Flight distance : 9144 ft
You did an excellent job describing the issue I am having. Everything was rosy with DJI Go 4.1.4 on my iPhone 7 Plus (128). When I upgraded to DJI Go 4.1.5, I couldn't get more than 30 seconds into the air. While completing my flight checks, the video signal is lost. I could still control the aircraft as you described and was forced to land. I tried to recycle the start up process, sometimes I would get the video signal back, others I wouldn't. But every time I took off, the signal would be gone in 30 seconds. I would also get the message that contact with the aircraft was lost, do you wish to return to home? I cancel the RTH, the aircraft is in front of me at eye level. I could control it, up/down, forward/back, yaw left/right, but no video on my phone.
I have tried on three different days in three different locations. I have flown successfully in these locations in the past and I know there was no interference, the DJI Go App confirmed this.
I know that I am using the latest versions of everything and so I could only suspect the upgrade 4.1.5.
I contacted DJI support via chat and I'm sorry DJI, you weren't very helpful. All I wanted to know is how to load DJI Go 4.1.4 back on my phone. The App Store at Apple only has the current version. If I could load the last version I could rule it in/out as the cause.
The chat support would only tell me to update all the devices using DJI Assistant 2. I know all my firmware is the latest and DJI Assistant 2 confirmed this. I chose refresh to be sure that the firmware is up-to-date. So it would appear that I am grounded until enough people squawk and a solution is found.
While it may not mean very much, I am a new pilot and I am doing everything I believe is correct. I check for new software versions regularly. I check the FAA and Airmap apps before I fly. I do a flight check of all the controls immediately after the launch. I have not crashed the drone, the props are not damaged. I am doing everything I can to protect a $2000 investment.
I realize that there are many versions of everything out there, here are mine currently.
Apple iPhone 7 Plus (128) iOS 10.3.3
DJI Go 4.1.5
RC - 01.03.0900
UAV - 01.03.0900
DJI Assistant 2 - 1.1.2-2
If anyone else is having this problem, please chime in. Without video, the drone is pretty much useless.