Flight distance : 136273 ft
United States
Blackbeagle Posted at 2017-2-28 11:25
Yeah man, I'm in the camp as the other. There's no reason to do it. In fact, you're creating more risks than anything else for yourself. From what I saw, you were 6-10ft off the water, not 1-3 ft. But hey, it's your drone. You fly however, you want to fly. Have fun.
The bridge is only 15 feet above the water. Then the trusses hang down 3 feet underneath. That only leaves about 12 feet. Normally. We measured it when towing a double decker boat down river. If it rains a lot it is much less. In dry season it is more. The big bridge is 400 feet from the water to the surface. I have touched the water a few times with my landing gear, and you are correct. It creates a big risk. I fly em like I stole em. I don't care if they crash as long as nobody else can possibly get hurt. They make new Drones everyday. Just costs a few dollars.
Thanks for the comment. |