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Cant get any updates WHY ?
1191 8 2017-3-6
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Howie Dog 67
Flight distance : 2661 ft
United States

Hello everyone, If someone had a issue like I am having can u please respond an tell me how to fix. I have a Phantom 3 4k (wifi) version, and at this time my DJI GO App is 3.1.3 and my Firmware Version is 1.5.40 . I have been trying to update the bird for 2 weeks now and it will not get the update banner when i connect to it. Everything works , I connect to it, have camera display, can start an turn off motors. Says in the Aircrat Status Overall Status [Latest Firmware!]. I just wanna be safe an get the lates updates so everything is synced correctly. At this time I no i can fly it, but will it be safe. And yes i deleted the GO APP several times an reinstalled, still no update. Dont no if you can update RC OR QUAD by USB. Tryed phones and different tablets still same problem. Wifi in house working correctly. Any help for me to try will be much appreciated. Thanks all
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

Are you connecting the device with the Go app to your RC and AC, all powered on and linked (RC wifi). Then switch over to home wifi, same device with the Go app still running?
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Howie Dog 67
Flight distance : 2661 ft
United States

I turn on rc then quad connect tablet to phantom rc wifi have all controls. I can fly if need be, have camera function.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

Howie Dog 67 Posted at 2017-3-6 12:34
I turn on rc then quad connect tablet to phantom rc wifi have all controls. I can fly if need be, have camera function.

My question is after you connect to the RC/AV, disconnect from the remote's wifi and switch right over to the home wifi with the Go app still loaded should give you the update message.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 85682 ft
United States

I believe there is no further update for the P3 4K beyond what you have. I have  one too, and it has never shown update since first out of box update.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


The latest firmware version for P3 4K is v1.5.40, I think you already have the latest one.
Please fly it and check the performance, if everything functions properly, enjoy it.
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Howie Dog 67
Flight distance : 2661 ft
United States

My bad. I thought it was similar to the Phantom 3 Standard, and I thought they had firmware update to 1.8. Dont  see Phantom 3 4k listed in forum and assumed the updates where for both wifi versions. Thanks for your help.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Howie Dog 67 Posted at 2017-3-7 02:59
My bad. I thought it was similar to the Phantom 3 Standard, and I thought they had firmware update to 1.8. Dont  see Phantom 3 4k listed in forum and assumed the updates where for both wifi versions. Thanks for your help.

The P3 4K and Standard are completely different units. While they have similar characteristics, they do not have the same updates.
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Howie Dog 67
Flight distance : 2661 ft
United States

I appreciate the help. I did call DJI an forgot the gentlemans name, he sent me a file to my g-mail account to update my quad, an I do believe it was 1.5.40. Thought he  might have told me there where no updates for that particular quad since I already told him what firmware version I was on? I even had another chat message with another DJI employee and told him what device i was using, firmware version . He told me to delete  an reinstall the GO APP and rebind my RC to quad. My problem was solved thanks to you all. But can we some how get a Phantom 3 4k forum for that particular  quad . just in case another problem does occur . We have nothing on the forum for this quad as i see of as now.
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