Flight distance : 609833 ft
My Mavic seems to be unable to focus properly. Below is small extract from one of my many horrible videos.
you can see that at one point i hit C1 or tap or screen to focus, Mavic gets a sharp focus for like half a second and it goes back to a blurry focus again..During the full video clip i see the same behavior where it tried to focus but couldnt.. I ahve the same issue with images also.
Mostly the left side of the screen seems to be out of focus. Now i'm well aware of the water color like video issues and all other non sense that mavic suffers from.
So to DJI-KEN, who's shot me down in other threads and even warned of bannig me because i was making too much noise.. Explain this problem please!
Video: (At 8s into the video, you will see the focus attempt)