last 3 P3 standard firmware comparison up and downgrade
1862 4 2017-2-5
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Flight distance : 175495 ft
United States

this is my observations with the Phantom 3 standard firmwares.
I got my Phantom 3 standard 6 months or so and as most new people told to do I upgrade the firmware which was 1.6.8. from my point of view it seemed to work pretty decent everything worked perfectly in my opinion there are people with much older firmware claiming much more distance but this is what I personally got.
on 1.6.8 stock controller I got 1500 or so feet ,I then used in Argtek  antenna reduced down to 700 feet.
i thengot a DBS mod after that I got at least 300ft with a Max of 3600 feet.
few months ago there was 1.79 well I wanted to see if 1.68 did reduce anything well I was not too happy to find out my range reduced to just about a thousand feet also for the first time I lost video signal first scared the crap out of me because it did not return to home and I didn't know what happened the red light on the controller was on along with disconnected on the phone. Now it's at least 40 or 50 flights it would return home every time never losing video signal on 1.6.8 and I have done several tests and different places and got the same results I already 1.68 1.79 on disc so I went back and forth and yes 179 did decrease my range then when 1.8.0 gave it a quick test and get 1400 feet in the middle Los Angeles I felt that was pretty good in a busy area like that. Then I started reading about the return to home problems I made sure I installed the go app 2.9.1. I got a chance to test her out today and bang back at 3000 feet. I then turned on litchi and got the same. No video Los no video disconnect return to home worked Flawless several times.

I just wanted to give a little feedback as I said I went back and forth between 168 and 179 and 179 did in fact reduce my range after three cycles of upgrading and downgrading with the same results. I would have stayed back at 1.6.8 if 1.9.0 did not work but it seems to work okay so I'll see how it goes from there.

happy flying

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Flight distance : 8127 ft

Nice post! I purchased my drone approx a month ago and on my first 10 or so flights did not have any issues. I then upgraded to the new firmware and app and had massive loss of range. I ended up reverting my FW back to 1.7.9  and gained back the range I had lost previously. I made sure to also downgrade my app (Not taking any chances with the RTH point changing). I have not had a large amount of time to fly it though as it has been pretty cold here and its been snowing quite a lot.

Thanks again!

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Flight distance : 175495 ft
United States

so 179 worked for you? i had worsr with it.  are you ce or fcc.
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Flight distance : 175495 ft
United States

and yeah me nether on rth i been grounded since i heard bit 291 was good so was litchi
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Flight distance : 475522 ft
United States

Steve-76 Posted at 2017-2-6 15:20
and yeah me nether on rth i been grounded since i heard bit 291 was good so was litchi

You could use 2.9.1 I can confirm at this point it is good.
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