I was out running through some tests on my Mavic Pro this past weekend and discovered that once a landing sequence has been initiated (where the Mavic pauses about a foot off the ground before gently landing), it can't be stopped. In the past I was able to abort the sequence by applying throttle/up stick, which saved my UAV from crashing at least once. Was this changed in the most-recent FW release? Is there a setting that got unset that I'm unaware of?
After reading this post and a few others mentioning the inability to cancel an auto landing sequence, I finally got a chance to test this out today, and I can confirm what CAAirborne has said above. There appears to be NO WAY to cancel the auto landing sequence once it has started.
In the past, I already discovered that the Pause button wouldn't cancel an auto-landing sequence (which seemed bad enough), but it was still possible to cancel one by throttling up. This no longer works, which means there seems to be no way to stop the Mavic from landing once the sequence has started.
This has to be a bug, or else a really bad decision on the part of somebody at DJI. Please, DJI, give us back the ability to cancel auto-landing! I would prefer if both the throttle and the Pause button would do it, since the Pause button works to cancel or stop just about everything else. If we don't get back the ability to cancel it, I can imagine there will be a lot more stories of Mavics crashing or landing in places they weren't supposed to (eg. into water).
Here's a video of me trying to cancel auto landings today: (Towards the end of the video, I also tested the Pause button during an RTH landing, and thankfully that still works)
Jason Lane Posted at 2017-3-18 09:57
After reading this post and a few others mentioning the inability to cancel an auto landing sequence, I finally got a chance to test this out today, and I can confirm what CAAirborne has said above. There appears to be NO WAY to cancel the auto landing sequence once it has started.
In the past, I already discovered that the Pause button wouldn't cancel an auto-landing sequence (which seemed bad enough), but it was still possible to cancel one by throttling up. This no longer works, which means there seems to be no way to stop the Mavic from landing once the sequence has started.
Jason, thanks for the confirmation. In my humble opinion, (nearly) every automatic function in any UAV should have some sort of pilot override. There are too many situations where a UAV could make a wrong decision and cause damage or harm. DJI, could you weigh in on this? DJI-Ken?
CAAirborne Posted at 2017-3-20 07:03
Jason, thanks for the confirmation. In my humble opinion, (nearly) every automatic function in any UAV should have some sort of pilot override. There are too many situations where a UAV could make a wrong decision and cause damage or harm. DJI, could you weigh in on this? DJI-Ken?
Actually, I found out from some other forum users that it's possible to cancel the autolanding by flicking the Sport mode switch. It's definitely not ideal, but at least it's something that works. I did a follow-up video and post about it. I still hope DJI fixes this. Both throttle and Pause should work to cancel an autolanding.
I wish DJI would start putting this info in the firmware update description, something " auto land wont work anymore"or " if you update your mavic will be much slower" ???? Lol , this is why they don't say anything cause nobody would update.
R&L Aerial Posted at 2017-3-20 08:13
I wish DJI would start putting this info in the firmware update description, something " auto land wont work anymore"or " if you update your mavic will be much slower" ???? Lol , this is why they don't say anything cause nobody would update.
Totally agree. Most software/firmware releases will have full release notes, indicating new features, bug fixes, etc. Often only a summary of new/fixed stuff will be associated with the release announcement, but links are provided to the complete release notes for those who are interested or who are developers.
I did a little checking on the DJI web site and couldn't find anything on Mavic FW releases... perhaps it's buried somewhere? (Not literally "buried", but available somewhere else on the site... trying to be mindful of slang and non-English readers.)
Totally agree everything being said here. I really wonder why they wouldn't let the pilot override the landing feature. Why change something like that without letting the user know. Because if it acted a certain way and then changes user will be crashing drones into water left and right. I've seen several stories this week.
This is a MAJOR problem. Someone reported that DJI has said this was an intentional change. Everyone, please "politely request" that they return the option to abort the autolanding. It makes no sense to not allow the ability to abort.
A work-around that I tested yesterday is to disable Landing Protection, which will allow you to hover a few cm above the ground without a landing being induced and while retaining control (be mindful of the dust you might stir up!). I don't think I'll personally disable Landing Protection all the time, but only when I really need that control to maintain flight near the ground surface.
A work-around that I tested yesterday is to disable Landing Protection, which will allow you to hover a few cm above the ground without a landing being induced and while retaining control (be mindful of the dust you might stir up!). I don't think I'll personally disable Landing Protection all the time, but only when I really need that control to maintain flight near the ground surface.
Well that's all great. I was flying mine over water and hovering low.... the auto land sequence started and I could not stop it - I tried "up stick" but it made no difference. I didn't have time to try anything else. The result was one waterlogged and broken DJI Mavic Pro.
I was hovering low over water... the auto-landing sequence started, and I watched as it sank into the water with me pushing hard on that left-hand "up" stick. Then I discover that it's not possible to abort the thing. So that's one completely useless drone thanks to this one defect. And DJI want to charge me full retail for a replacement. Hmm.
philw4 Posted at 2017-4-15 01:53
I was hovering low over water... the auto-landing sequence started, and I watched as it sank into the water with me pushing hard on that left-hand "up" stick. Then I discover that it's not possible to abort the thing. So that's one completely useless drone thanks to this one defect. And DJI want to charge me full retail for a replacement. Hmm.
Just updated to the latest firmware on my replacement machine... and with this version it's possible to cancel auto-landing.
They fixed the problem.
Now I need to get them to agree that I shouldn't be paying for a problem they have now fixed.
philw4 Posted at 2017-4-15 01:53
I was hovering low over water... the auto-landing sequence started, and I watched as it sank into the water with me pushing hard on that left-hand "up" stick. Then I discover that it's not possible to abort the thing. So that's one completely useless drone thanks to this one defect. And DJI want to charge me full retail for a replacement. Hmm.
Just updated to the latest firmware on my replacement machine... and with this version it's possible to cancel auto-landing.
They fixed the problem.
Now I need to get them to agree that I shouldn't be paying for a problem they have now fixed.
R&L Aerial Posted at 2017-3-20 08:13
I wish DJI would start putting this info in the firmware update description, something " auto land wont work anymore"or " if you update your mavic will be much slower" ???? Lol , this is why they don't say anything cause nobody would update.
You mean you're also not a fan of their "fixed issues" patch notes, welcome to the club... Completely unacceptable to make changes like this and not list them. Real sloppy
philw4 Posted at 2017-4-26 09:08
Just updated to the latest firmware on my replacement machine... and with this version it's possible to cancel auto-landing.
They fixed the problem.
I just looked through the DJI FW release notes and neither the removal of landing abort nor the addition back of landing abort were in those notes. I have not checked the most recent update to the manual. Since the release notes are pretty sparse, are we expected to test every feature or flight function after each FW update? That's a pretty long list. I would hope DJI would provide more-detailed FW release notes on ALL changes.
Sure hope they understand that your (philw4) Mavic took a swim because they had changed something on their end and not due to pilot error.
CAAirborne Posted at 2017-4-26 09:19
I just looked through the DJI FW release notes and neither the remove of landing abort nor the addition back of landing abort were in those notes. I have not checked the most recent update to the manual. Since the release notes are pretty sparse, are we expected to test every feature or flight function after each FW update? That's a pretty long list. I would hope DJI would provide more-detailed FW release notes on ALL changes.
Sure hope they understand that your (philw4) Mavic took a swim because they had changed something on their end and not due to pilot error.
In that big thread about landing mode.... There are a few of users who crashed their drone in water. Some were even thinking about suing DJI. But the fact that many users most likely crashed their drones into water. And DJI secretly fixed it. It makes you wonder.....
jeebs-9 Posted at 2017-4-26 09:26
In that big thread about landing mode.... There are a few of users who crashed their drone in water. Some were even thinking about suing DJI. But the fact that many users most likely crashed their drones into water. And DJI secretly fixed it. It makes you wonder.....
I'm now negotiating with DJI now about:
(1) the return of my drowned machine, which is my property not theirs;
(2) some financial settlement as the auto-land was caused by this "can't cancel auto landing" which this thread shows was a problem which they've fixed, release notes or not.
That defect cost me one replacement machine, at full retail. That's not right, and I'm trying to get them to put it right.
jeebs-9 Posted at 2017-4-26 09:26
In that big thread about landing mode.... There are a few of users who crashed their drone in water. Some were even thinking about suing DJI. But the fact that many users most likely crashed their drones into water. And DJI secretly fixed it. It makes you wonder.....
I'm now negotiating with DJI now about:
(1) the return of my drowned machine, which is my property not theirs;
(2) some financial settlement as the auto-land was caused by this "can't cancel auto landing" which this thread shows was a problem which they've fixed, release notes or not.
That defect cost me one replacement machine, at full retail. That's not right, and I'm trying to get them to put it right.
I just issued proceedings in the UK against DJI to recover my damages for this defect. I'll report back once I either lose or get my money back. I do have copies of the thread and other evidence, in case it should "go missing".
Why indeed. You're missing something. With that version of the firmware, if you were hovering over water then if you got too low, it would initiate auto land. You would not need to hold the left stick. In fact you'd be, like me, pushing that sucker up for all you're worth, as you watch it drown itself in the water.
As per thread title (and there are other threads), if it started to auto land, which it did simply by getting too close to the water, you were screwed.
philw4 Posted at 2017-6-28 02:51
Why indeed. You're missing something. With that version of the firmware, if you were hovering over water then if you got too low, it would initiate auto land. You would not need to hold the left stick. In fact you'd be, like me, pushing that sucker up for all you're worth, as you watch it drown itself in the water.
As per thread title (and there are other threads), if it started to auto land, which it did simply by getting too close to the water, you were screwed.
ah really ? so if its really low it initiates landing ? didn't realise that apologies, in that case yep i see where this could end in trouble
Same thing happened to me. The Mavic went into auto landing 200 feet up. I was not able to cancel pause or throttle up. Luckily it landed safely on someone's front lawn a block away. Could have been disastrous.
Hi philw4. I just had a similar experience. I was coming in to land in tripod mode on a busy street. When it got 6 feet high I hit pause button so I could manually land when no cars were coming. But it didn't stop and just landed by it's self. I'm lucky it didn't get hit or run over by a car because it wouldn't have been they're fault. You should definitely get your money back for lost magic. When this happened I only had seconds to try to abort landing. Steve
This defect caused my drone to "land" in a river, which destroyed it.
DJI refused any refund or compromise.
I bought a (full price) new drone from DJI, and paid their repair fee.
I then discovered that the crash was caused by DJI's firmware defect.
I asked them to take at least some responsibility for that, which they refused for a couple of months.
I instructed my debit card company to charge back the original transaction to DJI.
Today I received confirmation that I have all of my money back.
I think you could say that I'm not impressed, but at least I won.
(And thanks to all the people here who found and reported this issue.
I knew I had not crashed the thing, but I could not explain what happened until I read these posts.
Jason Lane Posted at 2017-3-18 09:57
After reading this post and a few others mentioning the inability to cancel an auto landing sequence, I finally got a chance to test this out today, and I can confirm what CAAirborne has said above. There appears to be NO WAY to cancel the auto landing sequence once it has started.
In the past, I already discovered that the Pause button wouldn't cancel an auto-landing sequence (which seemed bad enough), but it was still possible to cancel one by throttling up. This no longer works, which means there seems to be no way to stop the Mavic from landing once the sequence has started.
"Please, DJI, give us back the ability to cancel auto-landing! "
Yeah I second this as well. Glad I read this now before my MP returns from the shop. Geeesshhh need that cancel option for the those emergency situations.