The DJI New Pilot Experience™ will offer hands-on experiences with the new Mavic Pro. You will be able to learn safe flying practice, how to shoot photos and video, try out smart features, and participate in flight challenges to win surprise gifts from DJI. Join us and explore more!
【Event】 Indoor Session: Brief introduction to DJI, overview of the Mavic Pro, and a lecture on flight safety.
Outdoor Session: Innovative Group Photo: Pose with your group in creative ways and capture it from a bird's-eye-view!
Flight Workshop: During the demonstration you will get hands-on practice with Mavic Pro with assistance by professional pilots. Creative Posture: Design a cool pose for your team. New Pilot Challenge: Winners get a special DJI gift!
Don’t forget to join the DJI Forum to get updates of our event! You can also communicate with experienced pilots and share your drone story.
【June&July 2017 event registration】 Date | | | | | | | вулиця Лобановського, 21. Стадіон "Славутич - Арена" | | | | | Avantura park, Ada Ciganlija bb | | | | | 550 Bayview Avenue #300 Toronto | | | | | 台灣台南市歸仁區長大路1號 長榮大學 第二教學大樓1樓 階梯教室 | | | | | DJI Arena, Mabuk-dong 441, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Korea | | | | | 神奈川県横浜市青葉区奈良町2057 ドローンスプラッシュ横浜2F | | | | | 北海道札幌市東区東雁来12条3丁目1-1 サッカーアミューズメントパーク | | | | | 〒120-0024 東京都足立区千住関屋町19-1ミズノフットサルプラザ千住 | | | | | 神奈川県足柄上郡山北町中川448-2丹沢 中川温泉郷 丹沢ホテル時之栖 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Do you want to know what it feels like to be a drone pilot? Join the DJI New Pilot Experience and find out!
2016 DJI New Pilot Experience Showcase