Flight distance : 440981 ft
United Kingdom
EDIT 24/02 - Pleased to say I have now received notice that apparently the repair is complete and UPS will deliver. I note that the serial of the Mavic is not the same as the one I returned. Hopefully it will be "tested" prior to DJI Netherlands sending it.
Hi all,
I was asked to send my Mavic to the DJI Netherlands repair centre for test/repair due to camera blur issues. I've received the quote along with 100% discount and email plus online status says allow 2 to 3 days for "repair". That was Friday 17th. At the time of writing, it is now Friday 24th, 2 weeks after the Mavic was collected.
I don't mean to be impatient and appreciate the service, but the inaccurate timings provided by DJI brings back ugly memories of the pre-ordering from last year.
I sent an email to and the response was for me to wait 2-3 days as if the last week hadn't happened. The reply was quite obviously not from anyone in Europe.
I wish DJI would understand that under promising and over delivering is what customers are most impressed with. If its going to take a month, then say so!
For what its worth, CAS-445135-N7Y0Y0
Happy flying!!