Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States
MikeQView Posted at 2017-3-3 05:59
physics suggests that the craft will only move up or down whilst G is accelerating, (unless the elevator was in a vacuum, the mavic cant fly in a vacuum anyway though!) i have flown quads in campervans while moving and the G acceleration is the thing to look for, any over taking or rapid braking would see the quad move a fair bit inside the vehicle, but remember the air in side the vessel is moving mostly at the same speed as the vessel it self, so when g is zero its a piece of cake, i must add that was flying 150 and 250 race drones and not a mavic, what the mavic will make of its environment moving is anyones guess, after all it has difficulties when the ground stays still ! so if you start moving the ground and the craft i guess it will have a spaz momment LOL
STOP making me laugh whilst I'm drinking coffee!!! (the bit about it having difficulties "when the ground stays still"). I'm still LMAO typing this!!