, Gain , and Sensitivity are not set  to low .

The Inspire 2 should have the same basic functions as well from what I can gather .  These features have been in RC in general for many years now, and make flying much more enjoyable.


Hope this helps

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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

I'll have to check the settings on my inspire 1 and see if they're the same on the inspire 2.  For the record, I've never touched the settings on the Inspire 1.  It always felt perfect to me.  But after flying the Inspire 2, the sticks don't feel as responsive.  Even at full stick it doesn't feel like it's doing what it's supposed to.  I would have thought the default settings would be impressive like the Inspire 1.  
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Flight distance : 3316614 ft

Donnie Stugots Posted at 2017-2-5 05:21
I am not sure on the Inspire 2 but the Inspire 1 has a " Sensitivity  "  that is on the same page as the Gain and Expo settings.  I would  make sure that you have the Sensitivity settings not set to low where the aircraft does not stop when quickly when coming out of a Yaw.  Just make sure they are not set to low.  I know for example the brake function if set to low will take a long time and skid to a stop, were as if it is set to high , it will stop on a dime.

I would just make sure that all of your Expo, Gain , and Sensitivity are not set  to low .

Hello Donnie,

As you said i controlled these parameters because i was not sure if i made a wrong setting and at least
I made a reset to factory settings and normally this should be fine but there was no change in the yaw mouvements of the I2.
Gonna try soon after the refresh of the firmware and when the weather clears up.


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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

patou72 Posted at 2017-2-5 08:07
Hello Donnie,

As you said i controlled these parameters because i was not sure if i made a wrong setting and at least

Keep me in the loop if you find a fix before I do.  Because of the responsiveness being what it is, it really killed the maiden flight for me.  I didn't understand why it didn't behave the same or better than the inspire 1
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

GabeZ Posted at 2017-2-5 08:12
Keep me in the loop if you find a fix before I do.  Because of the responsiveness being what it is, it really killed the maiden flight for me.  I didn't understand why it didn't behave the same or better than the inspire 1

Just do me a favor and go through all the setting I mentioned earlier,  I Have had the setting values  change  ( On their own ) radically after a firmware update.  That is why I write down or take pics of all my settings.  If I find out more , I will be sure to let you know.

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Flight distance : 3316614 ft

Donnie Stugots Posted at 2017-2-5 10:43
Just do me a favor and go through all the setting I mentioned earlier,  I Have had the setting values  change  ( On their own ) radically after a firmware update.  That is why I write down or take pics of all my settings.  If I find out more , I will be sure to let you know.


Hello Donnie,

I think you may be right. Will take pictures of the default settings before the next (test)flight


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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Hello All,
   Here are the setting values of both my Inspire 1 and Inspire 2.  I left out the gain screen as everything was 100 percent on both.  It is important to note that there is no extra settings on the gain screen other than the sliders.  There is also a new reset all option for these settings on the Inspire 2.  After I took a picture, I pressed reseat all.  None of the settings changed.  What's really throwing me is that the value for the right stick (I'm in mode 2) is 40 for both.  But yet the Inspire 2 is clearly sluggish and unresponsive.  Just for grins, I did move the sticks around, and it is following the EXP line as it should.  So it's not a case of a bad transmitter.
Inspire 2 EXP.PNG
Inspire 2 Sens.PNG
Inspire 1 EXP.jpg
Inspire 1 Sens.PNG
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 939580 ft
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If you want it to be more responsive increase the sensitivity setting for "Attitude", you are only on 50 on the I2 verses 100 on the I1.
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Cougar1 Posted at 2017-2-6 07:45
If you want it to be more responsive increase the sensitivity setting for "Attitude", you are only on 50 on the I2 verses 100 on the I1.

I want it to perform the same as the Inspire 1 or better..... preferably better.  It would probably be counter intuitive to match the settings of the Inspire 1 without testing each setting change right?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 939580 ft
  • >>>

GabeZ Posted at 2017-2-6 18:01
I want it to perform the same as the Inspire 1 or better..... preferably better.  It would probably be counter intuitive to match the settings of the Inspire 1 without testing each setting change right?

Well you seem to be concerned about the I2 being less responsive, a good start would be to increase the Attitude setting under sensitivity. Give it a try.
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Cougar1 Posted at 2017-2-6 19:00
Well you seem to be concerned about the I2 being less responsive, a good start would be to increase the Attitude setting under sensitivity. Give it a try.

I plan on giving just the attitude a try.  I argued with DJI for over an hour over these settings.  They can't explain why my defaults don't match their defaults.  Also, it seems as though DJI doesn't have these defaults officially documented.  All they were able to share with me were the settings of their own unit which they use for events.  For what it's worth the settings are the following:

EXP: .40/.20/.30
Sensitivity: 100/100/150/150
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 939580 ft
  • >>>

GabeZ Posted at 2017-2-6 20:12
I plan on giving just the attitude a try.  I argued with DJI for over an hour over these settings.  They can't explain why my defaults don't match their defaults.  Also, it seems as though DJI doesn't have these defaults officially documented.  All they were able to share with me were the settings of their own unit which they use for events.  For what it's worth the settings are the following:

EXP: .40/.20/.30

Think your approach is correct, sensitivity setting are where the I2 response would be, EXP settings would only be how linear you want the sticks on the RC to be. Let us know how you make out.
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Flight distance : 1003822 ft
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United States

Did you change the EXP
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Hi WYHSniper,
    I plan to only change attitude to 100 and see how it goes.  I won't be able to fly it until this weekend.  Are your settings the same as mine at default?
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Flight distance : 3316614 ft

GabeZ Posted at 2017-2-8 19:17
Hi WYHSniper,
    I plan to only change attitude to 100 and see how it goes.  I won't be able to fly it until this weekend.  Are your settings the same as mine at default?

Hello GabeZ,

I tried once more to find a solution and the only thing i get is that you need to change your camera to free mode or the AC to A-mode...don't ask me why but for me it's the only solution to have a good response to the stick inputs.
This behaviour is quit dangerous for me...

Gonna post a video in a new thread to put this forward

Have a good flight


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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Here is my follow up.  Changing attitude had no noticeable affect on the aircraft.  Changing to random exp settings had no noticeable affect on the aircraft.  Changing the camera from follow to free and then free to follow had no noticeable affect on the aircraft except the intended camera operation.  I'm at a total loss here......   I cannot get this aircraft to fly forward with the same responsiveness as the Inspire 1 while in P mode.  I even went through all the trouble of making sure both were perfectly matched in settings.  On a flight test, the Inspire 2 never got beyond 35 mph in P mode, and it needed an 800 foot field to reach that speed.

It isn't until I switched to S mode that I get the forward flight responsiveness I want.  When in S mode, I reached 54 mph in the same field.

But don't get me wrong.  I care less about how fast it will go and more about how responsive forward flight is.  Why can't the Inspire 2 have the same forward flight responsiveness that the Inspire 1 has?  It makes absolutely no sense why it's so sluggish suffice to say that the obstacle avoidance can't catch up.  

Easily replicated with the following:
(Duplicate all sensitivity settings and exp on both Inspire 2 and 1)
With the Inspire 2, swirch to P mode and give 100 percent left stick.  The aircraft will sluggishly respond.
With the Inspire 1, switch to P mode and give 100 percent left stick.  The aircraft has excellent response.

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United States

GabeZ Posted at 2017-2-11 15:50
Here is my follow up.  Changing attitude had no noticeable affect on the aircraft.  Changing to random exp settings had no noticeable affect on the aircraft.  Changing the camera from follow to free and then free to follow had no noticeable affect on the aircraft except the intended camera operation.  I'm at a total loss here......   I cannot get this aircraft to fly forward with the same responsiveness as the Inspire 1 while in P mode.  I even went through all the trouble of making sure both were perfectly matched in settings.  On a flight test, the Inspire 2 never got beyond 35 mph in P mode, and it needed an 800 foot field to reach that speed.

It isn't until I switched to S mode that I get the forward flight responsiveness I want.  When in S mode, I reached 54 mph in the same field.

Gabez... I'm having the exact same issue.  Slow yaw turn, with over travel.  It has nothing to do with EXPO... it must be a firmware issue.  It worked fine the first 5 flights, then started acting like this.  I upgraded the firmware yesterday after this flight then tested it indoors... seems to be working fine now.  But only a few more flights will tell.  I'll keep you posted.  Just sucks a piece of equipment this expensive is having issues so soon. A bit frustrated... especially if it causes a crash.  The lack of rudder control is scary when your a distance and your aircraft turns past the expected point.  
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Ok DJI....... I am finally giving in.......   I have done the following in preparation for my next flight:

1.  Reset the aircraft back to default.
2.  Completely refreshed the aircraft.
3.  Reset the RC and re-linked.
4.  Calibrated the RC.
5.  Calibrated the Obstacle avoidance.
6.  Calibrated the IMU.
7.  Re-setup all my Go App settings (just minor ones like limitations so as not to flaw anything).

If this doesn't cure my problem, not only am I going to be upset that I burned away an hour of time, but I will push my ticket until I either get a solution or give up on this aircraft entirely.  Perhaps this aircraft flies like a dream for everyone else, but I cannot say the same......
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

GabeZ Posted at 2017-2-13 20:01
Ok DJI....... I am finally giving in.......   I have done the following in preparation for my next flight:

1.  Reset the aircraft back to default.

Im so sad... today i got a new version of DJI GO 4 and now i have your virus. {:4_157:}

BUT good news i reloaded the original version in my iPad backup from December 2016 and its back to normal

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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Dr Jon Posted at 2017-2-14 02:53
Im so sad... today i got a new version of DJI GO 4 and now i have your virus.

BUT good news i reloaded the original version in my iPad backup from December 2016 and its back to normal

But I had the old Go App 4 and it was present in that one too......
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United States

Hey all... Can someone try this and see if you can replicate the problem.  The people at DJI support are worthless.  I am having the same issue... but I only see it when the camera is in the follow mode.  If I turn the camera into the free position, the yaw reacts like normal.  Once I put it back into the follow state, it turns very slow and continues past after I let go of the stick.  Please try this and see if you can confirm the problem.  My follow only works if I'm in the ATTI mode.  In the GPS mode... it only goes slow.  Thanks, Mike
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Puckslpr Posted at 2017-2-14 14:25
Hey all... Can someone try this and see if you can replicate the problem.  The people at DJI support are worthless.  I am having the same issue... but I only see it when the camera is in the follow mode.  If I turn the camera into the free position, the yaw reacts like normal.  Once I put it back into the follow state, it turns very slow and continues past after I let go of the stick.  Please try this and see if you can confirm the problem.  My follow only works if I'm in the ATTI mode.  In the GPS mode... it only goes slow.  Thanks, Mike

Hi Patrick,
    I tried to replicate the Yaw issue and wasn't able to.  I did toggle free and follow mode just like you.  The only issues I'm have now are sluggish and delayed response for forward flight and tilt.  When I switch to S mode, everything responds fine.  I have not flown since two posts ago, so I'm about to find out of all the work I did for reset, calibration, and refresh did anything.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Hi Gabe

Anything new with this issue?  Have you tried a different device?  Like a iPhone 7 or something you have not used before?  
This is really weird and would like to know what you find out

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Flight distance : 7083891 ft
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United Kingdom

Patrick, if your I2 becomes more responsive when you switch the gimbal to free mode instead of follow mode, then check your *gimbal* exp settings.  When I first flew the I2 I unsuspectingly changed these gimbal settings and found that the I2 yaw response really lagged the stick input - it kept turning well after I'd let go of the sticks. When I reset the gimbal settings, everything went back to being fully responsive. I hadn't changed any of the aircraft exp or response settings, only the gimbal ones.

Go into DjiGo and select the gimbal options menu, then click in the advanced settings header (top item). In that menu you can control the gimbal yaw expo and smoothness in follow mode - try and reset those to defaults, it might help!
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Flight distance : 3316614 ft

Hello Elektro-Nick ,

Thanks for the info. In the moment the I2 seems to work again normally (Don't know why). Next time when I get this problem I will try your suggestion. Overall I feel that this problems are randomly and I have a doubt about the stability (firmware and Go app) of our I2's.
Really hope for a new firmware...

As you can see, we have no support for this problem from the support staff and this leads me to believe that they don't have more inside info about any solutions. We need to wait and see how it works with a new update FOR EVERYONE...

have a good flight

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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2017-2-14 22:12
Hi Gabe

Anything new with this issue?  Have you tried a different device?  Like a iPhone 7 or something you have not used before?  

Hi Rich,
    Nothing new just yet.  I haven't been able to go out and fly it.  I'll make sure to try by this weekend and report back.  I even have a ticket opened at this point.  I want to believe that this is normal, but I can't disagree with everyone else that seem to have no problems in P mode.  I also plan to record it.  I'm going to put both the inspire 1 and inspire 2 in the air at the same time and have a fun little race.
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Hello All,
   No new updates today.  They're tearing up the runway at the flight park I go to, and the person I was supposed to go with ended up getting sick.  That put a damper on trying to do a side by side or filming and controlling the aircraft at the same time.  I should really change the title to forward and pitch movement.  That's where the problems are for me.  However, I'm still surprised that nobody has experienced slow and unresponsive forward and pitch movement while in P mode.  Perhaps nobody is comparing this to the P mode of the Inspire 1?  
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Flight distance : 435052 ft
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United States

GabeZ Posted at 2017-2-18 17:39
Hello All,
   No new updates today.  They're tearing up the runway at the flight park I go to, and the person I was supposed to go with ended up getting sick.  That put a damper on trying to do a side by side or filming and controlling the aircraft at the same time.  I should really change the title to forward and pitch movement.  That's where the problems are for me.  However, I'm still surprised that nobody has experienced slow and unresponsive forward and pitch movement while in P mode.  Perhaps nobody is comparing this to the P mode of the Inspire 1?

This happened to me when I was flying near a slight hill or grade in the terrain.  The Obstacle Avoidance slows the aircraft down if it sense anything in front of it.  Disable your OA and see if that makes any difference.  If so, it's because you're flying near an obstacle and the triggered OA is slowing your bird.  This would also explain why you could fly striaght up or vertically with no problem.  Flying forward will be extremely slow as the bird nears the obstacle sensed by the OA.
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

ScooterC5 Posted at 2017-2-18 22:43
This happened to me when I was flying near a slight hill or grade in the terrain.  The Obstacle Avoidance slows the aircraft down if it sense anything in front of it.  Disable your OA and see if that makes any difference.  If so, it's because you're flying near an obstacle and the triggered OA is slowing your bird.  This would also explain why you could fly striaght up or vertically with no problem.  Flying forward will be extremely slow as the bird nears the obstacle sensed by the OA.

That sounds like good logic except that all my tests were done in large, flat areas with no obstacles.  I think there is a chance that the obstacle avoidance is overreacting, as I am able to he the responsiveness I want in S mode when all sensors are off.  I've never tested to see that the obstacle avoidance sensors are working correctly.  But I can confirm that I was able to calibrate them, so I assume they're fine.
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Double post.
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Flight distance : 435052 ft
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United States

GabeZ Posted at 2017-2-19 08:00
That sounds like good logic except that all my tests were done in large, flat areas with no obstacles.  I think there is a chance that the obstacle avoidance is overreacting, as I am able to he the responsiveness I want in S mode when all sensors are off.  I've never tested to see that the obstacle avoidance sensors are working correctly.  But I can confirm that I was able to calibrate them, so I assume they're fine.

I've heard of calibrating the VPS, but not the OA.  The Assistant app allows calibration of the OA system?
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

ScooterC5 Posted at 2017-2-19 09:45
I've heard of calibrating the VPS, but not the OA.  The Assistant app allows calibration of the OA system?

   That's correct.  You can calibrate OA through the Assistant App.  It first directs you to the board that comes with the aircraft.   However, you have to have really good light to use it.  I ended up calibrating it with the screen patterns instead.
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Flight distance : 768448 ft
United States

Hello all.  I finally made it out to fly.  To my surprise, the issue got a little better, but I still have poor responsiveness in forward and pitch.  One thing I noticed is that the sun really picks on the obstacle avoidance.  The aircraft incorrectly thought there was an obstacle in front of it at one pint and then lowered its landing gear at another.  When pointing the aircraft away from the sun, it always responded slightly better.  Videos to come soon........   by the way, I'm fairly certain at this point the obstacle avoidance is truly the issue.  But I also don't think anything is wrong.  I think this is normal orperation and anyone that says they don't have the issue is either using an old version of the go app, their perspective on responsiveness is different, or they don't own an Inpire 1 to compare it with.  I'll submit the videos to DJI for review on my ticket.
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