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Aircraft Disconnected DJI GO 4 app.
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Flight distance : 411109 ft

I've got the same issue with my Honor 8 and Mavic Pro. Any solution here ?
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Flight distance : 9144 ft

You did an excellent job of describing the same issue I am having.
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Flight distance : 9144 ft

You did an excellent job describing the issue I am having. Everything was rosy with DJI Go 4.1.4 on my iPhone 7 Plus (128). When I upgraded to DJI Go 4.1.5, I couldn't get more than 30 seconds into the air. While completing my flight checks, the video signal is lost. I could still control the aircraft as you described and was forced to land. I tried to recycle the start up process, sometimes I would get the video signal back, others I wouldn't. But every time I took off, the signal would be gone in 30 seconds. I would also get the message that contact with the aircraft was lost, do you wish to return to home? I cancel the RTH, the aircraft is in front of me at eye level. I could control it, up/down, forward/back, yaw left/right, but no video on my phone.

I have tried on three different days in three different locations. I have flown successfully in these locations in the past and I know there was no interference, the DJI Go App confirmed this.

I know that I am using the latest versions of everything and so I could only suspect the upgrade 4.1.5.

I contacted DJI support via chat and I'm sorry DJI, you weren't very helpful. All I wanted to know is how to load DJI Go 4.1.4 back on my phone. The App Store at Apple only has the current version. If I could load the last version I could rule it in/out as the cause.

The chat support would only tell me to update all the devices using DJI Assistant 2. I know all my firmware is the latest and DJI Assistant 2 confirmed this. I chose refresh to be sure that the firmware is up-to-date. So it would appear that I am grounded until enough people squawk and a solution is found.

While it may not mean very much, I am a new pilot and I am doing everything I believe is correct. I check for new software versions regularly. I check the FAA and Airmap apps before I fly. I do a flight check of all the controls immediately after the launch. I have not crashed the drone, the props are not damaged. I am doing everything I can to protect a $2000 investment.

I realize that there are many versions of everything out there, here are mine currently.

Apple iPhone 7 Plus (128) iOS 10.3.3
DJI Go 4.1.5
RC - 01.03.0900
UAV - 01.03.0900
DJI Assistant 2 - 1.1.2-2

If anyone else is having this problem, please chime in. Without video, the drone is pretty much useless.

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Flight distance : 9144 ft

R_Adams Posted at 2017-8-10 04:22
You did an excellent job describing the issue I am having. Everything was rosy with DJI Go 4.1.4 on my iPhone 7 Plus (128). When I upgraded to DJI Go 4.1.5, I couldn't get more than 30 seconds into the air. While completing my flight checks, the video signal is lost. I could still control the aircraft as you described and was forced to land. I tried to recycle the start up process, sometimes I would get the video signal back, others I wouldn't. But every time I took off, the signal would be gone in 30 seconds. I would also get the message that contact with the aircraft was lost, do you wish to return to home? I cancel the RTH, the aircraft is in front of me at eye level. I could control it, up/down, forward/back, yaw left/right, but no video on my phone.

I have tried on three different days in three different locations. I have flown successfully in these locations in the past and I know there was no interference, the DJI Go App confirmed this.

I need to clarify, the message is "No Image Transmission, RTH?"

Additionally, I am exploring the possibility that it may have something to do with the order in which everything is powered on. It seems to be a little more stable if I follow this order;

1. Connect the iPhone to the RC cable (Thunderbolt end) and leave DJI Go 4.1.5 off.
2. Disconnect the micro USB end from the RC.
3. Power on the RC.
4. Power on the UAV.
5. Connect the micro USB to the RC.
6. Launch the DJI Go App.

This makes no sense to me, but my interest is in finding a resolution. Maybe the developers might twig onto a possible reason for this issue.

Thank you to all that have commented here, I am trying everything that has been suggested.

Have a great day, Rick.
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Flight distance : 124180 ft

Jar2 Posted at 2017-8-1 08:56
All firmwares up to date, samsung S6, original cables on left port etc, antennas well positionned...   

Angelo - Yes, I;m running Go4 & Litchi  on my tablet, I;ve disabled any updates for Go-4 app. i';m on 4.1.4 & everything works perfectly. So, rather than post rants on here about how bad the lastest Go 4 is, I just don't allow updates, for now
You all know that DJI techs are working their butts off trying to make the lastest version work, meantime, We all know there are older Go 4 versions that work just fine
So, why don't you just use an older version & go fly??
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Flight distance : 592552 ft

R_Adams Posted at 2017-8-10 06:50
I need to clarify, the message is "No Image Transmission, RTH?"

Additionally, I am exploring the possibility that it may have something to do with the order in which everything is powered on. It seems to be a little more stable if I follow this order;

Same problem.

DJI Phantom 4
DJI Go 4.1.5
iPad mini 4

DJI Go 4.1.5 disconnects from Phantom 4 in flight, random interval of flight before disconnect. Control of aircraft is maintained but camera view disappears with "Disconnected" message. Landing, shutdown and restart of P4, controller and Go 4 solves the problem for only a short time. Have all recent firmware and app updates. Please help, I'm avoiding flying due to risk of aircraft loss caused by poor DJI Go 4 app reliability.

Previous Go app (version before Go 4) had no glitches or crashes and flight was without risk of losing the aircraft. I'm ready to send the whole Phantom 4 back to DJI and request a refund thanks to the poor deployment of DJI Go 4 and its terrible performance.
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Flight distance : 52264 ft

R_Adams Posted at 2017-8-10 04:22
You did an excellent job describing the issue I am having. Everything was rosy with DJI Go 4.1.4 on my iPhone 7 Plus (128). When I upgraded to DJI Go 4.1.5, I couldn't get more than 30 seconds into the air. While completing my flight checks, the video signal is lost. I could still control the aircraft as you described and was forced to land. I tried to recycle the start up process, sometimes I would get the video signal back, others I wouldn't. But every time I took off, the signal would be gone in 30 seconds. I would also get the message that contact with the aircraft was lost, do you wish to return to home? I cancel the RTH, the aircraft is in front of me at eye level. I could control it, up/down, forward/back, yaw left/right, but no video on my phone.

I have tried on three different days in three different locations. I have flown successfully in these locations in the past and I know there was no interference, the DJI Go App confirmed this.

Thanks for detailed description of the issue! I have the same problem with my DJI Mavic after the recent software and firmware upgrade to the latest versions. DJI Go app (4.1.5) on iPhone 7 is randomly loosing video signal from Mavic which is doing RTH in less than 5 minutes of flight. I was very disappointed because I've lost great moments to shoot this weekend...

Is there any way to roll back DJI Go app to the previous version on iPhone? May be the firmware should be rolled back too until the solution to the problem is found.
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Flight distance : 124180 ft

EGorodet Posted at 2017-8-14 12:03
Thanks for detailed description of the issue! I have the same problem with my DJI Mavic after the recent software and firmware upgrade to the latest versions. DJI Go app (4.1.5) on iPhone 7 is randomly loosing video signal from Mavic which is doing RTH in less than 5 minutes of flight. I was very disappointed because I've lost great moments to shoot this weekend...

Is there any way to roll back DJI Go app to the previous version on iPhone? May be the firmware should be rolled back too until the solution to the problem is found.

You know with all these issues , which mostly, seem to affect android users.
DJI must be sweating figuring out how to make sure the Crystal Sky monitors work as they are android based.
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Flight distance : 10617 ft

The Android application should be debugged. There are so many fake problems detected that when a true problem will arrive we will ignore it.
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Flight distance : 100971 ft

I fix "Aircraft disconnected" by turning off "Always prompt when connecting USB" on my tablet /HUAWEI M3/. Hope it works for you!
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Flight distance : 52264 ft

Hi folks,
Today I've decided to buy Litchi app for iOS (because of problems with DJI Go) and had a successful flight of my Mavic with it! I think that now it's obvious that lastest DJI Go app 4.1.5 for iOS has serious stability issue resulting in occasional video disconnect during flight which is not being restored.
Also after analysis of today flight logs on AirData UAV I've found several "Data Loss" notifications "Downlink data connection lost for 1 second)", but during flight I did not notice any serious connection issues in Litchi app, which made me think that Litchi has a better fail-safe and restore algorithms than DJI Go, which could probably stop working after the first Data Loss...
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Flight distance : 782582 ft
United States

fans987d278a Posted at 2017-8-15 08:41
You know with all these issues , which mostly, seem to affect android users.
DJI must be sweating figuring out how to make sure the Crystal Sky monitors work as they are android based.

Not me. I'm having the same issue using an iphone 6. App disconnects from the controller but the controller is still connected to the bird with full signal strength. It's not just the video it's "disconnected".

Can still control the mavic fine.  The first 2 flights never had an issue and now this morning the app disconnects every few minutes.

Killing the app and restarting it works for a few minutes. I do not have to bring the bird home first as others have reported.

Going to try a few things like a different cable through the regular USB port, but if I can't resolve this before my amazon(from Adorama) return period is up, I'll be returning it.

This is very unfortunate. Very much regretting selling my P3P now.
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Flight distance : 782582 ft
United States

Switching to the full size USB and a a regular iOS cable did not resolve the issue.

Going to try the ipad air 2 next.
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Flight distance : 782582 ft
United States

Several flights with my Air 2 and no disconnects. Going to uninstall and re-install go 4 on the iphone 6 next.
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Flight distance : 782582 ft
United States

Did two things and unfortunately not one at a time which makes me not a very good community citizen here. I realized my iphone 6 was running the previous release to 10.3.3, so I updated the phone AND re-installed go 4.

Two flights and no disconnects. I'll make another 5 or 6 flights today before I call it fixed.
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Flight distance : 782582 ft
United States

OK, well I was just lucky those first two flights after updating iOS and re-installing the app.

Just tried again and didn't even take off because the app wouldn't stay connected for more than 3 seconds. Now it won't even connect at all after several power cycles of the drone, controller, and iPhone.

At this point even if it started working reliably I'd always be worried that it could disconnect at any time, so I'm packing it up and starting my return to Amazon. Bummer.
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Flight distance : 782582 ft
United States

Just tried the iPad Air 2 again. Looks like I was just lucky for those two flights as the iPad is now having the same issue.

Wonder if this could be a controller issue? I've tried multiple cables in the full size USB port as well as the gender bender cable from the micro USB to iOS.
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Flight distance : 797930 ft

From my experience, this deconnection issue is due to the original cable whitout shield interference.

And the interference comes from 3G/4G data and Wifi of the smartphone ( i owned a Galaxy Note 4)
Perhaps depending of the location of the antennas in the smarphtone, the issue occurs or not.

So i leave my phone in airplane mode and no more deconnection.

But i have edge effect : in airplane mode, i have continuous prompt of the "enhanced warning zone" popup ...
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Flight distance : 327497 ft

DJI please stop adding new features to the app instead of fixing it on android. Better yet why not just pay the guys at Litchi to make an app that works as intended?
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Flight distance : 327497 ft

fans987d278a Posted at 2017-8-15 08:41
You know with all these issues , which mostly, seem to affect android users.
DJI must be sweating figuring out how to make sure the Crystal Sky monitors work as they are android based.

Ha! $800AUS on a DJI android device when they cant even get the app working on android phones on the supported list? I wouldnt pay $50 for a crystal sky right now
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Flight distance : 592552 ft

Jumbo333 Posted at 2017-8-21 14:16
From my experience, this deconnection issue is due to the original cable whitout shield interference.

And the interference comes from 3G/4G data and Wifi of the smartphone ( i owned a Galaxy Note 4)

Seems more random than that given the range of devices listed in this thread alone, my iPad is wifi only so debunks the 3G/4G theory.

I think I've solved my problem posted above:
Phantom 4, iPad mini 4, DJI Go 4 with random "Disconnected" error.

Here's what I did:
Synced all flight records from old/original version DJI Go app and then synced flight records on DJI Go 4 app.
Deleted old/original DJI Go app and all records stored on iPad mini 4.
Rebooted iPad, connected USB to controller & started DJI Go 4 app.
Powered up controller.
Powered up Phantom 4.

First actual flight since DJI forced the update to Go 4.

I'm tempted to send an invoice for lost income to DJI. Poorly deployed software "upgrade" or should that read "downgrade"?

Hope you find a solution to your problem.

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DJ Enertia
Flight distance : 614065 ft

Don't forget to clear your apps data cache before uninstalling and installing.Im using a Galaxy s8+ and had major crashes with GO app 4.1.5 and my first flight I almost lost the Mavic so I finaly got things working with GO app 4.1.4 and updates to .900 which were not finishing it would freeze around 50% using my phone so I tried updating using the Assistant2 version 1.1.2_2 on my Pc but the drivers wouldn't load so every time I connected Mavic or controller to Pc using USB the Assistant2 wasn't recognising it,so I uninstalled Assistant2 and found older version Assistant2 1.0.7 which loaded the drivers correctly and I was able to update.Also I read that the screen resolution can cause issues you should set it at 1920X1080.

So im little hesitant to try new update until since now all is working well no crashes yet im going to wait until more people post their testing in the field.
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Andy in SW Fla
Flight distance : 338 ft

United States

EGorodet Posted at 2017-8-19 10:11
Hi folks,
Today I've decided to buy Litchi app for iOS (because of problems with DJI Go) and had a successful flight of my Mavic with it! I think that now it's obvious that lastest DJI Go app 4.1.5 for iOS has serious stability issue resulting in occasional video disconnect during flight which is not being restored.
Also after analysis of today flight logs on AirData UAV I've found several "Data Loss" notifications "Downlink data connection lost for 1 second)", but during flight I did not notice any serious connection issues in Litchi app, which made me think that Litchi has a better fail-safe and restore algorithms than DJI Go, which could probably stop working after the first Data Loss...

The Litchi app didn't solve my disconnection issue. The Remote won't connect through Litchi app either. Best of luck and please share if you find a solution.
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Flight distance : 35994 ft

I'm experiencing connection problems between my iPhone 7 Plus and Remote Controller. I also tried to use an iPhone 6s Plus but once I plug in the supplied cable, the Remote Controller loses connection with my iPhone.

I tried using another non-apple phone, and the connection did not lose.
In this way the drone is not usable, I lose connection often and sometimes my iPhone 7 Plus does not connect with the drone.

Thanks very much for your support.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Use props
United States

Laroba Posted at 2017-2-6 05:45
Looks like DJI only wants to work with apple and iXXX products ... ;(

I've been having the disconnects to the point im grounded ... it is taking ALL the fun out it it ...making an ordeal.  Ever since the @#$% firmware "update" to the things .. i cant get a "connect" ... and if i fly ...have to fly "blind".  The RC connects no problem.

I use high end Samsung and Sony products and can't get anything to connect now.  If it means getting a cheap ipad the whole @#$% mess is going on craigslist! ... including the goggles!
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United States

fans0155bc99 Posted at 2017-2-7 10:09
By the way i use Huawei Mate 8 with EMUI ver 5.0 and the new Android 7.0, , so maybe it is incompatibility of the Go 4 app to Android 7.0. Anyway DJI must found the solution for this issue , because without solution there is no any possibility to use the Mavic Pro as need.

Actually ... if they can't get it together on android ... maybe the FTC should look into their marketing.
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Flight distance : 1726486 ft
  • >>>
New Zealand

Throw that useless Dji USB cable out people even on a new Mavic, use the BOTTOM PORT with a good quality cable and fly in flight mode, these issues will go away!
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United Kingdom

I’m having the same disconnects and this has got worse since the 4.1.9 update the Mavic is only two weeks old.

Apple iPhone 6s iOS 10.3.3
DJI Go 4.1.9
RC - 01.03.1000
DJI Assistant 2 - 1.1.2-2

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

TroutboyNZ Posted at 2017-8-28 19:46
Throw that useless Dji USB cable out people even on a new Mavic, use the BOTTOM PORT with a good quality cable and fly in flight mode, these issues will go away!

Sound advice. However, the goggles do the same disconnect thing about a second or so earlier than the phone will show a disconnect.

Explain that because I'm baffled.
Use props
Flight distance : 782582 ft
United States

TroutboyNZ Posted at 2017-8-28 19:46
Throw that useless Dji USB cable out people even on a new Mavic, use the BOTTOM PORT with a good quality cable and fly in flight mode, these issues will go away!

This made no difference for me.
Boxed up and sending back to Adorama today. I'll check back on the forum every now and then and see if they solved their issue but I'm not going ot have it just sit there with my Care Refresh ticking away on it's 12 month duration if I can't use it reliably without disconnecting.

DJI asked me to send it it in for service. I'm declining to do that since it's brand new and within my return period from Adorama.

Checked back here today before actually buying the postage to see if anyone had reported this issue being fixed.

My  P3P never had an issue like this.
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Flight distance : 83711 ft

Just bought Mavic Pro and have problem with connecting app to RC: always have disconnected status. Tried to turn on/off USB debug mode, used both micro-USB (left one) with original and not cable, and USB type A (bottom one), 2 different android devices: Blackview BV600 (Android 6.0) and viaan (some android 5.1) but nothing connects - the status always disconnected. RC connects to the drone but not to the DJI GO 4.
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Flight distance : 709 ft

I used to get "Disconnected / Aircraft Disconnected" when im flying, but it was under control, i could still land it like normal. But i switched to airplane mode on my mobile and since then i have
not got any issue, works perfect.
Use props
Flight distance : 83711 ft

Same problem in Android airplane mode, already tried, both devices.
The copter is landed and pretty close to RC.
Even tried Chuwi Hi 8 tablet with Android 4.4.4 - app crashes instantly.
Cable works fine as I see "Charging" status on RC display but it repeats "Check App" warning all the time.
Use props
Flight distance : 83711 ft

I found many people struggling connect with last Android app version so I found where to download 4.1.3 which is few months ago. This one works on Chuwi Hi 8 but the tables also does not connect, same as both smartphones... Well, I'm really confused. Any tips or suggestions?
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Flight distance : 83711 ft

Good news: I managed to connect and activate Mavic using my smartphone. Bad news: I did it using WiFi but in this case RC controller is not available and this making me disapponted: DJI GO 4 still can't see my RC when connecting thru USB even after firmware update (both RC and Mavic). That's weird: my smartphone's USB is okay when connecting to PC and RC USB works too as I just updated firmware. So looks like this is some DJI GO 4 compatibility issue.
Use props
Flight distance : 83711 ft

Solved by connecting RC to Samsung Galaxy S5
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Flight distance : 782582 ft
United States

Jffoto Posted at 2017-9-11 06:10
I used to get "Disconnected / Aircraft Disconnected" when im flying, but it was under control, i could still land it like normal. But i switched to airplane mode on my mobile and since then i have
not got any issue, works perfect.

That would seem to indicate not a hardware, cabling, port, etc issue but that they have a bug that's bypassed by using one of the intelligent flight modes.

I'm not willing to put up with the limitations of using this flight mode just to get around a bug but it's an interesting find.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

L feel for you IOS guys. I know Android has always had problems but I thought IOS was pretty solid. I'm currently running IOS 10.3.3 on and iPhone 6 Plus but have never had any disconnections. DJI GO at 4.1.9.
Use props
Flight distance : 3940 ft

Hi.  I own a Spark and run the app on Android 5.1.1 on a Samsung Note 4 with the latest DJI Go 4 App 4.1.9.  I have had disconnection + reconnection episodes to the RC from the mobile device too but nothing permanent and as bad as some may have experienced. In my case, I just had to do some more tests to find out what triggers the disconnection to avoid initiating it in the first place.  It is not assured that reconnection would be established as some of you have already determined. One of the triggers is verifying the photos or videos after a sequence, the Pano feature in this case.  Some videos in YT also show this happening after quick shots and not even reconnecting afterwards.

I honestly don't understand why presenting these situations could offend others as I get bashed for it in the comments and other threads.  But fact is fact.  Triggers are triggers and they should be avoided until fixed.  Here is proof of it, replicated over and over.  For those wanting to avoid fly aways such as myself, I hope this helps.  I just don't think anyone deserves to lose their investment if it's not their fault.  The quad is USD$700-1300!  In my case, I got it near USD$850 from the accredited store in my country.  Even if it was our fault, at least we should salvage the remains and not lose it for nothing. Clearly in these situations, a lot of factors come into play.  Make sure you go through Test 2 in the video if you decide to watch it.  Video starts mild with Test 1.

Lost Signal Trigger Encountered:

*There are other fly aways after quick shots from other vids in YT.

Trying out Pano shot in GPS mode via RC.  This just won't work for me.  In this video, I wanted to test the pano in GPS but ended in an unwanted drift and a lock out resulting to a fly away!  Was really lucky it happened within the perimeter. Warning.  This video is not appealing and in not ideal situations.  But it is proof that the lock out will occur during GPS to ATTI transitions, specially in the middle of a sequence like the Pano.  I already contacted customer service about it and they encourage me to move forward with a ticket regarding the matter.  No replies yet to date.  

This "lock out" from GPS to ATTI mode transitioning is dangerous.  In my upcoming vid, I will try to replicate the "Compass Error" and will show the actual "Lock out."   Just have to finish rendering the vids.  Could this be the app and the internal micro controller overloading during this transition event.  I hope this gets solved.
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Flight distance : 782582 ft
United States

So anyone find a solution to this yet? Has DJI indicated any willingness to fix this? I'm willing to by a Mavic Pro again but I'm not doing so until they fix this app disconnection issue.
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