i trashed mine got only 700ft. stock was 1500ft. got the dbs and just put the cables on the argtek base and got 3600ft, put argtek back on and just under 700 again.
Steve-76 Posted at 2017-2-20 14:05
i trashed mine got only 700ft. stock was 1500ft. got the dbs and just put the cables on the argtek base and got 3600ft, put argtek back on and just under 700 again.
There's something seriously wrong if you're only getting those distances. Are you sure you mean feet and not meters. I did over 6500 feet the first time I tried with ARGtek installed.
I will do that location again and do what you did and go straight out but on the way back I will follow the road around up the mountain and back to the platform.
That platform has a lot of steel under it and of course there is a broadcast tower just 200m away. Still 2km is a nice range.
I installed my own Argtek then watched Dronesmeg install his at my place when he came to visit.
As he said pretty easy to install you just need to be careful and remove all the old glue off properly.
blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-20 17:08
I will do that location again and do what you did and go straight out but on the way back I will follow the road around up the mountain and back to the platform.
That platform has a lot of steel under it and of course there is a broadcast tower just 200m away. Still 2km is a nice range.
Up to you. But if it were me, I'd just pick a place nearby. You have plenty of mountain gorges and valleys with clear sight lines to fly out over. The wind was also a little strong in this location as I recall.
Sure, we determined that the steel frame of the observation platform was causing problems. The same happened to you on your flights. I edited out the first few minutes of footage where I was swearing and cursing at having to calibrate the compass again and again. Anyway, finally was able to launch and everything was ok afterwards. The video lag/ image transmission might have been my phone's fault. I should have tried closing and re-opening the App.
DroneSmeg Posted at 2017-2-20 16:31
Yes, did install myself. It's really very simple. There are also online tutorials by other users if you want to see how it's done.
Don't be. They're not that fragile. It's a very straightforward install. You have 3 connection points: one closest to the antennas, one furthest away and one in the middle. The ARGtek wires are correspondingly short, longer, longest. There's no confusion as to what goes where and the connectors snap in place. I've retained the stock antennas and wires so I can restore the controller to stock if needed.
DroneSmeg Posted at 2017-2-20 19:08
Up to you. But if it were me, I'd just pick a place nearby. You have plenty of mountain gorges and valleys with clear sight lines to fly out over. The wind was also a little strong in this location as I recall.
Sure, we determined that the steel frame of the observation platform was causing problems. The same happened to you on your flights. I edited out the first few minutes of footage where I was swearing and cursing at having to calibrate the compass again and again. Anyway, finally was able to launch and everything was ok afterwards. The video lag/ image transmission might have been my phone's fault. I should have tried closing and re-opening the App.
Yes I decided not to fly too far and returned. Anyways it was fun watching you do that flight. It just goes to show how well these drones perform even in adverse conditions.
Yeah everyday now trying to go to new locations to fly.
I read above about lot of metal and interference ... then calibration of compass.
Seriously - if the unit tells you there is serious interference and you already calibrated compass in a good location - DO NOT RECALIBRATE - you need to move to a better location.
It normally means powering down all and starting up again to clear the warning when you move. I have concrete slabs near where I takeoff - they have rebars in and sometimes drive my AC nuts ! I move away but have to restart AC to clear the warning.
DroneSmeg Posted at 2017-2-20 19:53
Don't be. They're not that fragile. It's a very straightforward install. You have 3 connection points: one closest to the antennas, one furthest away and one in the middle. The ARGtek wires are correspondingly short, longer, longest. There's no confusion as to what goes where and the connectors snap in place. I've retained the stock antennas and wires so I can restore the controller to stock if needed.
Thx for answer. And what about glue all around connectors? Is it hard to move it off? And do I need to restore glue after I change connectors
fans4c281ddf Posted at 2017-2-20 22:59
Thx for answer. And what about glue all around connectors? Is it hard to move it off? And do I need to restore glue after I change connectors
I am also curious.
...for a friend... who happens to have the same name as me. Haha
Pick away at it carefully with metal point or knife point. Pop of the old connectors. Continue to remove as much glue as you can till clear.
Once new pressed on and locked in place - make sure you put in place and press dead vertical ! - you can add a drop of Hot Glue or even a blob of silicon. Its purely there to add security to the connection.
fans4c281ddf Posted at 2017-2-20 22:59
Thx for answer. And what about glue all around connectors? Is it hard to move it off? And do I need to restore glue after I change connectors
It wasn't hard for me to remove. I used the tiny head of a screwdriver meant for electronic devices to pick and pull away at the glue. I'm a perfectionist, so I removed all of it, but really, all you need to do is remove enough to be able to remove the stock wiring and install the ARGtek. I didn't apply any glue after installing the wiring, but there's nothing stopping me from doing so if needed in future.
DroneSmeg Posted at 2017-2-20 23:38
It wasn't hard for me to remove. I used the tiny head of a screwdriver meant for electronic devices to pick and pull away at the glue. I'm a perfectionist, so I removed all of it, but really, all you need to do is remove enough to be able to remove the stock wiring and install the ARGtek. I didn't apply any glue after installing the wiring, but there's nothing stopping me from doing so if needed in future.
fans4c281ddf Posted at 2017-2-21 02:02
One more question. Did u disconnect wires from another half of RC? Is it needed or I cant deattach them when they are connected
There were wires connecting the top panel of the RC to the board. They clip in and out. Simply unclip them when you first open the RC and clip them back in place when finished installing. Search YouTube for videos of actual installs for visual reference. Once you see it done, you'll see it's actually pretty simple.
One thing I noticed is that my range is majorly decreased with the directional antennas. I'm thinking that it may have something to do with the trees and things near my apartment complex and the area is very flat.
Did you all have the same issue? When I used the omnidirectional antennas it seemed better, but my battery was low so I couldn't run the full test to compare ranges. Just wanting to collect some feedback.
Here is the install vid from the tech who works for the company I bought my antenna kit thru: blue proton. My experience is that my range got WORSE, and now when the drone is flying away from me, even in an open area, it pauses, hiccups, and stalls like it's losing signal, even a few hundred feet away. I've been over the install several times with the tech, all the connections are good, so I'm sending mine back.
Here is the install vid from the tech who works for the company I bought my antenna kit thru: blue proton. My experience is that my range got WORSE, and now when the drone is flying away from me, even in an open area, it pauses, hiccups, and stalls like it's losing signal, even a few hundred feet away. I've been over the install several times with the tech, all the connections are good, so I'm sending mine back.
Sounds like you're having some pretty severe technical issues that might not even involve the controller mod. "Pauses, hiccups and stalls" wouldn't be caused by signal loss. It sounds like a power or motor issue. The drone would hold in place and RTH if it lost signal. Flyaways are also a different issue. Perhaps you aren't flying in GPS mode. Maybe there's a home point issue.