Flight distance : 165105 ft
Woodwanger Posted at 2017-2-19 01:03
Thank you for your help Redhotpoker very much appreciated,
I have only flown her a few times so far without any issues thus far only a bit glitchy at times with the video feed to the RC but I can live with that and I'm sure that will be sorted at some stage with a firmware update,
Yes I was considering getting the GoPro drone when it first came out having a couple of their hero 4 blacks I'm a big fan but I'm so glad I didn't take the plunge, even after the rerelease it don't look that good for them which is a shame they really have dropped a big one with that drone.
I have no GoPro camera devices or any knowledge of their drone products.
But have heard a little about them. They have a long way to go, playing catchup with DJI though.
Perhaps the minor problem you mentioned can be corrected with a firmware update.
If you do a forum search, you may find there is already a fix, or one in the works. DJI are pretty good about that. Check the download section for your particular model occasionally, and the App Store as well, for new app releases. Which Go app are you using? Is everything in your flight kit up to date?
Those versions can be checked in the app.
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