Flight distance : 165105 ft
Life is too short, to waste time with worry about being liked or paying those, who are seemingly heartless any attention.
I tell all of my friends to strive to be the very best person, they can be, everyday of their lives.
It's so easy to become upset by anyone who's intentions are to be mean spirited and devisive.
Having good spirits and a positive attitude will take you much farther, than you being down and in a low tide. Even an ugly person can appear more attractive when they smile. And that's way better than frowning. I don't know you, aside from our conversations here, but you seem like a very decent person. It doesn't bother me, how you express yourself, or how you write your thoughts here. We all make plenty of mistakes, misspell words or say the wrong thing at times. After all we are only frail human beings and no one of us is perfect. I also have difficulty with my language, and don't always write what I mean in a concise manner. So some may not understand, what my true meanings are. If they ask, they might get a proper response. But if they are ignorant and rude in their approach, I can only give them my pity.
You have to wonder how they were brought up, and if their parents were also loud, obnoxious and uncaring towards others. Most people who frequent this popular drone forum are pretty nice in general. They show no malice or disregard for others feelings. Being polite is a learned effort, and for some, they obviously find it a most difficult task to master. That's ok, as they are quite often the only ones who suffer most. Make an honest effort to be rightious, the payoff is frequently immense.
There are all kinds of people in the world, but some simply lack people skills. Let them be themselves, but don't allow them the satisfaction to drag you down to their low level. ;-)
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