Flight distance : 481778 ft
United States
overall i'm solidly happy with what the mavic offers when you look at the total package...does it produce excellent stunning images? no, not always...BUT...it certainly can once you learn what it does well, and stay away from shots at which it does not excel. a bit of magic in post/grading often helps what lacks during acquisition.
when i'm going out to acquire the highest quality footage or imagery, i'll use my p4pro, but the p4pro is quite a bit more obtrusive from a size and sound perspective. with that said, the camera, and image processing, on the p4pro is undoubtedly a significant step up over the mavic. Sorry that's a bit of a digression.
as most folks who capture images/video either for a living, as a hobby, or just for fun know...the best camera is the one you have with you - that's the chord the mavic aims to strike.
mavic form factor with the p4pro imaging ability? home freaking run. i can't tell you how many times i said this over and over all weekend as i was out flying in multiple locations with both platforms.
dave |