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Wifi disconnection after crash. Please help
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[size=14.6667px]Was hoping that someone could help me with a query.
[size=14.6667px]A stupid piloting error resulted in my phantom 3 4k crashing into a tree and landed in water. The battery fell off before the craft hit the water. I fished it out dismantled the craft completely and dried it out for 3 days (sun, air, rice). Got a new battery and reassembled the quad, and turned it on. The camera and gimbal seemed to be working.
[size=14.6667px]Got a message that i needed firmware updation. Initiated that, but the quad disconneced after 5 miniutes. Rebooted, the app initialised without problem, firmware status read latest, a minute after i got the 'ready to fly message', the quad disconnected from wifi - no telemetry, no video feed. The app connects to the remote, but not the quad.
This has been happening ever since. I am able to control the quad , but the connection to the app disconnects after 5 minutes or so. [size=14.6667px]The only visible damage from the crash is a small dent on the VPS sensor.
[size=14.6667px]There was red liquid traces on the wifi module after the crash indicating water damage (all the lithmus stickers had gone red) . My guess is that the wifi module is damaged. Wanted a professional opinion before i got a replacement. I am in India and it is impossible to get the drone to a repair shop. At best, i can order a part and fix it myself.

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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Sorry to hear about it, if it landed in water, which would corrode and oxidize the drone, as a result, it's not safe to fly it any more.
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