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DJI, why dont you ban offensive contributors?[SOLVED] MSG 14
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7624 260 2017-2-7
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I have a couple of "amigos" who are constantly provocative and ill-mannered. They stick to my various replies and while one addresses me directly, the other one makes personal remarks about who i am.

I can disregard all those messages, but the question is how can DJI disregard the uncivilized and constand diversion from topic towards person that varios characters-among them a "captain" are alienating this forum?

DJI, I trust you can do way better than turn a blind eye to this kind of behaviour.
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Flight distance : 324442 ft
United Kingdom

It is the internet, what do you expect, probably best to learn to ignore it or deal with it yourself. One mans troll is another mans forum joker, can't be serious all the time

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Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

I think they are only "provocative and ill-mannered" if you choose to read their posts that way!

Remember that people are here from all around the world, they come from different cultures, speak different languages, have different personalities, different manners etc, you need to learn to like them rather than assume that they are after you, they may be trying to help rather than alienate...
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Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

can you post an example of such behavior?  

many times folks are not used to direct and honest opinions or facts.

some assume that to be bad or attacks.

also after a few years here it becomes clear who goes out the way to help those that are WILLING to learn and receive help.

good luck and have fun flying
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


Have you reported the posts which you find offensive?
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


Have you reported the posts which you find offensive? There is a facility to do this in the lower right of every post. If this is like most other forums then that will highlight the post to the moderators.
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Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

what behavior?

post a link please
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Matt-and-Riley Posted at 2017-2-7 11:36
It is the internet, what do you expect, probably best to learn to ignore it or deal with it yourself. One mans troll is another mans forum joker, can't be serious all the time


i think you confuse victims with snobs.

now joking around is not a means to measure the character. your message could not have ended better than with a cheering face showing its tongue. put that on a sickly pale face and add it to a snob remark, see what you get.
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Flight distance : 1563980 ft
United States

I know what he is talking about i have been reading some of the threads. Windsoul u kind of bring it on yourself. Do u read your posts before u hit post? Not trying to bash u . People sometimes cant make out what u are trying to say. Looks like u use a lot of talk to text. Def proof read brother and you wont have none of the keyboard warriors attacking ;)
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-2-7 12:01
I think they are only "provocative and ill-mannered" if you choose to read their posts that way!

Remember that people are here from all around the world, they come from different cultures, speak different languages, have different personalities, different manners etc, you need to learn to like them rather than assume that they are after you, they may be trying to help rather than alienate...

i agree completely. they try to help. the worst in history happened with the best intentions. all im saying is besides me getting offed by a clown, DJI is also loosing customer confidence not through product quality but through advertising. as in networking. at this time i believe is either they dont realize it or have no means to counter it.
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Flight distance : 16 ft

$gambino$ Posted at 2017-2-7 12:59
I know what he is talking about i have been reading some of the threads. Windsoul u kind of bring it on yourself. Do u read your posts before u hit post? Not trying to bash u . People sometimes cant make out what u are trying to say. Looks like u use a lot of talk to text. Def proof read brother and you wont have none of the keyboard warriors attacking ;)

i dont agree with your post, but appreciate the way you wrote it and wish everyone would argument their belief they way you did. ill definitely think it over.
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Kirk2579 Posted at 2017-2-7 12:50
what behavior?

post a link please

ill try to answer all other previous messages as well, thank you for contributing.
first of all, please dont ask me to point fingers. is not the purpose.
secondly, there are two ways to amend a bad reply: down vote and reporting.
on third place, i usually never reply to clowns. that is people getting off-topic. that doesnt cure the epidemic of off-topic on this forum.
I believe that if someone gets hurt as a result of bullying, then not only is everyone's fault from moral standpoint, but also DJI becomes liable due to negligence. this attitude of pretending the forum is beyound the reach of law is wrong to begin with.

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Life is too short, to waste time with worry about being liked or paying those, who are seemingly heartless any attention.
I tell all of my friends to strive to be the very best person, they can be, everyday of their lives.
It's so easy to become upset by anyone who's intentions are to be mean spirited and devisive.

Having good spirits  and a positive attitude will take you much farther, than you being down and in a low tide. Even an ugly person can appear more attractive when they smile. And that's way better than frowning. I don't know you, aside from our conversations here, but you seem like a very decent person. It doesn't bother me, how you express yourself, or how you write your thoughts here. We all make plenty of mistakes, misspell words or say the wrong thing at times. After all we are only frail human beings and no one of us is perfect. I also have difficulty with my language, and don't always write what I mean in a concise manner. So some may not understand, what my true meanings are. If they ask, they might get a proper response. But if they are ignorant and rude in their approach, I can only give them my pity.
You have to wonder how they were brought up, and if their parents were also loud, obnoxious and uncaring towards others. Most people who frequent this popular drone forum are pretty nice in general. They show no malice or disregard for others feelings. Being polite is a learned  effort, and for some, they obviously find it a most difficult task to master. That's ok, as they are quite often the only ones who suffer most. Make an honest effort to be rightious, the payoff is frequently immense.

There are all kinds of people in the world, but some simply lack people skills. Let them be themselves, but don't allow them the satisfaction to drag you down to their low level. ;-)

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United States

I reply to every single report of trolling or behavior that breaks the rules. If you are not satisfied with an admin's actions or reasons, you can contact them directly about it.
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Flight distance : 16 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-7 13:31
Life is too short, to waste time with worry about being liked or paying those, who are seemingly heartless any attention.
I tell all of my friends to strive to be the very best person, they can be, everyday of their lives.
It's so easy to become upset by anyone who's intentions are to be mean spirited and devisive.

my English is just fine. never been a problem. if i was in a joking mood id say there are populations with little articulation in their own language, which manage to speak as if in the house of lords.
i've seen dogs on youtube saying English words. thats a testimony for how little brain it requires.
jokes aside, i doubt my amigos concerns are with my English, even when they make a statement about. the sentencing these kind of bullies are after has nothing to do with English language.
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Flight distance : 16 ft

DJI Joe Posted at 2017-2-7 13:51
I reply to every single report of trolling or behavior that breaks the rules. If you are not satisfied with an admin's actions or reasons, you can contact them directly about it.

alright, thank you for your reply. thread closed
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-7 14:00
my English is just fine. never been a problem. if i was in a joking mood id say there are populations with little articulation in their own language, which manage to speak as if in the house of lords.
i've seen dogs on youtube saying English words. thats a testimony for how little brain it requires.
jokes aside, i doubt my amigos concerns are with my English, even when they make a statement about. the sentencing these kind of bullies are after has nothing to do with English language.

I'm not an English Major myself, so not trying to put your communication abilities down.
Quite often I myself go back to my own posts and soon discover spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
Thankfully we have an edit function.

Too bad we can't edit those same errors within the PM replies. Once you tap the return key, it's said and done.

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Flight distance : 136686 ft


@Windsoul - Have you reported the posts?
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Flight distance : 392247 ft
United States

Glad this is [SOLVED]
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Cabansail Posted at 2017-2-7 14:11
@Windsoul - Have you reported the posts?

i did report, that guy seemed to learn, which is good. that is to answer your question directly.
I am considering to do it-again, but reporting people seems a waste of my time. even if the admin will come to remove the posts or even ban the wrongdoers, is still a waste of my time. I only wanted to draw attention to forum moderators that they have to do a better job at keeping the troublemakers on a tight leash, keep checking through the posts rather than wait for people to report. is not my responsibility to do their job (control the pest), but to draw attention. and if they need proof, i have more than plenty.

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WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-7 15:20
i did report, that guy seemed to learn, which is good. that is to answer your question directly.
I am considering to do it-again, but reporting people seems a waste of my time. even if the admin will come to remove the posts or even ban the wrongdoers, is still a waste of my time. I only wanted to draw attention to forum moderators that they have to do a better job at keeping the troublemakers on a tight leash, keep checking through the posts rather than wait for people to report. is not my responsibility to do their job, but to draw attention. and if they need proof, i have more than plenty.

As most probably one of your antagonists, I can say quite plainly that you are a trouble-maker yourself. You post answers to peoples problems that are technically incorrect, or just plain conjecture. That will always attract a rebuttal from me, because I firmly believe that people need to know when a post contains erroneous advice.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-2-7 15:45
As most probably one of your antagonists, I can say quite plainly that you are a trouble-maker yourself. You post answers to peoples problems that are technically incorrect, or just plain conjecture. That will always attract a rebuttal from me, because I firmly believe that people need to know when a post contains erroneous advice.

Personally, and only speaking for myself here, I don't mind being scolded, particularly if it's done in a mature, polite manner.

I have made plenty of mistakes, and relish learning from others here, who know much better than I do.

It's all part of becoming a better RC "student".

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Flight distance : 16 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-2-7 15:45
As most probably one of your antagonists, I can say quite plainly that you are a trouble-maker yourself. You post answers to peoples problems that are technically incorrect, or just plain conjecture. That will always attract a rebuttal from me, because I firmly believe that people need to know when a post contains erroneous advice.

please beware that i am not in the business of ruffling feathers. whether you are or not one of the amigos who are denigrating and using comments on person rather than contributing to the topic, i leave that to your conscience.

i appreciate your understanding
PS i see you firmly believe in something. i apologize for breaking it to you, but nobody cares. giving yourself incentive to being hateful and dismissive does not make you less of a bully. you are just one of us, nothing less and nothing more. learn to live with it.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
  • >>>

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-7 15:55
Personally, and only speaking for myself here, I don't mind being scolded, particularly if it's done in a mature, polite manner.

I have made plenty of mistakes, and relish learning from others here, who know much better than I do.

Agree, but it's true that some of these threads can become quite silly. At the very least, it can be entertaining to sit back and watch the salvos start...

Regardless, the reality is that some people's advice can be 'fake news' or 'alternate facts', and the trick is to correct those informatively and unemotionally. But that assumes that the answer is out there... And we all know that solar flares are causing the 'limp gimbal' problem, so we just need to wait for the next solar eclipse to get a clean video done.
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Flight distance : 392247 ft
United States

Not sure if I'm an antagonist.  I did ask if you can translate a post to English the other day because I tried hard to read what you wrote and failed, it was gibberish.     
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-7 14:00
my English is just fine. never been a problem. if i was in a joking mood id say there are populations with little articulation in their own language, which manage to speak as if in the house of lords.
i've seen dogs on youtube saying English words. thats a testimony for how little brain it requires.
jokes aside, i doubt my amigos concerns are with my English, even when they make a statement about. the sentencing these kind of bullies are after has nothing to do with English language.

I think I should write my posts in my COU language.  Only 6000 people in the world speak it.

Bet you won't get google translate to work it out.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-7 16:07
I think I should write my posts in my COU language.  Only 6000 people in the world speak it.

Bet you won't get google translate to work it out.

Možná, že kdybych napsal častěji v mém rodném českém tam by byl menší zmatek. ;-)

Perhaps if I wrote more often in my native Czech there would be less confusion. ;-)


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Punchbuggy Posted at 2017-2-7 16:01
Agree, but it's true that some of these threads can become quite silly. At the very least, it can be entertaining to sit back and watch the salvos start...

Regardless, the reality is that some people's advice can be 'fake news' or 'alternate facts', and the trick is to correct those informatively and unemotionally. But that assumes that the answer is out there... And we all know that solar flares are causing the 'limp gimbal' problem, so we just need to wait for the next solar eclipse to get a clean video done.

'And we all know that solar flares are causing the 'limp gimbal' problem, so we just need to wait for the next solar eclipse to get a clean video done.'

You are a funny guy....
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Flight distance : 16 ft

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-7 16:07
I think I should write my posts in my COU language.  Only 6000 people in the world speak it.

Bet you won't get google translate to work it out.

question was never how many speak it, but how many understand. then you can call it language.
you definitely should do that(is not a mad COU thing, right?), unless your blood type is k-zero, case in which only 50 of your mates are alive on this planet. not even the google algorithm will be able to translate blood transfusion for you.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-7 14:00
my English is just fine. never been a problem. if i was in a joking mood id say there are populations with little articulation in their own language, which manage to speak as if in the house of lords.
i've seen dogs on youtube saying English words. thats a testimony for how little brain it requires.
jokes aside, i doubt my amigos concerns are with my English, even when they make a statement about. the sentencing these kind of bullies are after has nothing to do with English language.

I don't know where you learned your English, but it certainly isn't compliant with what I was taught in school!

For example, in my English sentences always start with a CAPITAL letter.  Also the word "I" always uses a capital letter, and if by "house of lords" you are referring to the UK House of Lords then that has capital letters too.  In your message that I have replied to you have broken all those rules, although you are obviously capable of using capital letters since you use one for "English".

However since you appear to be from a different country to me I don't expect you to use identical English, we are all different and we should all try to get along whatever country or culture we come from and whatever disabilities or difficulties such as dyslexia we may have.  I don't think that anyone is intentionally bullying you so try not to interpret their posts that way and if you can't avoid doing so then just ignore them.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-7 16:16
Možná, že kdybych napsal častěji v mém rodném českém tam by byl menší zmatek. ;-)

Perhaps if I wrote more often in my native Czech there would be less confusion. ;-)

Problem is that we can't reply because my keyboard doesn't have all those strange characters on it!
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Flight distance : 392247 ft
United States

The bottom like is this is not about English.  This guy always gets upset when people try to correct him, some of his posts are so out there they have to be corrected and rebutted firmly.  If anything he's way more rude in his replies he feels 'hurt'.  Read some of his stuff, he calls people pale, sickly etc. after they correct his seemingly random drivel.   Last time he got butthurt he started a thread asking the mods for a special safe place thread that only he could moderate, maybe he needs a safety pin on his phantom?
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Flight distance : 392247 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-7 16:16
Možná, že kdybych napsal častěji v mém rodném českém tam by byl menší zmatek. ;-)

Perhaps if I wrote more often in my native Czech there would be less confusion. ;-)

Alespoň Google umí překládat, co Worte
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-2-7 16:31
I don't know where you learned your English, but it certainly isn't compliant with what I was taught in school!

For example, in my English sentences always start with a CAPITAL letter.  Also the word "I" always uses a capital letter, and if by "house of lords" you are referring to the UK House of Lords then that has capital letters too.  In your message that I have replied to you have broken all those rules, although you are obviously capable of using capital letters since you use one for "English".

i appreciate your input on my spelling. if that is all you found mistaken in my english, then maybe you didnt learn too much in school. but who am i to assess on your english? or your learning in school?
this is what should be addressed better in this forum. the remarks people do to one another, absolutely off-topic and as much in need of intelligence as a teeth show.
in case you havent noticed, this is a forum. not the final dissertation. dont make a parallel between relying an idea and dotting the i, because knowledge of a language has nothing to do with writing an essay. world is full of english teachers, and yet the language looses ground everywhere.
i bet Newton didn't face your level of exigency when it wrote the Principa- and don't say he didn't know English either, although you may want to mention he used Latin writing the most important book of all time written by an Englishman. isn't that funny?!

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

AlecW Posted at 2017-2-7 16:47
Alespoň Google umí překládat, co Worte

Yes, but What is Worte? Haha

Dude, you likely misspelled  wrote? ;-)

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Flight distance : 16 ft

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-2-7 16:35
Problem is that we can't reply because my keyboard doesn't have all those strange characters on it!

use google translate. then copy the text. simple as that
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Flight distance : 16 ft

so far both amigos showed up in the thread. i'm thinking to start a contest see who can identify them. is a bit against my principles though, but boy is tempting!
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Flight distance : 392247 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-7 16:56
Yes, but What is Worte? Haha

Dude, you likely misspelled  wrote? ;-)

Blame google translate ;)  

I drove from Dresden to Prague and stayed a weekend there not that long after the Berlin wall came down, wonderful country and beautiful city.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
  • >>>

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-7 16:56
i appreciate your input on my spelling. if that is all you found mistaken in my english, then maybe you didnt learn too much in school. but who am i to assess on your english? or your learning in school?
this is what should be addressed better in this forum. the remarks people do to one another, absolutely off-topic and as much in need of intelligence as a teeth show.
in case you havent noticed, this is a forum. not the final dissertation. dont make a parallel between relying an idea and dotting the i, because knowledge of a language has nothing to do with writing an essay. world is full of english teachers, and yet the language looses ground everywhere.

Hey team, a lesson I learnt with my (ex-) wife is when to leave a conversation. I'm thinking that's now.

So, WindSoul, you will note that on some threads people (and their comments) do disappear. The moderators are doing their job, but there is a fine line which they must walk when determining whether the forum code of conduct has been breached. A tough gig, but then we are supposed to be adults up here (hey, my daughter could never afford one of these beasties).

Happy droning everyone. Now, when Will that new firmware for the P4 and P4P be released DJI?
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-7 17:11
so far both amigos showed up in the thread. i'm thinking to start a contest see who can identify them. is a bit against my principles though, but boy is tempting!

Let's not and say we did. ;-)

In jest:
Nigel, is a good soul, Geebax, is an Ausssie, Alec, well he's smart Alec. Hahaha

As my eyes water from laughing  so hard. Hahaha oh my, hahaha

Ah, sorry man. It was a setup I tell you. I'm innocent. I plead the fifth. Or a Canadian equivalent.

Does it really matter who the guilty parties are, at this point?

Lets just let it go... Shall we?

In the words of Rodney King, "Can we all, just get along?"

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