My first aerial photo
1682 14 2017-3-18
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Flight distance : 112169 ft

Just got my Mavic, and found some time to fly today (the weather was not good for flying, but there was a gap which I used). I'm quite happy with the first results, although the horizon was slightly tilted (lower towards the right, which I solved in the edit). Took the photo in RAW, and edited in Lightroom 6.


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Flight distance : 243753 ft

Very nice picture, with me being in the same region as you, i can say you must have balls of st**l bringing your mavic up today :-)
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bunny too
Flight distance : 13442 ft
United States

Very nice!  good color and balance.
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United States

Really nice......  looks like the curvature of the earth
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Flight distance : 112169 ft

Mcdudeflut Posted at 2017-3-18 13:53
Very nice picture, with me being in the same region as you, i can say you must have balls of st**l bringing your mavic up today :-)

I just really wanted to go out and fly, and grabbed the opportunity when it was kinda dry. The Mavic did get a few small drops of rain, but I quit before it got worse, and because some people came to walk their dogs. I was in a relatively large open field, and started in beginner mode. But after maybe 10 minutes I was bored of the slow flying and 30 meter limitations, thus took it out of beginner mode and flew around a lot faster. It became really fun that way. I haven't tried sport mode yet, that's a bit too much for a first flight.
I don't have to work today or tomorrow, but the forecast is worse than yesterday: less rain today but too much wind, and lot's of rain tomorrow. My next chance will be Wednesday afternoon, and the weather forecast is very good for that day!
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Flight distance : 1905381 ft
United States

Nice job!".................
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3652379 ft
United States

Nice! It looks like you have a lot of space to fly and nice scenery to capture. The aged building caught my attention - what's the story? :-)
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United States

Beautiful picture! I hope you enjoy your Mavic. I know I cant wait to get mine back.
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Flight distance : 112169 ft

mmee Posted at 2017-3-20 10:07
Beautiful picture! I hope you enjoy your Mavic. I know I cant wait to get mine back.

Thanks. I'm would love t enjoy it, but the weather hasn't let me. It's all hard wind and rain on my days off... But the forecast seems good, so I might get some proper time in the air very soon.
I hope yours doesn't stay out there for too long so you can fly too.
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Flight distance : 112169 ft

digitalintruder Posted at 2017-3-20 08:55
Nice! It looks like you have a lot of space to fly and nice scenery to capture. The aged building caught my attention - what's the story? :-)

The place where I did this first flight is in the Purmer, a place that once, years back used to be a lake. The water surrounding it is actually higher than the grounds, some typical Dutch engineering to create more land. The field doesn't have much water around it, making it safe to fly. Too bad it's meant for industrial buildings, which haven't been build there for years.
The farmhouse seems quite old, and I don't know much about it. Other than the fact that it looks like it could use a paint job and possibly more. It's still habited. They have quite a nice, natural garden (although to be called a garden it could use some work) where during the springtime a swam has it's nest.
The white long building are/used to be stables. Behind the trees you should be able to see a red tiled roof, which is the actual house.

I pass it when going to a bigger place with a few more shops if I need something, and I always like the looks and dream of how I'd improve the place if it were mine. But if it ever would go for sale it would be too expensive. It's quite large, with a lot of ground. Close enough to some nice villages with proper shops, and close enough to Amsterdam to be expensive.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3652379 ft
United States

dirkjan82 Posted at 2017-3-20 12:42
The place where I did this first flight is in the Purmer, a place that once, years back used to be a lake. The water surrounding it is actually higher than the grounds, some typical Dutch engineering to create more land. The field doesn't have much water around it, making it safe to fly. Too bad it's meant for industrial buildings, which haven't been build there for years.
The farmhouse seems quite old, and I don't know much about it. Other than the fact that it looks like it could use a paint job and possibly more. It's still habited. They have quite a nice, natural garden (although to be called a garden it could use some work) where during the springtime a swam has it's nest.
The white long building are/used to be stables. Behind the trees you should be able to see a red tiled roof, which is the actual house.

That farm does look nice - I just googled the distance between that area (Purmer and Amsterdam - looks like a decent distance.) I have a large property - way too much work to maintain it :-)

I love Amsterdam  - I spent some time there on business, and didn't want to come home :-) I also spent a few weeks in Breda (and Germany). I love the food and architecture there - you have some nice things to photograph over that way.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
  • >>>

Nice picture, keep going good job..
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

I think I'm going blind ---- you have an eye sharp as chit ---- I think it looks good --- I would have never noticed the Tilt if you didn't say it
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Flight distance : 112169 ft

SkunkWerxs Posted at 2017-3-21 11:49
I think I'm going blind ---- you have an eye sharp as chit ---- I think it looks good --- I would have never noticed the Tilt if you didn't say it

The image above is slightly cropped from straightening it in Lightroom. It wasn't much, but i thought I saw it and simply had to draw a straight line one the horizon for a that small fix.

And my eye is less sharp now for a few days. My daughter accidentally hit it with her hand yesterday, leaving a minor scratch (which is already gone today according to the doctor). Just 1 or 2 more days until everything should be back to 100% normal.
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Flight distance : 231217 ft
United States

dirkjan82 Posted at 2017-3-21 13:42
The image above is slightly cropped from straightening it in Lightroom. It wasn't much, but i thought I saw it and simply had to draw a straight line one the horizon for a that small fix.

And my eye is less sharp now for a few days. My daughter accidentally hit it with her hand yesterday, leaving a minor scratch (which is already gone today according to the doctor). Just 1 or 2 more days until everything should be back to 100% normal.

Dirk ,

I was talking to a friend of mine he is in Boating and deep sea fishing
He said when your out on the ocean 13 miles or more you can see the curvature of the earth on the horizon
can it possibly be that your Mavic was not in a very stable position ---- because I do see a small curvature
in the horizon ------- Now that I'm in Eye Balling basic training  lol
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