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Question about live streaming a concert
1658 3 2017-2-4
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United States

Hello all,
I am starting my buisness and just got my first job live streaming a small concert.  Im planning on using the DJI osmo with rode on-camera video mic and Z axis.  First of all I was wondering what the best quality I can stream in would be?  I would be connected to wifi.  Second I was wondering if I could simaltaniously be recording the video while live streaming it, preferably recorded in 1080p or 4K.  Third I was wondering if this is a good mic to provide sound for a concert or if I should get a different one/connect to the sound board somehow?

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United States

streaming a concert, mixed for a large room, will never sound good out of small speakers.   only way to do it right is to have the sound guy send an aux that has been mixed for headphones.
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United States

Aside from issues getting clean sound in, Vertical.Creti is right, you 100% need to pull a feed from the board, how were you planning on doing that streaming?   "Professional" live streaming, is no easy task unless you have a specific setup to do that.
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Alcedo Atthis
United Kingdom

Vertical.Creati Posted at 2017-2-5 08:19
streaming a concert, mixed for a large room, will never sound good out of small speakers.   only way to do it right is to have the sound guy send an aux that has been mixed for headphones.

True, but only for very large rooms / halls / open air events (fansc65e036f writes about a small concert).
For smaller events the backline / stage sound blends into the Front of House (FOH) sound from the P.A. speakers, so these instruments will be under-represented in the mix signal! They just don´t need as much amplification.
Just think of a large drumset or E-Guitars with massive Marshall-Tops on stage - in smaller rooms they might not be in the mix at all (beside the bass drum) ;-)

In this case you either take the accoustic house signal via microphone (and live with the limited but well balanced sound quality) or you require a dedicated mix which is different than the FOH mix considering each instrument level accordingly (via two dedicated Aux routings from the FOH mixer for instance).

I agree to dr. nick, live recording of music is no easy task and requires quite some (technical) effort and knowledge!
The other question is - why would you use an Osmo for video recording?
Concerts are usually quite dark, and the Osmo isn´t a good choice for low light situations...
Also the stage doesn´t run away, so you could consider a much better camera using a tripod for panning / zooming.
Or do you as a cameraman need to run around while recording - then the Osmo would make sence?!

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