Flight distance : 136273 ft
United States
HWCM Posted at 2017-2-27 21:14
The resolution is horrible. Something is not right. Is this the video from your SD card?
Also, I see no wind in that video.
P.S. Do not calibrate your compass before every flight. Leave it alone. It is not recommended.
Do you have any recommendations on video settings in my DJI Go App? I have been playing with settings and different lenses and they are not helping. I took the video directly from DJI Editor to iMovie. I did not download from the SD card. I have been flying a long time, but I am just beginning to try to get higher quality video from my Drones. Any pointers would be appreciated.
When broadcasting live stream I have 3rd party apps that take care of the quality for me when I choose to use them, but when recording in the DJI GO App it's all me, as you know.
There is definitely some wind. Not a lot, but some. There is always a good breeze down in between the mountains above 100 feet in altitude. When you drop down it goes away for the most part.
I do not calibrate before every flight. I noticed it was off on the prior flight.
Thanks for the comment. |