Time to speak: to ATTI or not to ATTI
738 0 2017-2-11
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Flight distance : 3419 ft

Hello all,
I think after many incidents and a clear safety issue it is time to speak up. I have read numerous threads where ATTI kicks in and Mavic is too far gone. Unpredictable drifting including indoors is not always user error no matter what DJI reports. I have seen clear issues of malfunctions being classified as user error. After so many misleading things by DJI and customers treated badly they have little integrity left. This is how they work and it is obviously rooted deep into company culture. Nice vague words but customer means nothing.
I will limit this to the ATTI issue:
There are threads around with lots of questions on ATTI.
IS the mavic capable to handle ATTI?
Will a manual ATTI become available?
When..or why not?
Why is DJI so silent about this? Is safety not important enough? Do you care about safety at all or is it merely used as a sales gimmick?
It is the word of the customer against DJI and it is known who pulls the shortest straw.
Standard reply from CS: " calibrate IMU, send logs etc". The verdict: guilty as charged, blackbox says so.
Enough!! We, the customer that ensures you can even exist deserve better. So, sweet please, do just that and provide some clear answers and (help us ) make the mavic safe.
Thank you.

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