Second Officer
United States
Know a couple of guys into ham radio, can ask them about it. They make the huge antennaes and arrays, the whole bit. It's much lower frequency though. Shouldn't interfere with the 2.4 range the mavic uses but let me make sure.
I was big into the 2.4 range a few years back, designed my own 20 element yagis, machined the elements to perfect size, used computer models the whole bit that could go a mile in the city ground level. But ham, those guys are funny. They argue over channels and stuff like that lol But end times, they will be the ones communicating around the world while the emperor is herding you all into fema camps for 'showers'.
Let me ask and see what's up.
*edit- they do use those bands, he said they are allowed to the more power legally. Ken's right as usual!