Flying High AZ
Flight distance : 894150 ft
United States
blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-27 04:25
I live in the mountains so it's nice for me to see coastal areas.
PS flying close to the birds... if one gets startled and flies into a prop that would end not not being good.
Nice video thanks
Hey @blackcrusader! I too live in the desert and mountain area. It can get underwhelming quick, but with some trees and land features, a little creativity with your shots can sure go a long way! It almost feels like cheating when you go and fly in a place with so much color and moving land features. People who live in areas like this are SPOILED TO THE BONE!
Thanks for mentioning the risk of flying near birds. I did take this into account and had been watching them for quite some time. These particular birds were more interested in running and jumping in the water looking for food. That bit of information coupled with a good aftermarket warranty gave me the confidence to just "go for it". I wouldn't have done this over deeper water, as the warranty is only valid if I recover the bird. lol. Thanks for watching and commenting!
PS The other birds who like to roam the skies were not nearly as trustworthy. They could care less if the drone was in the sky, and would come uncomfortably close to the aircraft, as seen in one of the early shots in the vid posted. Also when I was more in land, there were Falcons. Those guys are predatory birds, and over the course of 20 minutes went from about a quarter mile away, to around 200 meters away. They probably would have gone for it had I spent much more time in the air in that location. |