Flight distance : 165105 ft
Rnfaust Posted at 2017-2-17 16:42
Doing fine - thanks for asking. I do look through the postings most days, but having had my P3A since May, 2015, I've seen or been part of most of these issues before. And most of you guys get out a great answer long before it crosses my desk. (And I was just teasing you about IrixGuy. I can't imagine you sitting through one of his self absorbing videos.)
You and I seem like the only people on the forum with no P3 problems. Though I did have a video issue a while back (You even commented) that I guessed and replaced the camera/gimbal ribbon cable and completely cured it. Been running top notch ever since.
I also hang out on the Phantom Pilots forum as well. I get email alerts from them when there is activity on a thread I've posted or contributed to.
Yes, you have been with your Advanced from around the same time I received my Phantom 3 Pro a couple of years ago. My how time "flies" when we are having fun. Yes, trouble free drones are not a commonality here, only because most folks without problems avoid these popular forums populated with troubled issues and woes. It's been a real pleasure for us both, owning such great RC aircraft.
It never gets boring around here, ever. Yes, even with the flack and fluster about. There are a few real sticks in the muck who continue to look for negatives to share, but if those folks are ignored, it all goes pretty well. Generally a lot of decent and civil people who tend to all get along pretty well in a public forum open to the world to lurk or participate. You can dive in, or sit on the sidelines and fester.
I prefer to be a part of the lively conversations and really enjoy the bountiful banter. Plenty enough of that to go around in ever widening loops and circles.
Jump in more often, your wisdom and experience is appreciated. ;-)
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