Corvus monedula
Flight distance : 3550594 ft
There's no such thing as a perfect backpack and what works for one will not necessarily work for another.
Having said that I personally use LowePro ProTactic 450AW, which will fit, depending on internal configuration:
- up to 3 full-size DSLRs with several lenses (7 lenses would fit, provided we're not talking about 70-200 or one of long teles)
- two FF DSLRs with lenses on , both accessible without taking the backpack off your back, a laptop and still has upper half available for whatever I need
- FF DSLR with lens, Mavic 2 with SRC and up to three extra batteries (both accessible without taking backpack off your back), laptop and still has upper half available for whatever I need
- two FF DSLRs with lenses on (both accessible without taking the backpack off your back), Mavic 2 with SRC and up to three extra batteries (accessible from top), laptop – and two extra lenses should fit as well |