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No Beeping during FW upgrade
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5611 40 2017-2-5
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United States

I bought my Inspire 1 mid 2015 and never had a problem with it. I stored it properly for about a year and today I decided I would take it for a spin. I tried to upgrade with the latest firmware but I could not even get a beep during upgrade, let alone a report. I formatted FAT32, kept my RC off, used a full battery. Seemed as my card was not readable. So I changed cards but still no beed and yellow flashing light. My cards have all been dedicated to this aircraft and I never had a problem with it (Lexar 16G 633x class 10). I was able to upgrade the remote control to the latest version, V 1.7.60. The problem now is that I find myself with a remote control that does not connect with the aircraft due to firmware difference, I can't put it back to travel mode. I can't format my card, it times out. By the way, everytime I put a new card in the zenmuse x3 (with no dji related firmware), the rc reads it but can't format it (Time out). As soon as I put a firmware in card, it subsequently tell me: invalid SD card. Whatever I do with that card after that won't changed how the RC reads, still Invalid SD Card, I find that odd. I tried about everything that is to be tried, I am at a loss, any help would be much appreciated. thanks!
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

First thing is you must rollback the RC to the 1.57 and re establish communication with the aircraft , I will attach a video . Once you rollback you may need to re link with the RC.  Read my tips page and go towards the bottom you will see how to re link .

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United States

Thank you very much for helping, I will do as you advise and post the result.
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-5 11:09
Thank you very much for helping, I will do as you advise and post the result.

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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-5 11:09
Thank you very much for helping, I will do as you advise and post the result.

Ok video above on how to rollback , once you rollback , like I said may have to re -link ....those instructions are on the bottom of my tips page,

Once you have re -establish communication with the Aircraft and Transmitter take a deep breath and read my TIPS PAGE  ( the whole thing !) and see if something comes to mind and then try again .  Do NOT UPDATE THAT RC  transmitter UNTIL YOU HAVE THE  aircraft updated.

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United States

Thanks Donnie!
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United States

the only 2 options are 1.6 and 1.5.8. I cannot roll back to 1.5.7. is this a problem?
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-5 11:14
the only 2 options are 1.6 and 1.5.8. I cannot roll back to 1.5.7. is this a problem?

take to 1.58
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-5 11:14
the only 2 options are 1.6 and 1.5.8. I cannot roll back to 1.5.7. is this a problem?

Do you happen to Know what version was on the aircraft before you updated ?? NOT 1.2 was it, tell me you were at at least 1.3
Hopefully are at that will be a match for 1.5.80 on the RC

I hope


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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-5 11:14
the only 2 options are 1.6 and 1.5.8. I cannot roll back to 1.5.7. is this a problem?

You don't happen to know where the aircraft is at RIGHT NOW DO YOU   

Here are the matches , you should have one of these I hope   for the aircraft is a compatible match for 1.5.80 on the RC. If this is where you started from earlier today then this is what we need to re establish communication

OR for the aircraft is compatible match for 1.6.0  and our this is where you started from before attempting to update  then this is what we need to get back to .
We need to get back to one of these two and then get out of travel mode and start over .

If you were up to date in December of last year , then this is where the updates should be .....We hope !!

let me know

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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Donnie Stugots Posted at 2017-2-5 11:36
You don't happen to know where the aircraft is at RIGHT NOW DO YOU   

Here are the matches , you should have one of these I hope

I have to go to a family / work function but will check back later today or tomorrow

keep me posted


other members can of course chime in if you ned help .......but I will checkin as soon as I can

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United States

Hey Donnie, No I don't remember which version. But looking at the date of the firmware v1.3, I am pretty certain I had made the upgrade since I was using it in August 2015. So V1.3 for sure, but not sure if I made further update after that.
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United States

I was able to revert back to v1.5.8 on the RC. Now, I don't have camera view: Gimbal is not detected. I did not have this issue with the latest update. As per the aircraft, I followed your tips and there is still no beep or any other signs that the firmware is being upgraded. Yellow light is flashing.
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-5 12:36
I was able to revert back to v1.5.8 on the RC. Now, I don't have camera view: Gimbal is not detected. I did not have this issue with the latest update. As per the aircraft, I followed your tips and there is still no beep or any other signs that the firmware is being upgraded. Yellow light is flashing.

Did you try to relink with the aircraft  with 1.5.80 on the RC trtansmitter ?   if you tried and did not work go to 1.60 on the RC and try that one . ( same process  , with re link if necessary) ,It makes one hell of a mess when you update the RC before the AC. Now we do the guess which version you were on before  game .
What do you mean the Firmware is not being updated  ? , all we want to do is roll back the RC and get communication again with the RC and the aircraft , once we get to that point  THEN  we can  try to update the aircraft .  

My biggest concern is that you are  on say 1.3 Firmware version on the Aircraft , the problem here is the RC transmitter  cannot Roolback to a Firmware that old  ( 1.3 on the RC transmitter ) if you jumped  from RC version 1.3 to 1.7 it may not allow you to , I have seen this before as well, then you will need to send the system in for repair .  My only hope is since the rollbacks that were still loaded to the Go app were 1.58 and 1.60. So one of thes two hopefully will work  but it MUST MATCH or better word is compatible because as I explain in my TIPS page the FW on the AC and RC will only SOMETIMES be a matching numbers , that is why I use the term compatible . on the Aircraft will  work Only  with RC version 1.5.80 on the aircraft willl ONLY work with RC version 1.6.0

And we cant put an SD card in the Aircraft to find out what version is on the Aircraft to solve this because its stuck in Travel Mode .  

I am just hoping that we can rollback the RC to the compatible Firmware on the Aircraft , re link if necessary and start over .  

Keep me posted

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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-5 12:36
I was able to revert back to v1.5.8 on the RC. Now, I don't have camera view: Gimbal is not detected. I did not have this issue with the latest update. As per the aircraft, I followed your tips and there is still no beep or any other signs that the firmware is being upgraded. Yellow light is flashing.

Were there any sort of .txt files left on the SD card that could indicate what firmware you were on prior or see the last update process in the hidden log file?
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-2-6 22:37
Were there any sort of .txt files left on the SD card that could indicate what firmware you were on prior or see the last update process in the hidden log file?

Question  Jamie maybe you know , If you update from RC version 1.3 to 1.7 and then do a rollback will the RC or go app have 1.3 still in the Cache ?  ( or do rollbacks come from DJI servers  )  I am just wondering because when the OP tried to rollback from 1.7 his ( or her ) choices were of the Previous 2 from 1.7.  ( 1.5 and 1.6 )  Just wondering if you may know the answer.

     I   also asked the same question regarding the file on the SD card but I don't think the OP had the SD card available, not sure .  This whole issue is from the dreaded updating the RC before the Aircraft nightmare .  Could DJI not have a simple line when its says updates are available that You MUST update the AC first ?  I know we touched base on this before but it  seems so simple , I know the PDF states not to update the RC before the AC  but one extra line on the Go app would do wonders , then again, maybe not , most people... sadly dont read instructions and heed warnings.   ( I often answer my own questions ........guess I am loosing it at age 53 )

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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Donnie Stugots Posted at 2017-2-7 04:58
Question  Jamie maybe you know , If you update from RC version 1.3 to 1.7 and then do a rollback will the RC or go app have 1.3 still in the Cache ?  ( or do rollbacks come from DJI servers  )  I am just wondering because when the OP tried to rollback from 1.7 his ( or her ) choices were of the Previous 2 from 1.7.  ( 1.5 and 1.6 )  Just wondering if you may know the answer.

     I   also asked the same question regarding the file on the SD card but I don't think the OP had the SD card available, not sure .  This whole issue is from the dreaded updating the RC before the Aircraft nightmare .  Could DJI not have a simple line when its says updates are available that You MUST update the AC first ?  I know we touched base on this before but it  seems so simple , I know the PDF states not to update the RC before the AC  but one extra line on the Go app would do wonders , then again, maybe not , most people... sadly dont read instructions and heed warnings.   ( I often answer my own questions ........guess I am loosing it at age 53 )

I don't think you're 'loosing it'. Common sense is not too common and we all experience 'selective reading' on occasion.
I had relayed the request to have this kind of notice some time ago, I can check to see where we are with that.

The Go app only holds up to two previous RC firmware versions in order to downgrade. When it's that old of firmware, like the OP. unfortunately those are your only selections. If the RC does not have a blue LED, they can prop up the aircraft, on some boxes connect the camera and then try to perform the firmware upate. Otherwise, the unit would have to come in to be updated properly. I doubt any components would need to be replaced.
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United States

Jamie - No, unfortunately I did not bother to look at the SD cards, I just formatted them as instructed by DJI, when more than 32 GB EX-FAT and when below 32GB FAT32 and uploaded the FW.

Just to make sure everyone understands, I did have the problem of no beeping before I updated the RC. As stated, when I originally set out to update my AC, I followed the instructions properly. Only when I realized something was strange and the AC was not beeping despite having inserted SD card with proper updated FW, then I tried to upgrade the RC. I agree big mistake, but it does not change the fact that the AC was not updating FW.
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United States

Donnie - I will try to relink my RC tonight when I get home after work. will let you know. I also contacted support from China but given they are just back from a long holiday, I expect the support team to have a lot to catch up before they get to my case.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-7 13:47
Donnie - I will try to relink my RC tonight when I get home after work. will let you know. I also contacted support from China but given they are just back from a long holiday, I expect the support team to have a lot to catch up before they get to my case.

Since you are in the US, you can email to get in contact with the North American Support team. Just to clarify, what LED color are you getting from the RC?
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United States

I am currently in contact with them, Coco Ren, 3 rd email in 3 days and I am still being advised to put the aircraft in landing mode when upgrading... frustrating. Once the gimbal is centered, the aircraft is blinking yellow.
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-7 13:47
Donnie - I will try to relink my RC tonight when I get home after work. will let you know. I also contacted support from China but given they are just back from a long holiday, I expect the support team to have a lot to catch up before they get to my case.

Let me know , Just a FYI , you will get very little help with Phone support or e Mail to DJI.  It is very sad but time and time again if you ask them a basic question they DO NOT  know the answer , you will get the canned Response of " Just send it in "

The moderators here and forum members are  your best bet , trust me, you will see.
If you were on an earlier FW on the Aircraft of  anything Before 1.6.0 then in my estimation you are spinning you  wheels  as the RC would ned to get version 1.3 on it .  And I have not seen a way for that to be done .  so I  hope you were current when you put it away last year ,  I have hope if you have not tried to re link yet , that to me is the key .  Just make sure you try to link with the 2 updates you have the ability to rollback to .  

If you can EVER remeber updating the RC via the GO app and Internet that would mean you are beyond version 1.3  , before that the update on the RC was done by a thumb drive in the USB port of the RC transmitter , see if this jogs your memory .

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United States

Hi Donnie, I realize that your support hat much more value than DJI and I appreciate the effort, thank you. I am afraid that the last update I made to my RC was through thumb drive. I haven't tried to link yesterday, time was too scarce, but I will till try. Let's say the RC does not link and I had an earlier version on the RC, what would be the process to fix it? do I send in China or US (I bought it in China) and do they fix it for free or do I have to pay?
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-8 08:21
Hi Donnie, I realize that your support hat much more value than DJI and I appreciate the effort, thank you. I am afraid that the last update I made to my RC was through thumb drive. I haven't tried to link yesterday, time was too scarce, but I will till try. Let's say the RC does not link and I had an earlier version on the RC, what would be the process to fix it? do I send in China or US (I bought it in China) and do they fix it for free or do I have to pay?

My statement regarding the DJI support is more in regards that it is sad that the Phone support staff do not know that much and you must usually resort to the forum to get any genuine help .  

The challenge is that any update  before   Decemeber   2015 used 1.3 for the RC version of FW. ( 1.3 FW for the AC and RC came out in. Aug 2015)   So if we can't get back to 1.3 version of the RC we are in a pickle .  I have another member I am working with in the exact same situation as yours, I did find a reset procedure that may rollback the FW to 1.3 but I am not sure if it still works .

Be sure to try the re link procedure in hopes that you were past that FW and on 1.7 or 1.8 .

Lets start here and if you can re link with one of these 2 great , If not as a last resort I will give you the instructions to do a hard reset to the RC which is supposed to rollback to the original version of the RC, we would have to see what version that is , luckily I have all the Old RC files that we can load via thumb drive if necessary .

so lets try the re link and go from there .
****You mention the last time you updated the RC via thumb drive was like back in August of 2015 correct ?  You then loaded the 1.7.60 via the Go App correcct ?  This would  definitley give a hint that you are on version  1.5 - 1.4 or 1.3  on the Aircraft.  These would all need 1.3 on the RC of course .....


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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-7 13:45
Jamie - No, unfortunately I did not bother to look at the SD cards, I just formatted them as instructed by DJI, when more than 32 GB EX-FAT and when below 32GB FAT32 and uploaded the FW.

Just to make sure everyone understands, I did have the problem of no beeping before I updated the RC. As stated, when I originally set out to update my AC, I followed the instructions properly. Only when I realized something was strange and the AC was not beeping despite having inserted SD card with proper updated FW, then I tried to upgrade the RC. I agree big mistake, but it does not change the fact that the AC was not updating FW.

Regarding this :
"Just to make sure everyone understands, I did have the problem of no beeping before I updated the RC. As stated, when I originally set out to update my AC, I followed the instructions properly. Only when I realized something was strange and the AC was not beeping despite having inserted SD card with proper updated FW, then I tried to upgrade the RC. I agree big mistake, but it does not change the fact that the AC was not updating FW."

This could have been the result of the SD card having data on it other than just the Bin File , or maybe it is possible that the wrong FW was loaded , hard to tell, my only other thinking is maybe you were on version 1.2 and not on 1.3 on the AC but that would not explain why the RC updated via the GO app  becasue you must be on at least 1.3 for that to work .  So bottom line hard to tell but this problem happens all the time .


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United States

****You mention the last time you updated the RC via thumb drive was like back in August of 2015 correct ?  You then loaded the 1.7.60 via the Go App correcct ?  This would  definitley give a hint that you are on version  1.5 - 1.4 or 1.3  on the Aircraft.  These would all need 1.3 on the RC of course .....
When the Aug 2015 FW came out, I was in Bali using my AC. I can't remember if I decided to do an upgrade while I was there, but it is very probable since I was using it and was probably afraid to have a runaway. One thing is certain, when I turned on my AC and RC a couple of days ago for the first time, I was able to upgrade the RC directly to the latest FW 1.7.60 via the Go App.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-8 10:01
****You mention the last time you updated the RC via thumb drive was like back in August of 2015 correct ?  You then loaded the 1.7.60 via the Go App correcct ?  This would  definitley give a hint that you are on version  1.5 - 1.4 or 1.3  on the Aircraft.  These would all need 1.3 on the RC of course .....
When the Aug 2015 FW came out, I was in Bali using my AC. I can't remember if I decided to do an upgrade while I was there, but it is very probable since I was using it and was probably afraid to have a runaway. One thing is certain, when I turned on my AC and RC a couple of days ago for the first time, I was able to upgrade the RC directly to the latest FW 1.7.60 via the Go App.

If you have a blue LED on the RC and you are still unable to get the aircraft to update at this point, the best course of action would be to have it sent in for service. The NA Support team would be able to help out with shipping.
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United States

Ok my friends, there is hope:

I was able to relink the RC to the AC. A few things have happened:
1- the AC LED blinks yellow and red. It used to blink only yellow.
2 My RC LED is green.
3- When clicking "About" on Go app, I can see that the AC is on Version, the RC on Version 1.5.80 and the camera on Version This info was not available before.
4- The camera view is resolved, I can move the camera by letting my finger on the screen so there is definitely a dialogue between RC and AC.
5- The app is requiring a slew of upgrades: Remote Control,Aircraft requires upgrade, Battery requires upgrade. This was not available before.
6- Compass alternate between error and normal. Same as before.
7- Radion Channel Quality is poor, same as before.
8- Remaining capacity: Invalid SD card. same as before (I have a working card inside that was dedicated to my inspire and always worked.)

I am going to turn that off and wait for your suggestion on what to do next. Thanks!
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United States

Just a thought, we know that when the AC status indicator blinks yellow and red, this means calibrate compass. Could it be that I would need first to calibrate the compass and get the AC ready to fly (with V1.3) before attempting to upgrade with latest FW. Meaning that upgrading is only possible if AC is free of errors (compass or IMU)?
As it stands,, I can turn the motors on and off with RC, I haven't taken it for a flight, but the Go App status says safe to fly (No GPS). I tried to calibrate the AC but it keeps telling me that there are too many interferences around. I am in a Manhattan building so that could explain, although I've done many compass calibration in this same spot before.
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United States

Another Question Donnie, why do I have the + sign at the end of my Aircraft Version. I read your tips but I can't understand why a version that is from 2015 isn't synchronized with DJi servers yet. I clicked on the aircraft sign on the top left of the app and used the cloud to sync, but I still have the plus sign. Now should I let the app running for a couple of days or is it just going to synchronize automatically? I am using my iPhone.
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-8 20:33
Another Question Donnie, why do I have the + sign at the end of my Aircraft Version. I read your tips but I can't understand why a version that is from 2015 isn't synchronized with DJi servers yet. I clicked on the aircraft sign on the top left of the app and used the cloud to sync, but I still have the plus sign. Now should I let the app running for a couple of days or is it just going to synchronize automatically? I am using my iPhone.

Give the + sign thing some time , I dont hink yu are on version 1.10 for the AC !!! You must be on 1.7.     I think onceyou get updated to the latest FW the + will go away ,the go app does not play well with older FW.


Get that AC out of the building and go to the park to do the  compass update , you dont have to be naked just keep away from as much metal as you can  ( I mean you can be naked if you want , to each there own )   That is why the AC  is flashing Balck and Yellow  , You could try to update the comapss NOW, but do it  ouside and then update , I dont know if that could be causing any issue , Maybe . Wont hurt anything , when you get all up to date must update IMU and Camera gimabal as well.

The only part that has me vexed is you cant  be on version 1.10 on the aircraft if the Go app says you are on 1.58 for the RC, that is not a match  ( the system simply would not work ) . The AC must be on version 1.7 if it is working  with RC version 1.5.8 on the RC. AND HOW THE HELL DID THE CAMERA GET UPDATED TO 1.10  AND NOT THE AC.......DO YOU OWN 2 CAMERAS ?????

I think I know what Happend, You updated only the Camera FW  ONLY when you tried updating ( You only updated camera  ) , you did not update the Aircraft, that is why you have all these issues .  What you MUST do is update the Aircaft with version 1.10 and use the X3  ( dont pick any camera from the drop down list , it defaults to x3 )  , this is the ONLY camera you are using correct ??  
That is why the systemis asking for updates to the RC and AC etc.  Get the AC updated FIRST , then update the RC . Do not update that RC  till you get the. AC updated   Capishe , You are from New York , you know what that means right ?

So go to the downlaods page like the one below  and then update again, make sure RC is OFF.  Then you will update the RC then you will update the compass and you will be a lean mean flying  machine !!

Go buy   a brand new SD card, that should solve it , could also be that the old FW is not jiving with the latest Go app , not sure on  that .
Be surer to REPLY TO ME  so I know you are still with me , I get lots per day and have not forgotten you but dont want to either....
You only own the X3 camera correct ?  If you own the X5 also let me know, If you do each one needs to be updated !!



select product.PNG
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United States

Hey Donnie, thanks for following up and yes, I am with you until I fix this. And hopefully, this thread will help other members who have that annoying issue.

I have only one camera and it is the X3. I think I know why my camera is updated to 1.10, I used to own a OSMO handle only and I was using it with the X3 from the inspire. I did an upgrade recently (probably around December 15) right before selling my OSMO. This might be the reason why the camera is upgraded and not the AC.

Now, I have a brand new card that I was able to format using the go app. installed the latest FW and still nothing, no beeping. Somehow, the compass is not requesting me a calibration.

Still going to plan a trip to the park, the weather is crazy, too much snow, so I sure won't be naked but I'll try to calibrate this weekend.

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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-9 11:01
Hey Donnie, thanks for following up and yes, I am with you until I fix this. And hopefully, this thread will help other members who have that annoying issue.

I have only one camera and it is the X3. I think I know why my camera is updated to 1.10, I used to own a OSMO handle only and I was using it with the X3 from the inspire. I did an upgrade recently (probably around December 15) right before selling my OSMO. This might be the reason why the camera is upgraded and not the AC.

Are you using a Mac or  a PC for the update ?  If a Mac try a PC , and you say  that you format the SD card in the camera with the Go App correct ?  If yes that is great.  The next time you put the Update in the AC be sure the AC is off then with the SD card  installed you then turn  on the Aircraft (  This is just a reminder on the order )  Make sure it is only the BIN file that you are trying to load .  It is in a zip file so make sure it is the bin file you are trying to load , it should look like my sample below , just before you drag and drop to the SD card drive.  

I wonder if the Aircraft thinks it is updated for some reason , You can also try version 1.9 if you would like to try that , it would not hurt anything , it is on the same page as the X3  Just below it ,   and since you are on ( In my estimation ) version  you are still in the proper order.  

One other thing you could try is to Update the IMU and the camera gimbal calibration NOW ,  It wont hurt anything and may help . Then get that compass updated and at least you will be ready to fly , just not up to date .  
Qustions :  1- Do you get any sound when you are trying to update the AC ?
               2-  If you dont get any sounds can you ( or if you do get sound ) load the SD card back to the computer and see what the log says, It should say "success"   "fail"   "abort" if it             is reading the SD card at all.  
               3-  Are you using a MAC. ?  if so this may explain alot , try a PC. ( I own and love my Mac, just updating can be tricky if the settings are not right )

I know you are going to tinker this weekend , so NO rush . Just get with me when you can.



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United States

I am indeed using a mac. The closest to a pc is my windows on my mac using parallel, would that work?
response to your questions:
1- No I don't hear any sound when inserting SD card with only Bin file of latest FW. I left the AC until battery ran out and still no sound.
2- When I extract the Sd card, I see no txt file in it. only the bin.
3- yes, see above.

I don't understand why you would think I have a version on the AC. The go app says, could you please explain to me. thanks.
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-9 12:08
I am indeed using a mac. The closest to a pc is my windows on my mac using parallel, would that work?
response to your questions:
1- No I don't hear any sound when inserting SD card with only Bin file of latest FW. I left the AC until battery ran out and still no sound.

Ok, one reason I think you are on AC is because the AC would not be able to communicate with the RC on the latest version of  firmware , they are not a compatible  versions .  Look at the chart below , these are the matches.
X3 (Inspire 1) - Jan '15 - Feb '15 - Mar '15 - Apr '15 - May '15 - May '15 - Aug '15 - Sept '15 - Dec '15 - Dec '15 - R/C 1.5.70 - Mar '16 - R/C 1.5.80 - Apr '16 - R/C 1.6.0 - June '16 - July '16 - R/C 1.7.40 - Dec '16
I dont know why 100%  we are still stuck on the + sign , the only thing I can think of is the go app does not recognize older FW like that , once we get you up to date we should be golden .  
Regarding the Firmware versions :
The reason is because  if you remeber when you updated the RC before the AC  the system would not communicate with one another, same reason not compatible .  The reason I think the Mac is not loading the firmware correctly is that if it was you would at  least be able to read the Log  that is obtainable anytime you load an update into the RC with the current FW version .  I am certain if you format the SD card on the Aircraft then load latest FW  Bin file via a PC it will work.  and also the NO sound is a dead give away of the Firmware is not readable  .  I SEE THIS ALL THE TIME WITH A MAC, THAT IS WHY I WROTE IT IN MY TIPS PAGE .....Trust Brother donnie on this one !!

brother donnie

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United States

ok I see. strange, I don't think i've updated the Ac in March '16...
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

ICU Posted at 2017-2-9 12:27
ok I see. strange, I don't think i've updated the Ac in March '16...

1.57 and 1.58 ,may have been minor updates and still compatible with one-another .  so that  might explain it   1.3 on the RC worked with Aircraft  FW   1.3    1.4    and 1.5  so there is some overlap , but 1.7 on the RC would WILL  not work with 1.58 on the aircraft .  
Hope this answers it , you get a PC and load that new bin file to the SD card .  I dont know if the windows partition will work , cant hurt to try , just make dam sure the RC transmitter is OFF.  
***** Just remebered -  the Encryption changed after update 1.8 on the AC so there is no way that 1.58 on the RC could commuinicate with 1.10 on the Aircraft .   See pdf below explains why you cant be on 1.10 on the AC abnd 1.58 on the RC Transmitter.

release notes for 1.8.PNG
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WOW!, I cannot believe it! my problem came from actually using my mac to download the FW. I used Windows (with parallel) and the magical beeping happened. I cannot thank you enough Donnie for all the time you spent with me guiding me through this. And I cannot help being upset at DJI for letting such stupid bug unresolved! So for anyone reading this, please read carefully the TIPS provided by Donnie and follow to the letter, even those little things that you would think are obsolete. DJI, if you read  then please train your staff or better just hire Donnie to do it, it'll save time, money and you'll make your customers very happy. I lost one week of my life trying to solve an issue that should not be an issue. DJI support were actually recommending me to send the drone back in China.

Donnie, you are the man {:4_169:} I'll drink a beer to your health tonight. thanks again.
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Flight distance : 813740 ft
United States

Glad you got it sorted! I was having the same issue with no beeping (which is really more like a soft screech than a beep lol) and it was apparently because I had deleted all the files and directories from the SD card rather than formatting it (I didn't want to turn the AC on just to format and turn back off). Formatting it and loading the BIN file into the root with the directories created after the format still in place did the trick. It seems like it's really particular about the state of the files and file system during an upgrade.
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